< Amos 7 >

1 Saaledes lod den Herre HERREN mig skue: Se, Græshopper kom til Syne, da Efterslætten var ved at gro frem — Efterslætten efter Kongens Høst.
These things the Lord God has revealed to me. And behold, the locust was formed at the beginning of the germination during the latter rains, and behold, the latter rains came after the thundering of the king.
2 Og da de var ved helt at afæde Jordens Urter, sagde jeg: »Herre, HERRE, tilgiv dog! Hvorledes skal Jakob staa det igennem, saa lille han er?«
And it happened, when they had finally eaten all the grass in the land, that I said, “Lord God, be gracious, I beg you. Who will raise up Jacob, for he is little?”
3 Og HERREN angrede. »Det skal ej ske!« sagde HERREN.
The Lord has been merciful about this. “It will not be,” said the Lord.
4 Saaledes lod den Herre HERREN mig skue: Se, den Herre HERREN kaldte Ild frem til Straf, og den fortærede det store Verdensdyb; men da den vilde til at fortære Agerlandet,
These things the Lord God has revealed to me. And behold, the Lord God called for judgment unto fire, and it devoured the manifold abyss, and it consumed simultaneously in every direction.
5 sagde jeg: »Herre, HERRE, hold inde! Hvorledes skal Jakob staa det igennem, saa lille han er?«
And I said, “Lord God, cease, I beg you. Who will raise up Jacob, for he is little?”
6 Og HERREN angrede. »Ej heller det skal ske!« sagde den Herre HERREN.
The Lord has been merciful about this. “And even this will not be,” said the Lord God.
7 Saaledes lod han mig skue: Se, Herren stod paa en Mur med et Blylod i Haanden.
These things the Lord revealed to me. And behold, the Lord was standing near a plastered wall, and in his hand was a mason’s trowel.
8 Og HERREN sagde til mig: »Hvad ser du, Amos?« Jeg svarede: »Et Blylod!« Da sagde Herren: »Se, jeg sænker Loddet i mit Folk Israel; jeg vil ikke spare det længer.
And the Lord said to me, “What do you see, Amos?” And I said, “A mason’s trowel.” And the Lord said, “Behold, I will place the trowel in the midst of my people Israel. I will no longer plaster over them.
9 Isaks Høje bliver øde, Israels Helligdomme styrtes, med Sværd staar jeg op mod Jeroboams Hus.«
And the heights of the idol will be demolished, and the sanctuaries of Israel will be desolate. And I will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.”
10 Men Amazja, Betels Præst, sendte Bud til Kong Jeroboam af Israel og lod sige: »Amos stifter en Sammensværgelse imod dig midt i Israels Hus; Landet kan ikke bære alle hans Ord.
And Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying: “Amos has rebelled against you in the midst of the house of Israel. The land is not able to withstand all his sermons.
11 Thi saaledes siger Amos: For Sværdet skal Jeroboam dø, og Israel skal bortføres fra sin Jord.«
For Amos says this: ‘Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel will be taken captive out of their own land.’”
12 Og Amazja sagde til Amos: »Seer, gaa din Vej og se at komme til Judas Land! Der kan du tjene dit Brød og profetere.
And Amaziah said to Amos, “You, seer, go out and flee into the land of Judah, and eat bread there, and prophesy there.
13 Men i Betel maa du ikke profetere længer, thi det er Kongens Helligdom og Rigets Tempel.«
And in Bethel, do not prophesy any longer, because it is the king’s sanctuary, and it is the house of the kingdom.”
14 Amos svarede Amazja: »Jeg er hverken Profet eller Profetlærling: jeg er Faarehyrde og avler Morbærfigen;
And Amos responded, and he said to Amasias, “I am not a prophet, and I am not the son of a prophet, but I am a herdsman plucking from wild fig trees.
15 men HERREN tog mig fra Hjorden og sagde til mig: Gaa hen og profetér for mit Folk Israel!
And the Lord took me, when I was following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’”
16 Saa hør nu HERRENS Ord! Du siger: Du maa ikke profetere mod Israel, ej prædike mod Israels Hus!
And now, hear the word of the Lord: You say, “You will not prophesy about Israel, and you will not rain your words upon the house of the idol.”
17 Derfor, saa siger HERREN: Din Hustru bliver Skøge i Byen, dine Sønner og Døtre skal falde for Sværd; din Jord skal udskiftes med Snor, og selv skal du dø paa uren Jord. Og bort fra sin Jord skal Israel føres.«
Because of that, the Lord says this: “Your wife will fornicate in the city, and your sons and your daughters will fall by the sword, and your soil will be measured with a string. And you will die on polluted land, and Israel will be taken into captivity out of their land.”

< Amos 7 >