< 4 Mosebog 18 >

1 Og Herren sagde til Aron: Du og dine Sønner og din Faders Hus med dig, I skulle bære Skylden for, hvad der forses mod Helligdommen; og du og dine Sønner med dig, I skulle bære Skylden for, hvad I forse eder imod eders Præstedømme.
Yahweh said to Aaron, “You, your sons, and your ancestor's clan will be responsible for all sins committed against the sanctuary. But only you and your sons with you will be responsible for all sins committed by anyone in the priesthood.
2 Og før ogsaa dine Brødre, Levi Stamme, din Faders Stamme, frem tillige med dig, og de skulle slutte sig til dig og tjene dig; men du og dine Sønner med dig, I skulle være foran Vidnesbyrdets Paulun.
As for your fellow members of the tribe of Levi, your ancestors' tribe, you must bring them with you so they may join you and help you when you and your sons serve in front of the tent of the covenant decrees.
3 Og de skulle tage Vare paa, hvad du vil have varetaget, og paa hvad der ved det ganske Paulun er at varetage; dog skulle de ikke nærme sig Helligdommens Redskaber eller Alteret, at ikke baade de og I skulle dø.
They must serve you and the whole tent. However, they must not come near to anything in the holy place or connected with the altar, or they and also you will die.
4 Men de skulle slutte sig til dig og tage Vare paa, hvad der ved Forsamlingens Paulun er at varetage i al Paulunets Tjeneste; men en uvedkommende skal ikke holde sig nær til eder.
They must join you and take care of the tent of meeting, for all the work connected with the tent. A foreigner must not come near you.
5 Saa tager Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage ved Helligdommen, og paa hvad der er at varetage ved Alteret, at der ikke ydermere skal komme en Vrede over Israels Børn.
You must take responsibility for the holy place and for the altar so that my anger does not come on the people of Israel again.
6 Og jeg, se, jeg har taget eders Brødre, Leviterne, midt ud af Israels Børn; de ere givne eder som en Gave for Herren, til at besørge Forsamlingens Pauluns Tjeneste.
Look, I myself have chosen your fellow members of the Levites from among the descendants of Israel. They are a gift to you, given to me to do the work connected to the tent of meeting.
7 Men du, og dine Sønner med dig, skulle tage Vare paa eders Præstedømme, i al den Gerning, som hører til Alteret og inden for Forhænget, og I skulle tjene der; jeg giver eder eders Præstedømme som Tjeneste, der er en Gave; men den uvedkommende, som nærmer sig, skal dødes.
But only you and your sons may exercise the priesthood regarding everything connected with the altar and everything inside the curtain. You yourselves must fulfill those responsibilities. I am giving you the priesthood as a gift. Any foreigner who approaches must be put to death.”
8 Og Herren talede til Aron: Jeg, se, jeg har givet dig Varetægten over mine Offergaver; alle de Ting, som Israels Børn hellige, har jeg givet dig for din Salvelses Skyld og dine Børn til en evig Rettighed.
Then Yahweh said to Aaron, “Look, I have given you the duty of handling the offerings raised up to me, and all the holy offerings that the people of Israel give to me. I have given these offerings to you and your sons as your ongoing share.
9 Dette skal høre dig til af det højhellige, af Ildofrene: Alle deres Ofre af alle deres Madofre og af alle deres Syndofre og af alle deres Skyldofre, som de skulle betale mig, det skal være dig og dine Sønner højhelligt.
This will belong to you from the most holy things that is kept from the fire. From every offering of theirs—every grain offering, every sin offering, and every guilt offering—they are set apart to you and to your sons.
10 Paa et højhelligt Sted skal du æde det; alt Mandkøn skal æde deraf, det skal være dig en Hellighed.
These offerings are very holy; every male must eat it, for they are holy to you.
11 Og dette hører dig til: Deres Offergave af alle Israels Børns Rørelsesofre; dig har jeg givet dem og dine Sønner og dine Døtre med dig til en evig Rettighed; hver som er ren i dit Hus, maa æde det.
These are the offerings that will belong to you, set apart out of all their gifts of the wave offerings of the people of Israel. I have given them to you, your sons, and your daughters, as your portion forever. Everyone who is ceremonially clean in your family may eat any of these offerings.
12 Alt det bedste af Olie og alt det bedste af ny Vin og Korn, deres Førstegrøde, som de skulle give Herren, det har jeg givet dig.
All the best of the oil, all the best of the new wine and grain, the firstfruits that the people give to me—all these things I have given to you.
13 Førstegrøden af alt det, som er i deres Land, som de skulle føre frem for Herren, skal høre dig til; hver som er ren i dit Hus, skal æde deraf.
The first ripe produce of all that is in their land, which they bring to me, will be yours. Everyone who is clean in your family may eat these things.
14 Alt det, som er lyst i Band i Israel, skal høre dig til.
Every devoted thing in Israel will be yours.
15 Alt det, som aabner Moders Liv, af alt Kød, som de skulle bringe frem for Herren, af Mennesker eller af Dyr, det skal være dit; dog skal du løse de førstefødte af Menneskene og løse det førstefødte af urene Dyr.
Everything that opens the womb, all the firstborn which the people offer to Yahweh, both of man and animal, will be yours. Nevertheless, the people must certainly buy back every firstborn son, and they must buy back the firstborn male of unclean animals.
16 Og det, som skal løses deraf, det skal du løse, fra det er en Maaned gammelt, efter din Vurdering for fem Sekel Sølv efter Helligdommens Sekel: Den er tyve Gera.
Those that are to be bought back by the people must be bought back after becoming one month old. Then the people may buy them back, for the price of five shekels, by the standard weight of the sanctuary shekel, which equals twenty gerahs.
17 Men det førstefødte af Øksne eller det førstefødte af Faar eller det førstefødte af Geder skal du ikke løse, de ere hellige; deres Blod skal du stænke paa Alteret, og du skal gøre et Røgoffer af deres Fedt, et Ildoffer til en behagelig Lugt for Herren.
But the firstborn of a cow, or the firstborn of a sheep, or the firstborn of a goat—you must not buy back these animals; they are set apart to me. You must sprinkle their blood on the altar and burn their fat as an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to Yahweh.
18 Og deres Kød skal høre dig til; ligesom Rørelsens Bryst og som den højre Bov skal det høre dig til.
Their meat will be yours. Like the raised breast and the right thigh, their meat will be yours.
19 Alle Gaver af de hellige Ting, som Israels Børn skulle bringe Herren, har jeg givet dig og dine Sønner og dine Døtre med dig til en evig Rettighed; det skal være en evig Saltpagt for Herrens Ansigt, for dig og for din Sæd med dig.
All the holy offerings that the people of Israel present to Yahweh, I have given to you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, as a continual share. It is an everlasting covenant of salt, a binding covenant forever, before Yahweh for both you and your descendants with you.”
20 Og Herren sagde til Aron: Du skal ikke arve i deres Land, og du skal ikke have Del midt iblandt dem; jeg er din Del og din Arv midt iblandt Israels Børn.
Yahweh said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in the people's land, nor will you have any share of property among the people. I am your share and inheritance among the people of Israel.
21 Men se, jeg har givet Levi Børn al Tienden i Israel til en Arv, folderes Tjeneste, som de besørge, nemlig Tjenesten ved Forsamlingens Paulun.
To the descendants of Levi, look, I have given all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the service that they provide in working at the tent of meeting.
22 Og Israels Børn maa ikke ydermere nærme sig Forsamlingens Paulun, at de ikke skulle paadrage sig Synd og dø.
From now on the people of Israel must not come near the tent of meeting, or they will be responsible for this sin and die.
23 Men Leviten, han skal besørge Tjenesten ved Forsamlingens Paulun, og de skulle bære Skyld for, hvad de forse sig; dette skal være en evig Skik hos eders Efterkommere, og de skulle intet Arvegods arve midt iblandt Israels Børn.
The Levites must do the work connected to the tent of meeting. They will be responsible for any sin regarding it. This will be a permanent law throughout your people's generations. Among the people of Israel they must have no inheritance.
24 Thi Israels Børns Tiende, som de skulle yde Herren til en Gave, har jeg givet Leviterne til Arv; derfor har jeg sagt til dem, at de skulle intet Arvegods arve midt iblandt Israels Børn.
For the tithes of the people of Israel, which they offer as a contribution to me—it is these that I have given to the Levites as their inheritance. That is why I said to them, 'They must have no inheritance among the people of Israel.'”
25 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
26 Og til Leviterne skal du tale og sige til dem: Naar I tage den Tiende af Israels Børn, som jeg har givet eder af dem til eders Arv, da skulle I yde Herren en Gave deraf, nemlig den tiende Del af Tienden.
“You must speak to the Levites and say to them, 'When you receive from the people of Israel the tenth that I have given to you from them for your inheritance, you will present a contribution from it to Yahweh, a tenth of the tithe.
27 Og Gaven, der er ydet eder, skal regnes eder ligesom Kornet af Loen og ligesom Fylden af Persen.
Your contribution must be considered by you as if it were a tenth of the grain from the threshing floor or of the production from the winepress.
28 Saaledes skulle ogsaa I yde en Gave til Herren af alle eders Tiender, som I skulle tage af Israels Børn, og I skulle give Aron, Præsten, Gaven til Herren deraf.
So you also must make a contribution to Yahweh from all the tithes that you receive from the people of Israel. From them you must give his contribution to Aaron the priest.
29 Af alle Gaver til eder skulle I yde den hele Gave til Herren, af alt det bedste deraf, den ham helligede Del deraf.
Out of all the gifts you receive, you must make every contribution to Yahweh. You must do this from all the best and the holiest things that have been given to you.'
30 Og du skal sige til dem: Naar I yde det bedste deraf, da skal det regnes Leviterne ligesom en Indkomst af Loen og ligesom en Indkomst af Persen.
Therefore you must say to them, 'When you present the best of it, then it must be credited to the Levites as the product from the threshing floor and the winepress.
31 Og I maa æde det paa alle Steder, I og eders Hus; thi det er eders Løn for eders Tjeneste ved Forsamlingens Paulun.
You may eat the rest of your gifts in any place, you and your families, because it is your pay in return for your work in the tent of meeting.
32 Saa skulle I ikke paadrage eder Synd for den Sags Skyld, naar I yde det bedste deraf; og I skulle ikke vanhellige Israels Børns hellige Ting, at I ikke skulle dø.
You will not incur any guilt by eating and drinking it, if you have presented to Yahweh the best of what you have received. But you must not profane the holy offerings of the people of Israel, or you will die.'”

< 4 Mosebog 18 >