< Príslovia 31 >

1 Slova proroctví Lemuele krále, kterýmž vyučovala jej matka jeho.
These are sayings/messages that [God gave to] King Lemuel’s mother, and which his mother taught him:
2 Co dím, synu můj, co, synu života mého? Co, řku, dím, synu slibů mých?
You are my son; I gave birth to you [RHQ]; you are the son that [God gave me] in answer to my prayers.
3 Nedávej ženám síly své, ani cest svých těm, kteréž k zahynutí přivodí krále.
Do not exhaust your energy [having sex] [EUP] with women [to whom you are not married], with women who ruin kings [by having sex with them].
4 Ne králům, ó Lemueli, ne králům náleží píti víno, a ne pánům žádost nápoje opojného,
Lemuel, kings should not be [constantly] drinking wine or [greatly] desire [to drink other] strong/alcoholic drinks.
5 Aby pije, nezapomněl na ustanovení, a nezměnil pře všech lidí ssoužených.
If they do that, they forget the laws [that they have made], and they do not do what is right for poor/afflicted [people].
6 Dejte nápoj opojný hynoucímu, a víno těm, kteříž jsou truchlivého ducha,
Give strong/alcoholic drinks to those who are dying and to those who are (greatly distressed/suffering very much).
7 Ať se napije, a zapomene na chudobu svou, a na trápení své nezpomíná více.
If they drink, they will forget that they are poor, and they will not think about their distress/troubles any more.
8 Otevři ústa svá za němého, v při všech oddaných k smrti,
Speak [MTY] to defend people who are unable to defend themselves; speak to encourage others to do what is right for those who are helpless.
9 Otevři, řku, ústa svá, suď spravedlivě, a veď při chudého a nuzného.
Speak [MTY] (on their behalf/to help them) and try to cause judges to decide matters fairly/justly; try to cause others to do for poor and needy [people] what should be done for them.
10 Ženu statečnou kdo nalezne? Nebo daleko nad perly cena její.
It is very difficult [for a man] to [RHQ] find a wife who is good and who is capable [of doing many things]. [Any woman who is like that] is worth more than jewels.
11 Dověřuje se jí srdce muže jejího; nebo tu kořistí nebude nedostatku.
Her husband completely trusts her, and [because of her], he has everything that he needs [LIT].
12 Dobře činí jemu a ne zle, po všecky dny života svého.
She never does anything that would harm him; she does good things for him all the days of her life.
13 Hledá pilně vlny a lnu, a dělá šťastně rukama svýma.
She finds wool and flax [in the market], and she enjoys spinning it [to make yarn].
14 Jest podobná lodi kupecké, zdaleka přiváží pokrm svůj.
She is like [SIM] a ship that brings from far away goods/merchandise to sell, [because] she buys food that comes from far away.
15 Kterážto velmi ráno vstávajíc, dává pokrm čeledi své, a podíl náležitý děvkám svým.
She gets up before dawn to prepare food for her family. [Then] she plans the work that her servant girls will do on that day.
16 Rozsuzuje pole, a ujímá je; z výdělku rukou svých štěpuje i vinici.
She [goes out and] looks at a field [that someone wants to sell]; and [if it is a good field], she buys it. She [buys] grapevines [MTY] with the money that she has earned, [and then] she plants them.
17 Přepasuje silou bedra svá, a zsiluje ramena svá.
She works very hard [IDM]; she makes her arms strong [by the work she does].
18 Zakouší, jak jest užitečné zaměstknání její; ani v noci nehasne svíce její.
She knows when she is getting a good profit from her business. [When it is necessary], she works [MTY] until it is late at night.
19 Rukama svýma sahá k kuželi, a prsty svými drží vřeteno.
She holds the (spindle/rod which twists the thread that she is making), and [then] she spins the thread [MTY] [that she will use].
20 Ruku svou otvírá chudému, a ruce své vztahuje k nuznému.
She generously helps [MTY] those who are poor and needy [DOU].
21 Nebojí se za čeled svou v čas sněhu; nebo všecka čeled její obláčí se v roucho dvojnásobní.
She is not worried that [the people in her house will be cold in] the winter, because [she has made] warm clothes for all of them.
22 Koberce dělá sobě z kmentu, a z zlatohlavu jest oděv její.
She makes bedspreads/quilts for the beds. She wears fine linen clothes that are dyed purple, [like queens wear].
23 Patrný jest v branách manžel její, když sedá s staršími země.
Her husband is [well] known by the important people of the town; he sits with the [other] town leaders in the meetings of the town council.
24 Plátno drahé dělá, a prodává; též i pasy prodává kupci.
She makes clothes from linen cloth and sells them. She sells sashes to shop owners.
25 Síla a krása oděv její, nestará se o časy potomní.
She is strong in her character and respected/dignified, and she (laughs at/is not afraid of) [what will happen in] the future.
26 Ústa svá otvírá k moudrosti, a naučení dobrotivosti v jazyku jejím.
When she speaks, she says what is wise. When she gives instructions, she speaks [MTY] kindly (OR, faithfully).
27 Spatřuje obcování čeledi své, a chleba zahálky nejí.
She watches over everything that is done in her household, and she [IDM] is never lazy.
28 Povstanouce synové její, blahoslaví ji; manžel její také chválí ji,
Her children all together speak highly of her, and her husband also praises her.
29 Říkaje: Mnohé ženy statečně sobě počínaly, ty pak převyšuješ je všecky.
[He says to her], “There are many women who do admirable things, but you surpass them all!”
30 Oklamavatelná jest příjemnost a marná krása; žena, kteráž se bojí Hospodina, tať chválena bude.
Some women who are attractive [are not really good women], [but] they can deceive us [regarding what they are really like]. Furthermore, women’s beauty does not last; but women who revere Yahweh should be honored.
31 Dejtež takové z ovoce rukou jejích, a nechať ji chválí v branách skutkové její.
Reward women who are like that, and praise them in public [MTY] for what they have done.

< Príslovia 31 >