< Psalmi 102 >

1 Molitva nevoljnika koji je klonuo pa svoju tugu izlijeva Jahve, usliši molitvu moju, i vapaj moj k tebi da dođe!
2 Nemoj sakrivati lice od mene u dan moje nevolje! Prigni k meni uho svoje: kad te prizovem, brzo me usliši!
Do not hide Your face from me, In a day of my adversity, Incline Your ear to me, In the day I call, hurry, answer me.
3 Jer moji dani nestaju poput dima, a moje kosti gore kao oganj.
For my days have been consumed in smoke, And my bones have burned as a firebrand.
4 Srce mi se suši kao pokošena trava i kruh svoj zaboravljam jesti.
Struck as the herb, and withered, is my heart, For I have forgotten to eat my bread.
5 Od snažnih jecaja mojih kosti mi uz kožu prionuše.
From the voice of my sighing My bone has cleaved to my flesh.
6 Sličan sam čaplji u pustinji, postah k'o ćuk na pustoj razvalini.
I have been like to a pelican of the wilderness, I have been as an owl of the dry places.
7 Ne nalazim sna i uzdišem k'o samotan vrabac na krovu.
I have watched, and I am As a bird alone on the roof.
8 Svagda me grde dušmani moji; mnome se proklinju što bjesne na me.
All the day my enemies reproached me, Those mad at me have sworn against me.
9 Pepeo jedem poput kruha, a piće svoje miješam sa suzama
Because I have eaten ashes as bread, And have mingled my drink with weeping,
10 zbog tvoje ljutine i gnjeva, jer si me digao i bacio.
From Your indignation and Your wrath, For You have lifted me up, And cast me down.
11 Moji su dani k'o oduljena sjena, a ja se, gle, sušim poput trave.
My days [are] stretched out as a shadow, And I am withered as the herb.
12 A ti, o Jahve, ostaješ dovijeka i tvoje ime kroza sva koljena.
And You, O YHWH, abide for all time, And Your memorial from generation to generation.
13 Ustani, smiluj se Sionu: vrijeme je da mu se smiluješ - sada je čas!
You rise—You pity Zion, For the time to favor her, For the appointed time has come.
14 Jer milo je slugama tvojim kamenje njegovo, žale ruševine njegove.
For Your servants have been pleased with her stones, And they favor her dust.
15 Tad će se pogani bojati, Jahve, imena tvojega i svi kraljevi zemlje slave tvoje
And nations fear the Name of YHWH, And all kings of the earth Your glory,
16 kad Jahve opet sazda Sion, kad se pokaže u slavi svojoj,
For YHWH has built Zion, He has been seen in His glory,
17 kad se osvrne na prošnju ubogih i ne prezre molitve njihove.
He turned to the prayer of the destitute, And He has not despised their prayer.
18 Nek' se zapiše ovo za budući naraštaj, puk što nastane neka hvali Jahvu.
This is written for a later generation, And the people created praise YAH.
19 Jer Jahve gleda sa svog uzvišenog svetišta, s nebesa na zemlju gleda
For He has looked From the high place of His sanctuary. YHWH looked attentively from the heavens to earth,
20 da čuje jauke sužnjeva, da izbavi smrti predane,
To hear the groan of the prisoner, To loose sons of death,
21 da se na Sionu navijesti ime Jahvino i njegova hvala u Jeruzalemu
To declare in Zion the Name of YHWH, And His praise in Jerusalem,
22 kad se narodi skupe i kraljevstva da služe Jahvi.
In the peoples being gathered together, And the kingdoms—to serve YHWH.
23 Putem je istrošio sile moje, skratio mi dane.
He has humbled my power in the way, He has shortened my days.
24 Rekoh: “Bože moj, nemoj me uzeti u sredini dana mojih! Kroza sva koljena traju godine tvoje.
I say, “My God, do not take me up in the midst of my days,” Your years [are] through all generations.
25 U početku utemelji zemlju, i nebo je djelo ruku tvojih.
You founded the earth before time, And the heavens [are] the work of Your hands.
26 Propast će, ti ćeš ostati, sve će ostarjeti kao odjeća. Mijenjaš ih poput haljine i nestaju:
They perish, and You remain, And all of them become old as a garment, You change them as clothing, And they are changed.
27 ti si uvijek isti - godinama tvojim nema kraja.
And You [are] the same, and Your years are not finished.
28 Djeca će tvojih slugu živjeti u miru i potomstvo će njihovo trajati pred tobom.
The sons of Your servants continue, And their seed is established before You!

< Psalmi 102 >