< Jeremias 44 >

1 Det Ord, som kom til Jeremias om alle de Judæere, der boede i Ægypten, i Migdol, Takpankes, Nof og Patros:
[the] word which to be to(wards) Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] Jew [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt [the] to dwell in/on/with Migdol and in/on/with Tahpanhes and in/on/with Memphis and in/on/with land: country/planet Pathros to/for to say
2 Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: I saa selv al den Ulykke, jeg bragte over Jerusalem og alle Judas Byer; se, de ligger nu øde hen, og ingen bor i dem;
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel you(m. p.) to see: see [obj] all [the] distress: harm which to come (in): bring upon Jerusalem and upon all city Judah and look! they desolation [the] day: today [the] this and nothing in/on/with them to dwell
3 det er Straf for det onde, de gjorde, idet de krænkede mig ved at gaa hen og tænde Offerild for og dyrke andre Guder, som hverken de eller deres Fædre før kendte til.
from face: because distress: evil their which to make to/for to provoke me to/for to go: went to/for to offer: offer to/for to serve: minister to/for God another which not to know them they(masc.) you(m. p.) and father your
4 Jeg sendte aarle og silde alle mine Tjenere Profeterne til dem, for at de skulde sige: »Gør dog ikke disse vederstyggelige Ting, som jeg hader!«
and to send: depart to(wards) you [obj] all servant/slave my [the] prophet to rise and to send: depart to/for to say not please to make: do [obj] word: because [the] abomination [the] this which to hate
5 Men de hørte ikke og bøjede ikke deres Øre dertil, saa de omvendte sig fra deres Ondskab og hørte op med at tænde Offerild for andre Guder.
and not to hear: hear and not to stretch [obj] ear their to/for to return: repent from distress: evil their to/for lest to offer: offer to/for God another
6 Derfor udgød min Vrede og Harme sig og luede op i Judas Byer og Jerusalems Gader, saa de blev til Ødemark og Ørk, som de er den Dag i Dag.
and to pour rage my and face: anger my and to burn: burn in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to be to/for desolation to/for devastation like/as day: today [the] this
7 Og nu, saa siger HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, Israels Gud: Hvorfor nedkalder I stor Ulykke over eder selv og udrydder Mænd og Kvinder, Børn og diende af Juda, saa I ikke levner eder nogen Rest,
and now thus to say LORD God Hosts God Israel to/for what? you(m. p.) to make distress: evil great: large to(wards) soul: myself your to/for to cut: eliminate to/for you man and woman infant and to suckle from midst Judah to/for lest to remain to/for you remnant
8 idet I krænker mig med eders Hænders Værker og tænder Offerild for andre Guder i Ægypten, hvor I kom hen for at bo som fremmede? Følgen bliver, at I udrydder eder selv og bliver et Forbandelsens og Spottens Tegn blandt alle Jordens Folk.
to/for to provoke me in/on/with deed hand your to/for to offer: offer to/for God another in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt which you(m. p.) to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there because to cut: eliminate to/for you and because to be you to/for curse and to/for reproach in/on/with all nation [the] land: country/planet
9 Har I glemt de onde Gerninger, eders Fædre og Judas Konger og Fyrster og eders Kvinder gjorde i Judas Land og paa Jerusalems Gader?
to forget [obj] distress: evil father your and [obj] distress: evil king Judah and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife his and [obj] distress: evil your and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife your which to make in/on/with land: country/planet Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem
10 Hidtil har de ikke ydmyget sig; de frygter ikke og vandrer ikke efter min Lov og mine Bud, som jeg forelagde eder og eders Fædre.
not to crush till [the] day: today [the] this and not to fear: revere and not to go: walk in/on/with instruction my and in/on/with statute my which to give: put to/for face: before your and to/for face: before father your
11 Derfor, saa siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: Se, jeg har ondt i Sinde imod eder; jeg vil udrydde hele Juda.
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel look! I to set: make face my in/on/with you to/for distress: harm and to/for to cut: eliminate [obj] all Judah
12 Og jeg tager Judas Rest, dem, som fik i Sinde at drage til Ægypten og bo der som fremmede; de skal alle omkomme i Ægypten; de skal falde for Sværd og Hunger og omkomme, store og smaa; for Sværd og Hunger skal de dø og blive et Edens, Rædselens, Forbandelsens og Spottens Tegn.
and to take: take [obj] remnant Judah which to set: make face their to/for to come (in): come land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there and to finish all in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt to fall: kill in/on/with sword in/on/with famine to finish from small and till great: large in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to die and to be to/for oath to/for horror: appalled and to/for curse and to/for reproach
13 Og jeg hjemsøger dem, der bor i Ægypten, som jeg hjemsøgte Jerusalem, med Sværd, Hunger og Pest.
and to reckon: punish upon [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt like/as as which to reckon: punish upon Jerusalem in/on/with sword in/on/with famine and in/on/with pestilence
14 Og af Judas Rest, dem, der kom til Ægypten for at bo der som fremmede, skal ingen reddes eller undslippe, saa han kan vende hjem til Judas Land, hvor de længes efter at bo igen; nej, ingen skal vende hjem undtagen enkelte, som reddes.
and not to be survivor and survivor to/for remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt and to/for to return: return land: country/planet Judah which they(masc.) to lift: trust [obj] soul: appetite their to/for to return: return to/for to dwell there for not to return: return that if: except if: except survivor
15 Men alle Mændene, der vel vidste, at deres Kvinder tændte Offerild for andre Guder, og alle Kvinderne, som stod der i en stor Klynge, og alt Folket, som boede i Ægypten, i Patros, svarede Jeremias:
and to answer [obj] Jeremiah all [the] human [the] to know for to offer: offer woman: wife their to/for God another and all [the] woman [the] to stand: stand assembly great: large and all [the] people [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with Pathros to/for to say
16 »Det Ord, du har talt til os i HERRENS Navn, vil vi ikke høre;
[the] word which to speak: speak to(wards) us in/on/with name LORD nothing we to hear: hear to(wards) you
17 nej, vi vil opfylde hvert Løfte; som er udgaaet af vor Mund, og tænde Offerild for Himmelens Dronning og udgyde Drikofre for hende, som vi og vore Fædre, vore Konger og Fyrster gjorde det i Judas Byer og paa Jerusalems Gader. Dengang havde vi Brød nok og var lykkelige og kendte ikke til Ulykke;
for to make: do to make: do [obj] all [the] word: thing which to come out: speak from lip our to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering like/as as which to make: do we and father our king our and ruler our in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to satisfy food and to be pleasant and distress: harm not to see: see
18 men fra den Stund vi hørte op med at tænde Offerild for Himmelens Dronning og udgyde Drikofre for hende, led vi Mangel paa alt og omkom ved Sværd og Hunger.
and from the past to cease to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering to lack all and in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to finish
19 Og naar vi tænder Offerild for Himmelens Dronning og udgyder Drikofre for hende, mon det saa er uden vore Mænds Vidende, at vi bager hende Offerkager, som afbilder hende, og udgyder Drikofre for hende?«
and for we to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering from beside human our to make to/for her bun to/for to shape her and to pour to/for her drink offering
20 Jeremias sagde til alt Folket, Mændene, Kvinderne og alt Folket, som havde svaret ham saaledes:
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people upon [the] great man and upon [the] woman and upon all [the] people [the] to answer [obj] him word to/for to say
21 »Mon ikke den Offerild, som I, eders Fædre, eders Konger og Fyrster og Landets Befolkning tændte i Judas Byer og paa Jerusalems Gader, randt HERREN i Hu og kom ham i Tanke?
not [obj] [the] incense which to offer: offer in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem you(m. p.) and father your king your and ruler your and people [the] land: country/planet [obj] them to remember LORD and to ascend: rise upon heart his
22 HERREN kunde ikke mere holde det ud for eders onde Gerninger og de vederstyggelige Ting, I gjorde; derfor blev eders Land til Ørk, til et Rædselens og Forbandelsens Tegn, som det er den Dag i Dag.
and not be able LORD still to/for to lift: bear from face: because evil deed your from face: because [the] abomination which to make and to be land: country/planet your to/for desolation and to/for horror: destroyed and to/for curse from nothing to dwell like/as [the] day: today [the] this
23 Fordi I tændte Offerild og syndede mod HERREN og ikke adlød HERRENS Røst eller fulgte hans Lov, Vedtægter og Vidnesbyrd, derfor ramtes I af denne Ulykke, som varer ved den Dag i Dag.«
from face: because which to offer: offer and which to sin to/for LORD and not to hear: obey in/on/with voice LORD and in/on/with instruction his and in/on/with statute his and in/on/with testimony his not to go: walk upon so to encounter: chanced [obj] you [the] distress: harm [the] this like/as day: today [the] this
24 Og Jeremias sagde til alt Folket og alle Kvinderne: »Hør HERRENS Ord, hele Juda i Ægypten!
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people and to(wards) all [the] woman to hear: hear word LORD all Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
25 Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: I og eders Kvinder lover med eders Mund og opfylder det med eders Hænder! I siger: Vi vil opfylde de Løfter, vi har aflagt, og tænde Offerild for Himmelens Dronning og udgyde Drikofre for hende. Saa hold da eders Løfter og indfri dem!
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel to/for to say you(m. p.) and woman: wife your and to speak: promise in/on/with lip your and in/on/with hand your to fill to/for to say to make: do to make: do [obj] vow our which to vow to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering to arise: establish to arise: establish [obj] vow your and to make: do to make: do [obj] vow your
26 Men hør da ogsaa HERRENS Ord, alle I Judæere, som bor i Ægypten: Se, jeg sværger ved mit store Navn, siger HERREN: Ikke skal mere nogensteds i Ægypten mit Navn nævnes i nogen judæisk Mands Mund, saa han siger: Saa sandt den Herre HERREN lever!
to/for so to hear: hear word LORD all Judah [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt look! I to swear in/on/with name my [the] great: large to say LORD if: surely no to be still name my to call: call to in/on/with lip all man Judah to say alive Lord YHWH/God in/on/with all land: country/planet Egypt
27 Se, jeg er aarvaagen over dem til Ulykke og ikke til Lykke, og hver judæisk Mand i Ægypten skal omkomme ved Sværd og Hunger, indtil de er udryddet.
look! I to watch upon them to/for distress: harm and not to/for welfare and to finish all man Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine till to end: destroy they
28 Kun de, der undslipper Sværdet, skal vende hjem fra Ægypten til Judas Land, et ringe Tal; og hele Judas Rest, der er kommet til Ægypten for at bo der som fremmede, skal kende, hvis Ord der staar fast, mit eller deres.
and survivor sword to return: return [emph?] from land: country/planet Egypt land: country/planet Judah man number and to know all remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there word who? to arise: establish from me and from them
29 Og dette, lyder det fra HERREN, skal være eder et Tegn paa, at jeg hjemsøger eder paa dette Sted, for at I skal kende, at mine Ord opfyldes paa eder til eders Ulykke:
and this to/for you [the] sign: miraculous utterance LORD for to reckon: punish I upon you in/on/with place [the] this because to know for to arise: establish to arise: establish word my upon you to/for distress: harm
30 Saa siger HERREN: Se, jeg giver Ægypterkongen Farao Hofra i hans Fjenders Haand og i deres Haand, som staar ham efter Livet, ligesom jeg gav Kong Zedekias af Juda i hans Fjende, Kong Nebukadrezar af Babels Haand, som stod ham efter Livet.«
thus to say LORD look! I to give: give [obj] Pharaoh (Hophra) (Pharaoh)-hophra king Egypt in/on/with hand: power enemy his and in/on/with hand: power to seek soul: life his like/as as which to give: give [obj] Zedekiah king Judah in/on/with hand: power Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon enemy his and to seek soul: life his

< Jeremias 44 >