< Ezekiel 42 >

1 Derpaa førte han mig ud i den indre Forgaard i nordlig Retning, og han førte mig til Kamrene, som laa ud imod den afspærrede Plads og Bagbygningen, nogle paa den ene Side, andre paa den anden.
And he brought out me to the courtyard outer the way [the] direction of the north and he brought me to the room which [was] before the separate place and which [was] before the structure to the north.
2 Længden var hundrede Alen og Bredden halvtredsindstyve.
To [the] face of length cubits the hundred [the] entrance of the north and the breadth [was] fifty cubits.
3 Over for Portene, som hørte til den indre Forgaard, og over for Stenbroen, som hørte til den ydre Forgaard, var der Gang over for Gang i tre Stokværk.
Before the twenty [cubits] which [belonged] to the courtyard inner and before [the] pavement which [belonged] to the courtyard outer a gallery [was] to [the] face of a gallery in the thirds.
4 Foran Kamrene var der en Forgang, ti Alen bred og hundrede Alen lang, og deres Døre vendte mod Nord.
And [was] before the rooms a passage of ten cubits breadth to the inner [court] a way of a cubit one and entrances their [were] to the north.
5 De øvre Kamre var de snævreste, thi Gangen tog noget af deres Plads, saa at de var mindre end de nederste og mellemste.
And the rooms upper [were] short for they consumed galleries from them more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] [the] structure.
6 Thi de havde tre Stokværk og ingen Søjler svarende til den ydre Forgaards; derfor var de øverste snævrere end de nederste og mellemste.
For [were] divided into three parts they and not [belonged] to them columns like [the] columns of the courtyards there-fore it was shortened more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] from the ground.
7 Der løb en Mur udenfor langs Kamrene i Retning af den ydre Forgaard; foran Kamrene var dens Længde halvtredsindstyve Alen;
And [the] wall which [was] to the outside close to the rooms [the] direction of the courtyard outer to [the] face of the rooms length its [was] fifty cubit[s].
8 thi Kamrene, som laa ved den ydre Forgaard, havde en samlet Længde af halvtredsindstyve Alen, og de laa over for hine, i alt hundrede Alen.
For [the] length of the rooms which [belonged] to the courtyard outer [was] fifty cubit[s] and there! on [the] face of the temple a hundred cubit[s].
9 Neden for disse Kamre var Indgangen paa Østsiden, naar man gik ind i dem fra den ydre Forgaard,
(And [was] from under the rooms *Q(K)*) these (the [one] bringing *Q(K)*) from the east when comes he to them from the courtyard outer.
10 ved Begyndelsen af den ydre Mur. Derpaa førte han mig mod Syd; og der var ogsaa Kamre ud imod den afspærrede Plads og Bagbygningen
In [the] breadth of - [the] wall of the courtyard [the] direction of the east [were] to [the] face of the separate place and to [the] face of the structure rooms.
11 med en Gang foran; de saa ud som Kamrene mod Nord; havde samme Længde og Bredde, og alle Udgange var her som hist, ligesom de var indrettet paa samme Maade.
And a way [was] before them like [the] appearance of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the north like length their [was] so breadth their and all exits their and like plans their and like entrances their.
12 Men deres Døre vendte mod Syd .......
And like [the] entrances of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the south an entrance [was] at [the] head of a way a way in front of the wall corresponding [the] direction of the east when come [to] them.
13 Og han sagde til mig: »Kamrene mod Nord og Syd, som ligger ud mod den afspærrede Plads, er de hellige Kamre, hvor Præsterne, der nærmer sig HERREN, skal spise det højhellige; der skal de gemme det højhellige, Afgrødeofrene, Syndofrene og Skyldofrene, thi Stedet er helligt;
And he said to me [the] rooms of the north [the] rooms of the south which [are] to [the] face of the separate place they - [are] [the] rooms of holiness where they will eat there the priests who [are] near to Yahweh [the] holy things of the holy things there they will set down - [the] holy things of the holy things and the grain offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering for the place [is] holy.
14 og naar Præsterne træder ind — de maa ikke fra Helligdommen træde ud i den ydre Forgaard — skal de der nedlægge deres Klæder, som de gør Tjeneste i, da de er hellige, og iføre sig andre Klæder; da først maa de nærme sig det, der hører Folket til.«
When go they the priests and not they will go out from the holy place into the courtyard outer and there they will set down clothes their which they will serve in them for [are] a holy thing they (and they will put on *Q(K)*) clothes other and they will draw near to [that] which [is] for the people.
15 Da han var til Ende med at udmaale Templets Indre, førte han mig hen til den Port, hvis Forside vendte mod Øst, og maalte til alle Sider;
And he had completed [the] measurements of the house inner and he brought out me [the] way of the gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the east and he measured it all around - all around.
16 han maalte med Maalestangen Østsiden; den var efter Maalestangen 500 Alen; saa vendte han sig og
He measured [the] side of the east with [the] reed of measurement five (hundred *Q(K)*) reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
17 maalte med Maalestangen Nordsiden til 500 Alen;
He measured [the] side of the north five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
18 saa vendte han sig og maalte med Maalestangen Sydsiden til 500 Alen;
[the] side of The south he measured five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
19 og han vendte sig og maalte med Maalestangen Vestsiden til 500 Alen.
He turned to [the] side of the sea he measured [it] five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
20 Til alle fire Sider maalte han Pladsen; og der var en Mur rundt om, 500 Alen lang og 500 Alen bred, til at sætte Skel mellem det, som er helligt, og det, som ikke er helligt.
To four sides he measured it a wall [belonged] to it all around - all around [the] length [was] five hundred [cubits] and [the] breadth [was] five hundred [cubits] to make a distinction between holy thing and a profane thing.

< Ezekiel 42 >