< Psalmi 5 >

1 Zborovođi. Uz frule. Psalam. Davidov. Čuj, o Jahve, riječi moje, jecaje moje razaberi!
TO THE OVERSEER. [BLOWN] INTO THE PIPES. A PSALM OF DAVID. Hear my sayings, O YHWH, Consider my (meditation)
2 Osvrni se na glas mog prizivanja, o Kralju moj i Bože moj, jer tebe vruće zazivam!
Be attentive to the voice of my cry, My King and my God, For I pray to You habitually.
3 Jahve, zorom glas mi već čuješ, zorom ti već lijem molitve u nadi čekajuć'.
YHWH, [in] the morning You hear my voice, [In] the morning I set in array for You, And I look out [expectantly].
4 Jer ti nisi Bog kom je nepravda mila: zlobniku nema boravka s tobom,
For You [are] not a God desiring wickedness, Evil does not inhabit You.
5 opaki ne mogu opstati pred tvojim pogledom. Mrziš sve što čine bezakonje
The boastful do not station themselves before Your eyes: You have hated all working iniquity.
6 i uništavaš lažljivce. Varalica i krvopija Jahvi se gadi.
You destroy those speaking lies, YHWH detests a man of blood and deceit.
7 Po velikoj dobroti tvojoj unići ću u Dom tvoj; past ću ničice pred svetim Domom tvojim, Jahve, prepun poštovanja.
And I, in the abundance of Your kindness, I enter Your house, I bow myself toward Your holy temple in Your fear.
8 U svojoj me pravdi vodi poradi mojih dušmana, svoj put mi poravnaj pred očima.
O YHWH, lead me in Your righteousness, Because of those observing me, Make Your way straight before me,
9 U njihovim ustima iskrenosti nema, srce im je puno zloće; grlo im je grob otvoren, a jezikom laskaju.
For there is no stability in their mouth. Their heart [is] mischiefs, Their throat [is] an open grave, They make their tongue smooth.
10 Kazni ih, o Bože! Nek' propadnu oni i osnove njine, otjeraj ih zbog mnogih nedjela njihovih; tÓa oni se digoše na tebe.
Declare them guilty, O God, Let them fall from their own counsels, In the abundance of their transgressions Drive them away, Because they have been rebellious against You.
11 Nek' se raduju svi što se utječu tebi, neka kliču sve dovijeka! Štiti ih i nek se vesele u tebi koji ljube ime tvoje,
And all trusting in You rejoice, They sing for all time, and You cover them over, And those loving Your Name exult in You.
12 jer pravednika, Jahve, ti blagoslivljaš, dobrotom ga svojom k'o štitom zaklanjaš.
For You bless the righteous, O YHWH, Surrounding him with favor as a buckler!

< Psalmi 5 >