< Brojevi 25 >

1 Dok je Izrael boravio u Šitimu, narod se upusti u blud s Moapkama.
And Israel dwells in Shittim, and the people begin to go whoring to daughters of Moab,
2 One pozivahu narod na žrtvovanje svojim bogovima, a narod sudjelovaše u njihovim gozbama i klanjaše se njihovim bogovima.
and they call for the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people eat and bow themselves to their gods,
3 Tako se Izrael osramoti s Baalom peorskim. I Jahve planu gnjevom na Izraela.
and Israel is joined to Ba‘al-Peor, and the anger of YHWH burns against Israel.
4 “Pokupi sve narodne glavare”, reče Jahve Mojsiju. “Objesi ih Jahvi usred bijela dana da se Jahvin gnjev odvrati od Izraela.”
And YHWH says to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them before YHWH in sight of the sun; and the fierceness of the anger of YHWH turns back from Israel.”
5 Onda Mojsije rekne izraelskim sucima: “Neka svatko pobije one svoje ljude koji su se osramotili s Baalom peorskim.”
And Moses says to [the] judges of Israel, “Each slays his men who are joined to Ba‘al-Peor.”
6 Baš tada neki Izraelac dođe i dovede k svojoj braći jednu Midjanku naočigled Mojsija i naočigled sve izraelske zajednice koja zaplaka na ulazu u Šator sastanka.
And behold, a man of the sons of Israel has come, and brings a Midianitess to his brothers before the eyes of Moses and before the eyes of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, who are weeping at the opening of the Tent of Meeting;
7 Kad to opazi Pinhas, sin Eleazara, sina svećenika Arona, ustade ispred zajednice: uze koplje u ruku
and Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, sees, and rises from the midst of the congregation, and takes a javelin in his hand,
8 i pođe za Izraelcem u odaje i probode ih oboje, Izraelca i ženu; nju kroza slabine. Tako pomor Izraelaca prestade.
and goes in after the man of Israel to the hollow place, and pierces them both, the man of Israel and the woman—to her belly, and the plague is restrained from the sons of Israel;
9 A onih koji su od pomora pomrli bilo je dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
and the dead by the plague are twenty-four thousand.
10 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
11 “Pinhas, sin Eleazara, sina svećenika Arona, odvratio je moj gnjev od Izraelaca, obuzet među njima mojim revnovanjem. Zato u svome revnovanju nisam istrijebio izraelskoga naroda.
“Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My fury from the sons of Israel by his being zealous with My zeal in their midst, and I have not consumed the sons of Israel in My zeal.
12 Kaži mu dakle: 'S njime, evo, sklapam savez mira.
Therefore say, Behold, I am giving My covenant of peace to him,
13 Neka to bude za nj i njegove potomke poslije njega savez vječnoga svećeništva, jer je revnovao za svoga Boga i izvršio pomirenje za izraelski narod.'”
and it has been to him and to his seed after him [for] a covenant of a continuous priesthood, because that he has been zealous for his God, and makes atonement for the sons of Israel.”
14 Ime Izraelcu koji je bio ubijen - onome što je ubijen s Midjankom - bijaše Zimri. Bio je sin Salua, glavara jedne od Šimunovih porodica.
And the name of the man of Israel who is struck, who has been struck with the Midianitess, [is] Zimri son of Salu, prince of the house of a father of the Simeonite;
15 A ime ubijene žene Midjanke bijaše Kozbi. Bila je kći Surova. Sur je bio glavar jednog plemena, jedne porodice u Midjanu.
and the name of the woman who is struck, the Midianitess, [is] Cozbi daughter of Zur; he [is] head of peoples of a father’s house in Midian.
16 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
17 “Navali na Midjance i potuci ih,
“Distress the Midianites, and you have struck them,
18 jer su i oni navaljivali na vas svojim lukavštinama kad su lukavo radili protiv vas u slučaju Peora i svoje sestre Kozbi, kćeri glavara midjanskoga, koja je zaglavila u vrijeme pomora nastalog zbog Peora.”
for they are adversaries to you with their frauds, [with] which they have acted fraudulently to you, concerning the matter of Peor and concerning the matter of Cozbi, daughter of a prince of Midian, their sister, who is struck in the day of the plague for the matter of Peor.”

< Brojevi 25 >