< Lukas 21 >

1 Men idet han saa op, fik han Øje paa de rige, som lagde deres Gaver i Tempelblokken.
Having looked up now He saw the ones casting into the treasury the gifts of them rich.
2 Men han saa en fattig Enke, som lagde to Skærve deri.
He saw then (and *k*) a certain widow poor casting in lepta two.
3 Og han sagde: „Sandelig, siger jeg eder, at denne fattige Enke lagde mere i end de alle.
And He said; Truly I say to you that widow this poor more than all has cast in;
4 Thi alle disse lagde af deres Overflod hen til Gaverne; men hun lagde af sin Fattigdom al sin Ejendom, som hun havde.‟
(all *N(k)O*) for these out of that which was abounding to them they cast in the gifts (of God *KO*) she however out of the poverty of her (all *N(k)O*) the livelihood that she had did cast.
5 Og da nogle sagde om Helligdommen, at den var prydet med smukke Stene og Tempelgaver, sagde han:
And as some were speaking about the temple that with stones goodly and with consecrated gifts it has been adorned He said;
6 „Disse Ting, som I se — der skal komme Dage, da der ikke lades Sten paa Sten, som jo skal nedbrydes.‟
[As to] these things which you are beholding, will come [the] days in which not will be left stone upon stone (here *O*) which not will be thrown down.
7 Men de spurgte ham og sagde: „Mester! naar skal dette da ske? og hvad er Tegnet paa, naar dette skal ske?‟
They asked then Him saying; Teacher, when then these things will be and what [will be] the sign when may soon be these things to take place?
8 Men han sagde: „Ser til, at I ikke blive forførte; thi mange skulle paa mit Navn komme og sige: Det er mig, og: Tiden er kommen nær. Gaar ikke efter dem!
And He said; do take heed lest you may be led astray; many for will come in the name of Me saying (that: *ko*) I myself am [He], and The time has drawn near. Not (therefore *K*) may go after them.
9 Men naar I høre om Krige og Oprør, da forskrækkes ikke; thi dette maa først ske, men Enden er der ikke straks.‟
When then you may hear of wars and commotions, not may be terrified; it behooves for these things to take place first but not immediately [is] the end.
10 Da sagde han til dem: „Folk skal rejse sig imod Folk, og Rige imod Rige.
Then He was saying to them; Will rise up nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom,
11 Og store Jordskælv skal der være her og der og Hungersnød og Pest, og der skal ske frygtelige Ting og store Tegn fra Himmelen.
Earthquakes both great and in different places famines and pestilences there will be, fearful sights also and from heaven signs great will there be.
12 Men forud for alt dette skulle de lægge Haand paa eder og forfølge eder og overgive eder til Synagoger og Fængsler, og I skulle føres frem for Konger og Landshøvdinger for mit Navns Skyld.
Before however these things (all *N(k)O*) they will lay upon you the hands of them and will persecute [you] delivering [you] to (the *no*) synagogues and prisons, (leading [you] *N(k)O*) before kings and governors on account of the name of Me.
13 Det skal falde ud for eder til Vidnesbyrd.
It will result (now *ko*) to you for a testimony.
14 Lægger det da paa Hjerte, at I ikke forud skulle overtænke, hvorledes I skulle forsvare eder.
(do implant *N(k)O*) therefore (in the hearts *N(k)O*) of you not to premeditate to present a defense;
15 Thi jeg vil give eder Mund og Visdom, som alle eders Modstandere ikke skulle kunne modstaa eller modsige.
I myself for will give you a mouth and wisdom which not will be able to resist (nor *N(k)O*) to reply to (all *N(k)O*) those opposing you.
16 Men I skulle endog forraades af Forældre og Brødre og Frænder og Venner, og de skulle slaa nogle af eder ihjel.
You will be betrayed then even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends and they will put to death [some] from among you.
17 Og I skulle hades af alle for mit Navns Skyld.
And you will be hated by all because of the name of Me.
18 Og ikke et Haar paa eders Hoved skal gaa tabt.
But a hair of the head of you certainly not may perish.
19 Ved eders Udholdenhed skulle I vinde eders Sjæle.
By the patient endurance of you [all] (do you gain yourselves *NK(o)*) the souls of you [all].
20 Men naar I se Jerusalem omringet af Krigshære, da forstaar, at dens Ødelæggelse er kommen nær.
When then you may see being encircled by encampments (*k*) Jerusalem, then do know that has drawn near the desolation of her.
21 Da skulle de, som ere i Judæa, fly til Bjergene; og de, som ere midt i Staden, skulle vige bort derfra; og de, som ere paa Landet, skulle ikke gaa ind i den.
Then those in Judea they should flee to the mountains, and those in midst of her they should depart out, and those in the countries not they should enter into her.
22 Thi disse ere Hævnens Dage, da alt, hvad skrevet er, skal opfyldes.
for [the] days of avenging these are (to fill *N(k)O*) all things which written.
23 Men ve de frugtsommelige og dem, som give Die, i de Dage; thi der skal være stor Nød paa Jorden og Vrede over dette Folk.
But woe (now *k*) to those in womb [pregnancy] having and to the [ones] nursing in those the days; there will be for distress great upon the land and wrath (in *k*) to the people this,
24 Og de skulle falde for Sværdets Od og føres fangne til alle Hedningerne; og Jerusalem skal nedtrædes af Hedningerne, indtil Hedningernes Tider fuldkommes.
And they will fall by [the] edge of [the] sword and will be led captive into the nations all and Jerusalem will be trodden down by [the] Gentiles until (that *no*) may be fulfilled (and will be *O*) [the] times of [the] Gentiles.
25 Og der skal ske Tegn i Sol og Maane og Stjerner, og paa Jorden skulle Folkene ængstes i Fortvivlelse over Havets og Bølgernes Brusen,
And (there will be *N(k)O*) signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity ([the] sound *N(k)O*) of [the] sea and rolling surge
26 medens Mennesker forsmægte af Frygt og Forventning om de Ting, som komme over Jorderige; thi Himmelens Kræfter skulle rystes.
when are fainting men from fear and expectation of that which is coming on the earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 Og da skulle de se Menneskesønnen komme i Sky med Kraft og megen Herlighed.
And then will they behold the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and glory great.
28 Men naar disse Ting begynde at ske, da ser op og opløfter eders Hoveder, efterdi eders Forløsning stunder til.‟
Beginning then of these things to come to pass do look up and do lift up the heads of you because draws near the redemption of you.
29 Og han sagde dem en Lignelse: „Ser Figentræet og alle Træerne;
And He spoke a parable to them: Behold the fig tree and all the trees.
30 naar de alt springe ud, da se I og skønne af eder selv, at Sommeren nu er nær.
When they may sprout already, looking [on them] for yourselves you know that already near the summer is.
31 Saaledes skulle ogsaa I, naar I se disse Ting ske, skønne, at Guds Rige er nær.
So also you yourselves when you may see these things coming to pass, do know that near is the kingdom of God.
32 Sandelig, siger jeg eder, at denne Slægt skal ingenlunde forgaa, førend det er sket alt sammen.
Amen I say to you that certainly not may have passed away generation this until when all [these things] may happen.
33 Himmelen og Jorden skulle forgaa; men mine Ord skulle ingenlunde forgaa.
The heaven and the earth (will pass away, *NK(o)*) but the words of Mine certainly not (will pass away. *N(k)O*)
34 Men vogter eder, at eders Hjerter ikke nogen Tid besværes af Svir og Drukkenskab og timelige Bekymringer, saa hin Dag kommer pludseligt over eder som en Snare.
do take heed now to yourselves otherwise otherwise (may be burdened *N(k)O*) of you the hearts with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of life — and may come upon you suddenly day that [very]
35 Thi komme skal den over alle dem, der bo paa hele Jordens Flade.
as a snare; (It will enter *N(k)O*) for upon all those sitting upon [the] face of all the earth.
36 Og vaager og beder til enhver Tid, for at I maa blive i Stand til at undfly alle disse Ting, som skulle ske, og bestaa for Menneskesønnen.‟
do watch (also *N(K)O*) at every season praying that (you may have strength *N(K)O*) to escape these things all that are soon to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.
37 Men han lærte om Dagene i Helligdommen, men om Nætterne gik han ud og overnattede paa det Bjerg, som kaldes Oliebjerget.
He was now during the day in the temple teaching. and the evening going out He was lodging on the mount which is being called Olivet.
38 Og hele Folket kom aarle til ham i Helligdommen for at høre ham.
And all the group of people was coming early to Him in the temple to hear Him.

< Lukas 21 >