< 2 Samuel 2 >

1 Derefter raadspurgte David HERREN: »Skal jeg drage op til en af Judas Byer?« HERREN svarede: »Gør det!« Og David spurgte: »Hvor skal jeg drage hen?« Da svarede han: »Til Hebron!«
Some time after that, David asked Yahweh, “Should I go back to [live in] one of the towns in Judah?” Yahweh replied, “Yes, go up there.” Then David asked, “To which town should I go?” Yahweh replied, “To Hebron.”
2 Saa drog David derop tillige med sine to Hustruer Ahinoam fra Jizre'el og Abigajil, Karmeliten Nabals Hustru;
So David went up there, taking his two wives, Ahinoam who was from Jezreel [city], and Abigail, the widow of Nabal from Carmel [city].
3 og han tog sine Mænd med derop tillige med deres Familier, og de bosatte sig i Byerne omkring Hebron.
He also took the men who had been with him, and their families. They all started to live in villages near Hebron.
4 Da kom Judas Mænd derhen og salvede David til Konge over Judas Hus. Da David fik at vide, at Mændene i Jabesj i Gilead havde jordet Saul,
Then the men of Judah came to Hebron, and [one of] them poured olive oil on David’s head [to show they were appointing him to be] [MTY] the king of the tribe [MTY] of Judah. When David found out that the people of Jabesh [town] in [the] Gilead [region] had buried Saul’s body,
5 sendte han Sendebud til Mændene i Jabesj i Gilead og lod sige: »HERREN velsigne eder, fordi I saaledes viste Godhed mod eders Herre Saul og jordede ham.
he sent messengers to the men of Jabesh to tell them this: “I desire/hope that Yahweh will bless you for having shown, by burying the body of Saul your king, that you were loyal to him.
6 Maatte nu HERREN vise eder Godhed og Trofasthed! Men ogsaa jeg vil gøre godt imod eder, fordi I gjorde dette.
Now I also desire/hope that Yahweh will faithfully love you and be loyal to you. And I will do good things for you because of what you have done [for Saul].
7 Tag eder derfor sammen og vis eder som stærke Mænd; thi eders Herre Saul er død, og Judas Hus har allerede salvet mig til Konge!«
Now, although Saul your king is dead, be strong and courageous, like the people of Judah, who have appointed me to be their king.”
8 Men Abner, Ners Søn, Sauls Hærfører, tog Sauls Søn Isjbosjet og bragte ham over til Mahanajim
[While this was happening], Ner’s son Abner, the commander of Saul’s army, took Saul’s son Ishbosheth and went across [the Jordan River] to Mahanaim [town].
9 og udraabte ham til Konge over Gilead, Aseriterne, Jizre'el, Efraim og Benjamin, over hele Israel.
There Abner proclaimed that Ishbosheth was now the king of [the] Gilead [region] and of the tribe of Asher and the region of Jezreel and the tribes of Ephraim and Benjamin. That meant that he was the king of all of the people of Israel.
10 Isjbosjet, Sauls Søn, var fyrretyve Aar, da han blev Konge over Israel, og han herskede to Aar. Kun Judas Hus sluttede sig til David.
Ishbosheth was 40 years old when he started to rule over the people of Israel. He ruled them for two years. But the tribe of Judah (was loyal to David/wanted David to be their king),
11 Den Tid David herskede i Hebron over Judas Hus, var syv Aar og seks Maaneder.
and he ruled them for seven and a half years while he was living in Hebron.
12 Abner, Ners Søn, drog med Isjbosjets, Sauls Søns, Folk fra Mahanajim til Gibeon;
[One day] Abner and the officials of Isbosheth went from Mahanaim [across the Jordan River] to Gibeon [city].
13 ligeledes drog Joab, Zerujas Søn ud med Davids Folk, og de stødte sammen med dem ved Dammen i Gibeon; og de slog sig ned hver paa sin Side af Dammen.
Joab, whose mother was Zeruiah, and some of David’s officials [went from Hebron to Gibeon, and] met at the pool there. They all sat down, the one group on one side of the pool and the other group on the other side.
14 Da sagde Abner til Joab: »Lad de unge Mænd staa op og udføre Vaaben lege for os!« Og Joab sagde: »Ja, lad dem staa op!«
Abner said to Joab, “Let’s tell some of our young men to fight each other!” Joab replied, “Okay!”
15 Saa stod de op og gik frem lige mange fra hver Side, tolv Benjaminiter for Isjbosjet, Sauls Søn, og tolv af Davids Folk;
So twelve men from the tribe of Benjamin fought for Ishbosheth, against twelve of David’s soldiers.
16 men de greb hverandre om Hovedet og stødte Sværdet i Siden paa hverandre, saa de faldt alle til Hobe. Derfor kalder man dette Sted Helkat-Hazzurim; det ligger ved Gibeon.
Each of them grabbed the head of the man against whom he was fighting, and thrust his sword into that man’s side. The result was that all 24 of them fell down dead. So that area in Gibeon is now called ‘Field of Swords’.
17 Samme Dag kom det til en meget haard Kamp, i hvilken Abner og Israels Mænd blev drevet paa Flugt af Davids Folk.
Then [the others started to fight]. It was a very fierce battle. Abner and the men of Israel were defeated by David’s soldiers.
18 Ved den Lejlighed var Zerujas tre Sønner med, Joab, Abisjaj og Asa'el; og Asa'el, der var rapfodet som Markens Gazeller,
Zeruiah’s three sons were there [on that day]: Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Asahel was able to run very fast; he could run as fast as a wild gazelle/antelope.
19 forfulgte Abner uden at bøje af til højre eller venstre.
Asahel started to pursue Abner. He ran straight toward Abner, without stopping.
20 Abner vendte sig om og spurgte: »Er det dig, Asa'el?« Han svarede: »Ja, det er!«
Abner looked behind him, and said “Is that you, Asahel?” Asahel replied, “Yes!”
21 Da sagde Abner: »Bøj af til en af Siderne, grib en af de unge Mænd og tag dig hans Rustning!« Men Asa'el vilde ikke opgive at forfølge ham.
Abner yelled at him, “Turn to one side or the other, [and pursue someone else]!” But Asahel would not stop pursuing Abner.
22 Da sagde Abner videre til Asa'el: »Stands med at forfølge mig! Hvorfor skal jeg slaa dig til Jorden? Og hvorledes skal jeg saa kunne se din Broder Joab i Øjnene?«
So Abner yelled at him again, “Stop (chasing after/pursuing) me! (Why should I kill you?/It would not be good for me to kill you!) [RHQ] If I did that, (how could I (face/be reconciled with) your brother Joab?/it would be very difficult for me to (face/be reconciled with) your brother Joab.) [RHQ]”
23 Men han vægrede sig ved at standse, og Abner stødte da baglæns Spydet gennem Underlivet paa ham, saa det kom ud af Ryggen, og han faldt død om paa Stedet. Og alle, som kom til Stedet, hvor Asa'el laa og var død, stod stille.
But Asahel refused to stop pursuing Abner. So Abner [suddenly turned and] thrust the butt end of his spear into Asahel’s stomach. Because he thrust it very strongly, that end of the spear [went though Asahel’s body and] came out at his back, and he fell to the ground, dead. All the other soldiers who came to the place where his body was lying stopped and stood there, [stunned].
24 Men Joab og Abisjaj forfulgte Abner, og da Solen gik ned, havde de naaet Gibeat-Amma, som ligger østen for Gia ved Vejen til Gibeons Ørken.
But Joab and Abishai continued to pursue Abner. At sunset they came to Ammah Hill, which is east of Giah, along the road to the desert near Gibeon.
25 Da samlede Benjaminiterne sig om Abner og stillede sig i Klynge paa Toppen af Gibeat-Amma.
The men from the tribe of Benjamin gathered around Abner in one group, and stood at the top of a hill.
26 Men Abner raabte til Joab: »Skal da Sværdet altid blive ved at fortære? Ved du ikke, at Eftersmagen er besk? Hvor længe skal det vare, inden du byder Folket standse med at forfølge deres Brødre?«
Then Abner called out to Joab, saying “Are we going to continue to fight forever [RHQ]? Do you not realize that [if we continue fighting], the result will be very bad [RHQ]? We are all descendants of Jacob. [So we should stop fighting each other] (How long will it be until you tell your soldiers to stop pursuing us?/Tell your soldiers to stop pursuing us.)” [RHQ]
27 Joab svarede: »Saa sandt HERREN lever: Havde du ikke talt, vilde Folkene først i Morgen have standset med at forfølge deres Brødre!«
Joab replied, “Just as surely as God lives, if you had not said that, my soldiers would have continued pursuing your men until tomorrow morning!”
28 Derpaa stødte Joab i Hornet, og hele Folket standsede; de forfulgte ikke mere Israel og fortsatte ikke Kampen.
So Joab blew a trumpet [to signal that they should stop fighting]. So all his men did that. They did not pursue the soldiers of Israel any more, and they stopped fighting.
29 Abner og hans Mænd vandrede saa i Løbet af Natten igennem Arabalavningen, satte over Jordan, gik hele Kløften igennem og kom til Mahanajim.
That night Abner and his soldiers went through the Jordan [River] Valley. They crossed the Jordan [River] and marched all the next morning, and they finally arrived at Mahanaim.
30 Da Joab vendte tilbage fra Forfølgelsen af Abner og samlede alle Krigerne, savnedes foruden Asa'el nitten Mand af Davids Folk,
Joab [and his soldiers] stopped pursuing Abner. And when he gathered all his soldiers together, he found out that in addition to Asahel, only 19 of them had been killed in the battle.
31 medens Davids Folk havde slaaet 360 Mand ihjel af Benjaminiterne, Abners Folk.
But David’s soldiers had killed 360 of Abner’s men, all from the tribe of Benjamin.
32 Derpaa bar de Asa'el bort og jordede ham i hans Faders Grav i Betlehem, og Joab og hans Mænd vandrede hele Natten igennem; da Solen stod op, naaede de Hebron.
[Some of Joab’s soldiers] took Asahel’s body and buried it in the tomb where his father had been buried, in Bethlehem. Then they marched all during the night, and at dawn they arrived [back home] at Hebron.

< 2 Samuel 2 >