< Matthæus 7 >

1 Dømmer ikke, for at I ikke skulle dømmes; thi med hvad Dom I dømme, skulle I dømmes,
“Do not talk about how sinfully others have acted, in order that God will not say how sinfully you have acted.
2 og med hvad Mål I måle, skal der tilmåles eder.
If you condemn [other people], [God] will condemn you. To the same extent that you condemn others, you will be condemned {[God] will condemn you}.
3 Men hvorfor ser du Skæven, som er i din Broders Øje, men Bjælken i dit eget Øje bliver du ikke var?
(None of you should be concerned [about someone else’s small faults] [MET]!/Why should any of you be concerned [about someone else’s small faults]?) [MET, RHQ] [That would be like noticing] a speck in that person’s eye. But you should [be concerned about your own big faults. They are like] [MET] planks in your own eye, which you do not notice.
4 Eller hvorledes kan du sige til din Broder: Lad mig drage Skæven ud af dit Øje; og se, Bjælken er i dit eget Øje.
(You should not say to other people [about their minor faults], ‘Let me remove the specks from your eyes!’/Why do you say to other people [about their minor faults], ‘Let me remove the specks from your eyes?’) [RHQ] [You should not say that] if a plank is still in your own eye [MET].
5 Du Hykler! drag først Bjælken ud af dit Øje, og da kan du se klart til at tage Skæven ud af din Broders Øje.
You hypocrite, [stop committing your own sins! That will be like] removing the plank from your own eye [MET]. Then, as a result, you will be able to perceive things spiritually so that you can help other people get rid of the [faults] [MET] [that are like] specks in their eyes.”
6 Giver ikke Hunde det hellige, kaster ikke heller eders Perler for Svin, for at de ikke skulle nedtræde dem med deres Fødder og vende sig og sønderrive eder.
“You do not give holy things to dogs [that would ignore those things] and attack you [CHI]. You do not throw pearls in front of hogs, [because they would just ignore them] and trample them. [Similarly], do not give [precious spiritual truth to people you know will not value it but instead will do evil things to you].”
7 Beder, så skal eder gives; søger, så skulle I finde; banker på, så skal der lukkes op for eder.
“Keep asking [God for what you need]. If you do that, [he] will give it to you. Confidently keep [expecting God to give you the things that you need, and he will give them to you. It will be like] [MET] looking for what you need and finding it. Keep on [praying persistently to God. Then God will answer you. It will be like] [MET] knocking [on a door in order to enter a room]. And the way will be opened {[God] will open the way} for you [to get what you pray for].
8 Thi hver den, som beder, han får, og den, som søger, han finder, og den, som banker på, for ham skal der lukkes op.
Remember that [God] will give things to everyone who continues to ask [him for them]. [He] will give things to whoever confidently keeps asking. [He] will open [the way] for people [to get the things that they keep persistently praying for].
9 Eller hvilket Menneske er der iblandt eder, som, når hans Søn beder ham om Brød, vil give ham en Sten?
(No man among you would give a stone to his son if his son were to ask for bread./Would anyone among you give a stone to his son if his son were to ask for bread?) [RHQ]
10 Eller når han beder ham om en Fisk, mon han da vil give ham en Slange?
Likewise, (no man would give a [poisonous] snake to his son if his son would ask for a fish./would anyone give a [poisonous] snake to his son if his son would ask for a fish?) [RHQ]
11 Dersom da I, som ere onde, vide at give eders Børn gode Gaver, hvor meget mere skal eders Fader, som er i Himlene, give dem gode Gaver, som bede ham!
You, who are evil, know how to give good things to your children. So [God], your Father who is in heaven, will certainly give good things to the people who ask him.”
12 Altså, alt hvad I ville, at Menneskene skulle gøre imod eder, det skulle også I gøre imod dem; thi dette er Loven og Profeterne.
“So in whatever way you want others to act toward you [(pl)], that is the way you [(pl)] should act toward them, because that [sums up what Moses wrote in] the laws [that God gave him] and [also what] the prophets [wrote long ago].”
13 Går ind ad den snævre Port; thi den Port er vid, og den Vej er bred, som fører til Fortabelsen, og de ere mange, som gå ind ad den;
“[Going to] where people live eternally [with God in heaven] is difficult. [It is like] going along a narrow road [PRS, MET] that leads to a narrow gate. Not many people find that way. [The way] that most [people take] is easy, [but it results in their being punished] {[God punishing them]} [in hell. That way is like a] wide road that people walk on [PRS, MET] until they reach the wide gate, but that road and that gate lead to where [they] will be destroyed {[God] will destroy them}. Many people enter that gate. So I [am telling you to leave the wide road and] enter the narrow gate [to heaven].” (questioned)
14 thi den Port er snæver, og den Vej er trang, som fører til Livet og de er få, som finde den
15 Men vogter eder for de falske Profeter, som komme til eder i Fåreklæder, men indvortes ere glubende Ulve.
“Beware of people who come to you and say falsely that they are telling you [what God has said]. [They seem to be harmless, but they are extremely harmful. They are like] wolves that have covered themselves with sheepskins [to make people believe that they are sheep] [MET], but they actually are wolves that attack people [MET].
16 Af deres Frugter skulle I kende dem. Sanker man vel Vindruer af Torne eller Figener af Tidsler?
[So how will you know that they are false?] Well, by seeing what plants produce, you know [what kind of plants] they are [MET]. [For example, thornbushes cannot produce grapes], so (no one can pick grapes from thornbushes./can anyone pick grapes from thornbushes?) [RHQ] And [thistles cannot produce figs], so (no one can pick figs from thistles./can anyone pick figs from thistles?) [RHQ]
17 Således bærer hvert godt Træ gode Frugter, men det rådne Træ bærer slette Frugter.
[Here is another example]: All good fruit trees produce good fruit, but all unhealthy trees produce worthless fruit.
18 Et godt Træ kan ikke bære slette Frugter, og et råddent Træ kan ikke bære gode Frugter.
No good fruit tree is able to produce worthless fruit, and no unhealthy tree is able to produce good fruit.
19 Hvert Træ, som ikke bærer god Frugt, omhugges og kastes i Ilden.
[And] all the trees that do not produce good fruit are chopped down and burned in a fire {people chop them down and burn them in a fire} [to get rid of them]. [Similarly], those who falsely claim to be prophets [will be thrown] {[God will throw false prophets]} [into the fires of hell]. (questioned)
20 Altså skulle I kende dem af deres Frugter.
By seeing [what plants] produce, you know [what kind of plants] they are. [Similarly, when you see what the people who come to you do], [you will know if they are false prophets].”
21 Ikke enhver, som siger til mig: Herre, Herre! skal komme ind i Himmeriges Rige, men den, der gør min Faders Villie, som er i Himlene.
“[Even though many] people [habitually] call me ‘Lord’, [pretending that they have my authority], some of them will not go to heaven where God rules, [because they do not do what he desires]. [Only] those people who do what my Father, who is in heaven, desires [will go there].
22 Mange skulle sige til mig på hin Dag: Herre, Herre! have vi ikke profeteret ved dit Navn, og have vi ikke uddrevet onde Ånder ved dit Navn, og have vi ikke gjort mange kraftige Gerninger ved dit Navn?
On the day [MTY] [that God judges everyone], many [people, trying to tell me that they deserve to go to heaven], will say to me, ‘Lord, we(exc) spoke God’s message as your representatives [MTY, RHQ]! As your representatives we(exc) expelled demons from [people] [RHQ]! And as your representatives, many times we(exc) performed miracles [RHQ]!’
23 Og da vil jeg bekende for dem Jeg kendte eder aldrig; viger bort fra mig, I, som øve Uret!
Then I will declare to them, ‘I have never said that you belonged to me. Go away from me, you who do what is evil!’”
24 Derfor, hver den, som hører disse mine Ord og gør efter dem, ham vil jeg ligne ved en forstandig Mand, som byggede sit Hus på Klippen,
“So then, anyone who hears what I say and does what I command, will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.
25 og Skylregnen faldt, og Floderne kom, og Vindene blæste og sloge imod dette Hus, og det faldt ikke; thi det var grundfæstet på Klippen.
[Even though] the rain came down and the river flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house, it did not fall down because it had been built {he built it} on a solid foundation.
26 Og hver den, som hører disse mine Ord og ikke gør efter dem, skal lignes ved en Dåre, som byggede sit Hus på Sandet,
On the other hand, anyone who hears what I say but does not obey what I say will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.
27 og Skylregnen faldt, og Floderne kom, og Vindene blæste og stødte imod dette Hus, og det faldt, og dets Fald var stort."
When the rain fell and the rivers flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house, it crashed down and broke completely apart, [because it was built on the sand. So it is important for you to obey what I teach you].”
28 Og det skete, da Jesus havde fuldendt disse Ord, vare Skarerne slagne af Forundring over hans Lære;
When Jesus finished saying all those things, the [who had been listening to him were] amazed at the [new] teaching that he had taught them.
29 thi han lærte dem som en, der havde Myndighed, og ikke som deres skriftkloge.
The reason they were amazed was that he was teaching as a person does who has authority. He was not teaching like the men who taught the [Jewish] laws, [who just repeated what other people had taught them].

< Matthæus 7 >