< Marko 3 >

1 Uđe ponovno u sinagogu. Bio je ondje čovjek usahle ruke.
And again, he entered into the synagogue. And there was a man there who had a withered hand.
2 A oni vrebahu hoće li ga Isus u subotu izliječiti, da ga optuže.
And they observed him, to see if he would cure on the Sabbaths, so that they might accuse him.
3 On kaže čovjeku usahle ruke: “Stani na sredinu!”
And he said to the man who had the withered hand, “Stand up in the middle.”
4 A njima će: “Je li subotom dopušteno činiti dobro ili činiti zlo, život spasiti ili pogubiti?” No oni su šutjeli.
And he said to them: “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbaths, or to do evil, to give health to a life, or to destroy?” But they remained silent.
5 A on, ražalošćen okorjelošću srca njihova, srdito ih ošinu pogledom pa reče tom čovjeku: “Ispruži ruku!” On ispruži - i ruka mu zdrava!
And looking around at them with anger, being very saddened over the blindness of their hearts, he said to the man, “Extend your hand.” And he extended it, and his hand was restored to him.
6 Farizeji iziđu i dadnu se odmah s herodovcima na vijećanje protiv njega kako da ga pogube.
Then the Pharisees, going out, immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him, as to how they might destroy him.
7 Isus se s učenicima povuče k moru. Za njim je išao silan svijet iz Galileje. I iz Judeje,
But Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea. And a great crowd followed him from Galilee and Judea,
8 iz Jeruzalema, iz Idumeje, iz Transjordanije i iz okolice Tira i Sidona - silno je mnoštvo čulo što čini i nagrnulo k njemu.
and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea and across the Jordan. And those around Tyre and Sidon, upon hearing what he was doing, came to him in a great multitude.
9 Stoga reče učenicima neka mu se zbog mnoštva pripravi lađica da ga ne bi zgnjeli.
And he told his disciples that a small boat would be useful to him, because of the crowd, lest they press upon him.
10 Jer mnoge je ozdravio pa su se svi koji bijahu pogođeni kakvim zlom bacali na nj da bi ga se dotakli.
For he healed so many, that as many of them as had wounds would rush toward him in order to touch him.
11 A nečisti duhovi, čim bi ga spazili, padali bi preda nj i vikali: “Ti si Sin Božji!”
And the unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell prostrate before him. And they cried out, saying,
12 A on im se oštro prijetio da ga ne prokazuju.
“You are the Son of God.” And he strongly admonished them, lest they make him known.
13 Uziđe na goru i pozove koje sam htjede. I dođoše k njemu.
And ascending onto a mountain, he called to himself those whom he willed, and they came to him.
14 I ustanovi dvanaestoricu da budu s njime i da ih šalje propovijedati
And he acted so that the twelve would be with him, and so that he might send them out to preach.
15 s vlašću da izgone đavle.
And he gave them authority to cure infirmities, and to cast out demons:
16 Ustanovi dakle dvanaestoricu: Šimuna, kojemu nadjenu ime Petar,
and he imposed on Simon the name Peter;
17 i Jakova Zebedejeva i Ivana, brata Jakovljeva, kojima nadjenu ime Boanerges, to jest Sinovi groma,
and also he imposed on James of Zebedee, and John the brother of James, the name ‘Boanerges,’ that is, ‘Sons of Thunder;’
18 i Andriju i Filipa i Bartolomeja i Mateja i Tomu i Jakova Alfejeva i Tadeja i Šimuna Kananajca
and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Canaanite,
19 i Judu Iškariotskoga, koji ga izda.
and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
20 I dođe Isus u kuću. Opet se skupi toliko mnoštvo da nisu mogli ni jesti.
And they went to a house, and the crowd gathered together again, so much so that they were not even able to eat bread.
21 Čuvši to, dođoše njegovi da ga obuzdaju jer se govorilo: “Izvan sebe je!”
And when his own had heard of it, they went out to take hold of him. For they said: “Because he has gone mad.”
22 I pismoznanci što siđoše iz Jeruzalema govorahu: “Beelzebula ima, po poglavici đavolskom izgoni đavle.”
And the scribes who had descended from Jerusalem said, “Because he has Beelzebub, and because by the prince of demons does he cast out demons.”
23 A on ih dozva pa im u prispodobama govoraše: “Kako može Sotona Sotonu izgoniti?
And having called them together, he spoke to them in parables: “How can Satan cast out Satan?
24 Ako se kraljevstvo u sebi razdijeli, ono ne može opstati.
For if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom is not able to stand.
25 Ili: ako se kuća u sebi razdijeli, ona ne može opstati.
And if a house is divided against itself, that house is not able to stand.
26 Ako je dakle Sotona sam na sebe ustao i razdijelio se, ne može opstati, nego mu je kraj.
And if Satan has risen up against himself, he would be divided, and he would not be able to stand; instead he reaches the end.
27 Nitko, dakako, ne može u kuću jakoga ući i oplijeniti mu pokućstvo ako prije jakoga ne sveže. Tada će mu kuću oplijeniti!”
No one is able to plunder the goods of a strong man, having entered into the house, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he shall plunder his house.
28 Doista, kažem vam, sve će se oprostiti sinovima ljudskima, koliki god bili grijesi i hule kojima pohule.
Amen I say to you, that all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and the blasphemies by which they will have blasphemed.
29 No pohuli li tko na Duha Svetoga, nema oproštenja dovijeka; krivac je grijeha vječnoga.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
But he who will have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit shall not have forgiveness in eternity; instead he shall be guilty of an eternal offense.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 Jer govorahu: “Duha nečistoga ima.”
For they said: “He has an unclean spirit.”
31 I dođu majka njegova i braća njegova. Ostanu vani, a k njemu pošalju neka ga pozovu.
And his mother and brothers arrived. And standing outside, they sent to him, calling him.
32 Oko njega je sjedjelo mnoštvo. I reknu mu: “Eno vani majke tvoje i braće tvoje, traže te!”
And the crowd was sitting around him. And they said to him, “Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.”
33 On im odgovori: “Tko je majka moja i braća moja?”
And responding to them, he said, “Who is my mother and my brothers?”
34 I okruži pogledom po onima što su sjedjeli oko njega u krugu i kaže: “Evo majke moje, evo braće moje!
And looking around at those who were sitting all around him, he said: “Behold, my mother and my brothers.
35 Tko god vrši volju Božju, on mi je brat i sestra i majka.”
For whoever has done the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister and mother.”

< Marko 3 >