< Zaharija 4 >

1 Anđeo koji je govorio sa mnom vrati se tad i probudi me kao čovjeka koji se oda sna budi.
And the Angel that talked with mee, came againe and waked mee, as a man that is raysed out of his sleepe,
2 “Što vidiš?” - upita. Ja odgovorih: “Vidim, evo, svijećnjak, sav od zlata, s posudom za ulje vrh njega; i sedam je žižaka na svijećnjaku, sa sedam lijevaka za sedam žižaka što su na njemu.
And saide vnto me, What seest thou? And I said, I haue looked, and beholde, a candlesticke all of gold with a bowle vpon the toppe of it, and his seuen lampes therein, and seuen pipes to the lampes, which were vpon the toppe thereof.
3 Dvije su masline kraj njega, jedna njemu zdesna, druga slijeva.”
And two oliue trees ouer it, one vpon the right side of the bowle, and the other vpon the left side thereof.
4 Obratih se anđelu koji je govorio sa mnom i upitah ga: “Što je to, gospodaru?”
So I answered, and spake to the Angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?
5 Anđeo koji je govorio sa mnom odgovori mi: “Zar ne znaš što je to?” Ja rekoh: “Ne, gospodaru.”
Then the Angel that talked with mee, answered and said vnto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.
6 [6a] On mi tad odgovori ovako: [6b]Evo riječi Jahvine Zerubabelu: “Ne silom niti snagom, već duhom mojim!” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama.
Then he answered and spake vnto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord vnto Zerubbabel, saying, Neither by an armie nor strength, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hostes.
7 Što si ti, goro velika? Pred Zreubabelom postaješ ravnica! On će izvući krunišni kamen uz poklike: “Hvala! Hvala za njega!”
Who art thou, O great mountaine, before Zerubbabel? thou shalt be a plaine, and he shall bring foorth the head stone thereof, with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace vnto it.
8 Dođe mi potom riječ Jahvina:
Moreouer, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
9 Zerubabelove su ruke ovaj Dom utemeljile, njegove će ga ruke završiti. I vi ćete znati da me k vama poslao Jahve nad Vojskama.
The handes of Zerubbabel haue layde the foundation of this house: his handes shall also finish it, and thou shalt knowe that the Lord of hostes hath sent me vnto you.
10 [10a] Jer, tko je prezreo dan skromnih početaka? Radovat će se kad vide olovni visak u ruci Zerubabelovoj. [10b] “Ovih sedam oči su Jahvine što strijeljaju po svoj zemlji.”
For who hath despised the day of the small thinges? but they shall reioyce, and shall see the stone of tinne in the hand of Zerubbabel: these seuen are the eyes of the Lord, which go thorow the whole world.
11 Tad progovorih i zapitah ga: “Što su one dvije masline desno i lijevo od svijećnjaka?”
Then answered I, and said vnto him, What are these two oliue trees vpon the right and vpon the left side thereof?
12 Progovorih opet i upitah ga: “Što su one dvije maslinove grančice koje kroz dvije zlatne cijevi dolijevaju ulje?”
And I spake moreouer, and said vnto him, What bee these two oliue branches, which thorowe the two golden pipes emptie themselues into the golde?
13 On mi odgovori: “Zar ne znaš što je to?” Odvratih: “Ne, gospodaru!”
And hee answered me, and saide, Knowest thou not what these bee? And I sayde, No, my Lord.
14 On reče: “To su dva Pomazanika koji stoje pred Gospodarem sve zemlje.”
Then said he, These are the two oliue branches, that stand with the ruler of the whole earth.

< Zaharija 4 >