< Psalmi 111 >

1 Aleluja! ALEF Hvalit ću Jahvu svim srcem svojim BET u zboru pravednika, u zajednici njihovoj.
Hallelujah. I will thank the Lord with all my heart, in the assembled congregation of his people.
2 GIMEL Silna su djela Jahvina, DALET nek' razmišljaju o njima svi koji ih ljube.
Great are the things that the Lord has done, worthy of study by those who love them.
3 HE Sjajno je i veličanstveno djelo njegovo, VAU i pravda njegova ostaje dovijeka.
Majestic and glorious is his work, and his righteousness abides forever.
4 ZAJIN Čudesima svojim spomen postavi, HET blag je Jahve i milosrdan.
For his marvelous deeds he has won renown; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
5 TET Hranu dade štovateljima svojim, JOD dovijeka se sjeća svoga Saveza.
Food he gives to those who fear him, always he remembers his covenant.
6 KAF Silna djela svoja objavi svom narodu, LAMED u posjed im dade zemlju pogana.
His mighty works he has shown to his people, in giving to them the nations for heritage.
7 MEM Djela ruku njegovih vjernost su i pravednost, NUN stalne su sve naredbe njegove,
All that he does is faithful and right, all his behests are firm and sure.
8 SAMEK utvrđene za sva vremena, dovijeka, AJIN sazdane na istini i na pravdi.
They are established for ever and ever, executed with truth and uprightness.
9 PE On posla spasenje svom narodu, SADE Savez svoj postavi zauvijek: KOF sveto je i časno ime njegovo!
To his people he sent redemption, he has appointed his covenant forever. His name is holy and awe-inspiring.
10 REŠ Početak mudrosti strah Gospodnji! ŠIN Mudro čine koji ga poštuju. TAU Slava njegova ostaje dovijeka!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom those who keep it are wise indeed. His praise abides for ever and ever.

< Psalmi 111 >