< Psalmi 27 >

1 Davidov. Jahve mi je svjetlost i spasenje: koga da se bojim? Jahve je štit života moga: pred kime da strepim?
A psalm of David. The Lord is my light and my savior; whom then should I fear? The Lord protects my life; whom then should I dread?
2 Kad navale na me zlotvori da mi tijelo žderu, protivnici moji i dušmani, oni posrću i padaju.
When the wicked drew near to assail me and eat up my flesh, it was those who distressed and opposed me who stumbled and fell.
3 Nek' se vojska protiv mene utabori, srce se moje ne boji; nek' i rat plane protiv mene, i tada pun sam pouzdanja.
Though against me a host should encamp, yet my heart would be fearless: though battle should rise up against me, still would I be trustful.
4 Za jedno molim Jahvu, samo to ja tražim: da živim u Domu Jahvinu sve dane života svoga, da uživam milinu Jahvinu i Dom njegov gledam.
One thing have I asked of the Lord, and that do I long for – To live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the grace of the Lord and inquire in his temple.
5 U sjenici svojoj on me zaklanja u dan kobni; skriva me u skrovištu Šatora svoga, na hridinu on me uzdiže.
For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of misfortune. In his sheltering tent he hides me: he lifts me up on a rock.
6 I sada izdižem glavu iznad dušmana oko sebe. U njegovu ću Šatoru prinositi žrtve radosne, Jahvi ću pjevat' i klicati.
And now that my head he has lifted above my encircling foes, I will march round the altar and sacrifice, shouting with joy, in his tent, making music and song to the Lord.
7 Slušaj, o Jahve, glas moga vapaja, milostiv mi budi, usliši me!
Hear, O Lord, my loud cry, and graciously answer me.
8 Moje mi srce govori: “Traži lice njegovo!” Da, lice tvoje, o Jahve, ja tražim.
My heart has said to you, “Your face, O Lord, I seek.”
9 Ne skrivaj lica svoga od mene. Ne odbij u gnjevu slugu svoga! Ti, Pomoći moja, nemoj me odbaciti! I ne ostavi me, Bože, Spasitelju moj!
Hide not your face from me, reject not your servant in anger: for you have been my help. Abandon me not, nor forsake me, O God of my help:
10 Ako me otac i mati ostave, Jahve će me primiti.
for father and mother have left me; but the Lord will take me up.
11 Nauči me, Jahve, putu svojemu, ravnom me stazom povedi poradi protivnika mojih.
Teach me your way, O Lord: lead me in an even path, because of my enemies.
12 Bijesu dušmana mojih ne predaj me, jer ustadoše na mene svjedoci lažni koji dašću nasiljem.
Give me not up, O Lord, unto the rage of my foes; for against me have risen false witnesses, breathing out cruelty.
13 Vjerujem da ću uživati dobra Jahvina u zemlji živih.
Firm is the faith I cherish, that I, in the land of the living, will yet see the goodness of God.
14 U Jahvu se uzdaj, ojunači se, čvrsto nek' bude srce tvoje: u Jahvu se uzdaj!
Let your heart be courageous and strong, and wait on the Lord.

< Psalmi 27 >