< Dommer 20 >

1 Da rykkende alle Israelitterne ud, og Menigheden samledes som een Mand fra Dan til Be'ersjeba for HERREN i Mizpa; også fra Gileads Land kom de.
All the Israelis, from Dan [city in the north] to Beersheba [city in the south], and even from [the] Gilead [region on the east side of the Jordan River, heard what had happened. So they] they gathered together at Mizpah, [at the place where they worshiped] Yahweh.
2 Alle Folkets Støtter, alle Israels Stammer indfandt sig i Guds Folks Forsamling, 400000 Mand Fodfolk, væbnet med Sværd.
The leaders of [eleven of] the tribes of Israel stood in front of the people who gathered there. There were 400,000 men with swords who were there.
3 Benjaminiterne hørte, at Israelitterne var draget op til Mizpa. Og Israelitterne sagde: "Fortæl dog, hvorledes denne Misgerning gik for sig!"
The people of the tribe of Benjamin heard that the other Israelis had gone up to Mizpah, [but none of the men from their tribe went to the meeting there]. The Israelis who had come to Mizpah asked about the evil thing that had happened.
4 Da tog Manden, Leviten, den myrdede Kvindes Mand, til Orde og sagde: "Jeg og min Medhustru kom til Gibea i Benjamin for at overnatte der.
So the husband of the woman who had been killed replied, “My slave wife and I came to Gibeah [city], wanting to stay there that night.
5 Så rejste Gibeas Borgere sig imod mig og omringede mig om Natten i Huset; mig vilde de dræbe, og min Medhustru skændede de, så at hun døde.
That evening, the men of Gibeah came to attack me. They surrounded the house [where I was staying] and wanted to [have sex with me and then] kill me. They [raped and] abused my slave wife [all night], and she died.
6 Da tog jeg min Medhustru, skar hende i Stykker og sendte Stykkerne rundt i hele Israels Arvelods Område, fordi de havde begået grov Utugt og Skændselsdåd i Israel!
I took her body home and cut it into pieces. Then I sent one piece to each area of Israel, [because I wanted you all to know about] this wicked and disgraceful/shameful thing [that] has been done here in Israel.
7 Nu er I her, alle Israelitter, sig nu eders Mening og kom med eders Råd!"
So now, all you Israeli people, speak, and tell me what you think should be done!”
8 Da rejste hele Folket sig som een Mand og sagde: "Ingen af os vil vende hjem, ingen af os vil begive sig til sit Hus!
All the people stood up, and in unison said, “None of us will go home! Not one of us will return to his house!
9 Men således vil vi handle med Gibea: Vi vil drage op imod det efter Lodkastning,
This is what we must do to [the people of] Gibeah. First, we will (cast lots/throw marked stones) [to determine which group should attack them].
10 og vi vil udtage ti Mænd af hundrede af alle Israels Stammer, hundrede af tusind og tusind af titusind til at hente Fødemidler til Folket, til dem, som er kommet for fuldt ud at gengælde Gibea i Benjamin den Skændselsdåd, de har øvet i Israel!"
We will choose (one tenth/one from every ten) of the men from all the Israeli tribes. Those men will go and find food for the men who will go to attack the people of Gibeah. Then the other men will go to Gibeah to (pay the people back/punish them) for this terrible thing that they have done [here] in Israel.”
11 Derpå samlede alle Israels Mænd sig mod Byen, alle som een.
And all the Israeli people agreed [that the people of Gibeah should be punished].
12 Og Israels Stammer sendte Mænd ud i hele Benjamins Stamme og lod sige: "Hvad er det for en Misgerning, der er sket hos eder?
Then the Israeli men sent messengers throughout the tribe of Benjamin. They demanded, “Do you realize that some of your men have done a very evil thing?
13 Udlever nu Mændene i Gibea, de Niddinger, for at vi kan dræbe dem og skaffe Misgerningen bort fra Israel!" Men Benjaminiterne vilde ikke høre deres Brødre Israelitternes Ord.
Bring those wicked men to us, in order that we can execute them. [By doing that], we will be doing what should be done because of this evil thing that has happened in Israel.” But the [people of the] tribe of Benjamin did not pay attention to their fellow Israelis.
14 Og Benjaminiterne stævnede sammen fra deres Byer til Gibea for at drage i Kamp mod Israelitterne.
The men of the tribe of Benjamin left their cities and gathered at Gibeah to fight the [other] Israelis.
15 Da Benjaminiterne fra Byerne mønstredes den bag, udgjorde de 25000 våbenføre Mænd, foruden dem af Gibeas Indbyggere, der mønstredes, 700 udsøgte Krigere;
In that one day the men of the tribe of Benjamin recruited 26,000 soldiers who knew how to fight using swords. They also chose/recruited 700 men from Gibeah.
16 af alle disse Krigsfolk var 700 udvalgte Krigere kejthåndede; de kunde alle slynge med Sten, så de ramte på et Hår uden at fejle.
From all those soldiers there were 700 men who were left-handed, and each of them could sling a stone at [a target that was very small and as narrow as] a hair, and the stone always hit the target!
17 Da Israels Mænd mønstredes, fraregnet Benjamin, udgjorde de 400000 våbenføre Mænd, der alle var Krigere.
There were 400,000 men from the other Israeli tribes who had swords.
18 De brød så op og drog til Betel og rådspurgte Gud; og Israelitterne sagde: "Hvem af os skal først drage i Kamp mod Benjaminiterne?" HERREN svarede: "Det skal Juda!"
Those other Israelis went up to Bethel and asked God, “Which tribe should be the first to attack the men from the tribe of Benjamin?” Yahweh answered, “[The men from the tribe of] Judah should go first.”
19 Så brød Israelitterne op om Morgenen og slog Lejr uden for Gibea.
The next morning, the Israeli men went and set up their tents near Gibeah.
20 Og Israels Mænd rykkede ud til Kamp imod Benjamin, og Israels Mænd stillede sig op til Kamp imod dem for at angribe Gibea.
Then they went to fight against [the men from the tribe of] Benjamin, and stood in their positions for fighting a battle, [facing Gibeah].
21 Men Benjaminiterne gjorde Udfald fra Gibea og fældede den Dag 22000 Mand af Israel.
The men of the tribe of Benjamin came out of Gibeah and fought against them, and they killed 22,000 Israeli men on that day.
22 Folket, Israels Mænd, tog sig da sammen og stillede sig atter op til Kamp på samme Sted som den første Dag;
[Late that afternoon], the [remaining] Israeli men went to the place of worship and cried until the sun set. Then they asked Yahweh, “Should we attack the men of the tribe of Benjamin again, even though they are our fellow Israelis?” Yahweh replied, “Yes, attack them again.” So the Israeli men encouraged each other.
23 Da drog Israelitterne op til Betel og græd lige til Aften for HERRENs Åsyn; og de adspurgte HERREN: "Skal jeg atter tage Kampen op med min Broder Benjamins Sønner?" Og HERREN svarede: "Drag op imod ham!"
24 og Israelitterne rykkede Benjaminiterne på nært Hold den anden Dag.
The next day they again stood in their positions for fighting, just like they had done on the previous day.
25 Men Benjaminiterne gjorde Udfald fra Gibea for at møde dem den anden Dag, og de fældede yderligere 18000 Mand af Israelitterne, alle sammen våbenføre Mænd.
The men of the tribe of Benjamin came out of Gibeah and attacked the Israelis, and killed 18,000 more of their men.
26 Så drog alle Israelitterne, hele Folket, op til Betel; og de græd og sad der for HERRENs Åsyn og fastede den Dag lige til Aften, og de ofrede Brændofre og Takofre for HERRENs Åsyn.
[In the afternoon], all the people of Israel [who had not been killed] again went to Bethel. There they sat down and cried to Yahweh, and they (fasted/abstained from eating food) until it was evening. They brought some offerings which they burned completely [on the altar], and they also brought some offerings to maintain fellowship with Yahweh.
27 Derpå rådspurgte Israelitterne HERREN i de Dage var Guds Pagts Ark der,
At that time, the Sacred Chest that contained the stone tablets on which were written the Ten Commandments was there at Bethel. A priest named Phinehas, the son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron, often stood in front of that chest [and talked with Yahweh]. While he stood there on that day, he asked Yahweh, “Shall we go again to fight against our fellow Israelis from the tribe of Benjamin, or shall we stop fighting against them?” Yahweh answered, “Go again tomorrow, because tomorrow I will enable you to defeat them.”
28 og Pinehas, en Søn af Arons Søn Eleazar, gjorde i de Dage Tjeneste ved den - og de sagde: "Skal jeg atter drage i Kamp mod min Broder Benjamins Sønner eller lade være?" HERREN svarede: "Drag i Kamp, thi i Morgen giver jeg ham i din Hånd!"
29 Israelitterne lagde nu Baghold rundt om Gibea.
So [the next day, 10,000 of] the Israeli men (set up ambushes/went to hide) [in the fields] around Gibeah.
30 Og Israelitterne drog op mod Benjaminiterne på den tredje Dag og stillede sig op til Angreb på Gibea ligesom de tidligere Gange.
The [other] Israeli men went and stood in their positions for fighting a battle just like they had done on the previous days.
31 Da nu Benjaminiterne gjorde Udfald mod Hæren, blev de afskåret fra Byen og lokket ud på Vejene til Betel og Gibeon; til at begynde med huggede de nogle al Folkene ned på åben Mark ligesom de tidligere Gange, omtrent tredive Mand af Israel,
When the men of the tribe of Benjamin came out of the city to fight against them, the Israeli men retreated away from the city, and the men of the tribe of Benjamin pursued them. The men of the tribe of Benjamin killed many Israelis, like they had done before. They killed about 30 Israelis. They killed some in the fields, and they killed some on the road that went to Bethel and on the road that went to Gibeah.
32 og Benjaminiterne tænkte nu: "Vi har slået dem ligesom før!" Men Israelitterne sagde: Lad os flygte og således afskære dem fra Byen og lokke dem ud på Vejene!"
The men of the tribe of Benjamin said, “We are defeating them like we did before!” But then Israeli men did what they had planned. The main group of Israeli men retreated a short distance from the city, to [trick] the men of Gibeah and cause them to pursue the Israeli men along the roads outside the city.
33 Så brød alle Israels Mænd op fra deres Plads og stillede sig op til Kamp i Ba'al-Tamar, medens Bagholdet brød op fra sin Plads vesten for Geba.
The main group of Israeli men left their positions and retreated, and then they stood in their battle positions again at a place named Baal-Tamar.
34 Nu rykkede 10000 Mand, udvalgte Folk af hele Israel, frem for Gibea, og Kampen blev hård; men de vidste ikke, at Ulykken var ved at ramme dem.
Then [while the men of Gibeah were running out of the city toward them], the other 10,000 Israelis came out from the places where they had been hiding, west of Gibeah. They were men who had come from all parts of Israel. There was a very big battle. But the men of the tribe of Benjamin did not know that they were about to suffer a disastrous defeat.
35 Så slog HERREN Benjamin foran Israel, og Israelitterne fældede den Dag 25100 Mand af Benjamin, alle våbenføre Mænd;
Yahweh enabled the Israeli men to defeat the men of the tribe of Benjamin. They killed 25,000 of them, even though they all were using swords. [This is what happened]:
36 da indså Benjaminiterne, at de var slagne. Israelitterne trak sig tilbage for Benjamin, idet de stolede på Bagholdet, de havde lagt mod Gibea;
The main group of Israeli men arranged with the men who would be hiding that they should send up a smoke signal to enable the main group of soldiers to know when they should attack. Then the main group of Israeli men retreated for a short distance, because they knew that the other Israeli men who had been hiding on the other side of Gibeah would attack the people of the tribe of Benjamin by surprise. So [after the main group of Israeli men retreated a little distance], the men who had been hiding rushed out and ran into Gibeah and used their swords to kill everyone in the city. [Then they started to burn the buildings].
37 og Bagholdet kastede sig i en Fart over Gibea og drog frem og huggede hele Byens Befolkning ned med Sværdet.
38 Der var truffet den Aftale mellem Israels Mænd og Bagholdet, at de skulde lade en Røgsøjle stige op fra Byen.
39 Da Israels Mænd vendte om i Kampen, huggede Benjamin til at begynde med henved tredive af Israels Mænd ned, thi de tænkte: "Visselig, vi har slået dem ligesom i den forrige Kamp."
By that time, the men of the tribe of Benjamin said, “We are winning the battle, as we did before!”
40 Da nu Søjlen, Røgstøtten, begyndte at stige op fra Byen, vendte Benjamin sig om, og se, Røgen slog op mod Himmelen fra hele Byen,
But then smoke [from the burning buildings] began to rise up from the city. The men of the tribe of Benjamin turned around and saw that the whole city was burning.
41 og samtidig vendte Israels Mænd om fra Flugten. Da blev Benjamins Mænd forfærdede, thi de indså, at Ulykken havde ramt dem;
Then the main group of Israeli men [also saw the smoke, and they knew that the smoke signaled that they should] turn around and begin to attack. The men of the tribe of Benjamin were very afraid, because they realized that they were about to suffer a disastrous defeat.
42 og de gjorde omkring for Israels Mænd og flygtede ad Ørkenen til. Men Kampen fortsattes i Hælene på dem. Og de fra Byerne huggede ned for Fode iblandt dem;
So the men of the tribe of Benjamin tried to run away toward the desert to escape from the Israeli men, but they were not able to escape, because the Israeli men who had burned the two cities came out of those cities and killed many of them.
43 de omringede Benjaminiterne og forfulgte dem, til de havde Geba foran sig mod Øst.
They surrounded [some of] the men of the tribe of Benjamin, and pursued the others to the area east of Gibeah.
44 Af Benjamin faldt 18000 Mand, lutter dygtige Krigere.
They killed 18,000 strong soldiers of the tribe of Benjamin.
45 De gjorde omkring og flygtede og deres Forfølgere gjorde på Vejene en Efterhøst på 5000 Mand: de forfulgte dem skarpt, til de fik dem tilintetgjort, og huggede 2000 Mand ned af dem.
Then the rest of the men of the tribe of Benjamin realized that they had been defeated. They ran toward the desert to Rimmon Rock, but the Israeli men killed 5,000 more men of the tribe of Benjamin along the roads. They pursued the rest of them to Gidom, and they killed 2,000 more men of the tribe of Benjamin there.
46 De, der faldt af Benjamin den Dag, var således i alt 25000 våbenføre Mænd, alle tapre Folk.
Altogether, there were 25,000 men of the tribe of Benjamin who were killed, all of whom had swords.
47 De gjorde omkring og flygtede ud i Ørkenen til Rimmons Klippe, 600 Mand stærke, og blev der i fire Måneder.
But 600 men of the tribe of Benjamin ran to Rimmon Rock in the desert. They stayed there for four months.
48 Men Israels Mænd vendte tilbage til Benjaminiterne og huggede dem ned med Sværdet, både Mennesker og Kvæg, overhovedet alt. hvad der var, og desuden stak de Ild på alle Byerne der.
Then the Israeli men went back to the land belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, and killed the people in every city. They also killed all the animals, and destroyed everything else that they found there. And they burned all the cities that they came to.

< Dommer 20 >