< Luka 1 >

1 Kad već mnogi poduzeše sastaviti izvješće o događajima koji se ispuniše među nama -
Forsothe for manye men enforceden to ordeyne the tellyng of thingis, whiche ben fillid in vs,
2 kako nam to predadoše oni koji od početka bijahu očevici i sluge Riječi -
as thei that seyn atte the bigynnyng, and weren ministris of the word,
3 pošto sam sve, od početka, pomno ispitao, naumih i ja tebi, vrli Teofile, sve po redu napisati
bitaken, it is seen also to me, hauynge alle thingis diligentli bi ordre, to write to thee,
4 da se tako osvjedočiš o pouzdanosti svega u čemu si poučen.
thou best Theofile, that thou knowe the treuthe of tho wordis, of whiche thou art lerned.
5 U dane Heroda, kralja judejskoga, bijaše neki svećenik imenom Zaharija iz razreda Abijina. Žena mu bijaše od kćeri Aronovih, a ime joj Elizabeta.
In the daies of Eroude, kyng of Judee, ther was a prest, Sakarie bi name, of the sorte of Abia, and his wijf was of the douytris of Aaron, and hir name was Elizabeth.
6 Oboje bijahu pravedni pred Bogom: živjeli su besprijekorno po svim zapovijedima i odredbama Gospodnjim.
And bothe weren iust bifor God, goynge in alle the maundementis and iustifiyngis of the Lord, withouten pleynt.
7 No nisu imali djeteta jer Elizabeta bijaše nerotkinja, a oboje već poodmakle dobi.
And thei hadden no child, for Elizabeth was bareyn, and bothe weren of grete age in her daies.
8 Dok je Zaharija jednom po redu svoga razreda obavljao svećeničku službu pred Bogom,
And it bifel, that whanne Zacarie schulde do the office of preesthod, in the ordre of his cours tofor God,
9 ždrijebom ga zapade po bogoslužnom običaju da uđe u Svetište Gospodnje i prinese kad.
aftir the custome of the preesthod, he wente forth bi lot, and entride in to the temple, to encense.
10 Za vrijeme kađenice sve je ono mnoštvo naroda vani molilo.
And al the multitude of the puple was with outforth, and preiede in the our of encensyng.
11 A njemu se ukaza anđeo Gospodnji. Stajao je s desne strane kadionoga žrtvenika.
And an aungel of the Lord apperide to hym, and stood on the riythalf of the auter of encense.
12 Ugledavši ga, Zaharija se prepade i strah ga spopade.
And Zacarie seynge was afraied, and drede fel vpon hym.
13 No anđeo mu reče: “Ne boj se, Zaharija! Uslišana ti je molitva: žena će ti Elizabeta roditi sina. Nadjenut ćeš mu ime Ivan.
And the aungel seide to hym, Zacarie, drede thou not; for thi preyer is herd, and Elizabeth, thi wijf, schal bere to thee a sone, and his name schal be clepid Joon.
14 Bit će ti radost i veselje i rođenje će njegovo mnoge obradovati.
And ioye and gladyng schal be to thee; and many schulen `haue ioye in his natyuyte.
15 Bit će doista velik pred Gospodinom. Ni vina ni drugoga opojnog pića neće piti. Duha Svetoga bit će pun već od majčine utrobe.
For he schal be greet bifor the Lord, and he schal not drynke wyn and sidir, and he schal be fulfillid with the Hooli Goost yit of his modir wombe.
16 Mnoge će sinove Izraelove obratiti Gospodinu, Bogu njihovu.
And he schal conuerte many of the children of Israel to her Lord God;
17 Ići će pred njim u duhu i sili Ilijinoj da obrati srce otaca k sinovima i nepokorne k razumnosti pravednih te spremi Gospodinu narod pripravan.”
and he schal go bifor hym in the spirit and the vertu of Helie; and he schal turne the hertis of the fadris in to the sones, and men out of bileue to the prudence of iust men, to make redi a perfit puple to the Lord.
18 Nato Zaharija reče anđelu: “Po čemu ću ja to razaznati. Ta star sam i žena mi poodmakle dobi.”
And Zacarie seide to the aungel, Wherof schal Y wite this? for Y am eld, and my wijf hath gon fer in to hir daies.
19 Anđeo mu odgovori: “Ja sam Gabriel koji stojim pred Bogom. Poslan sam da govorim s tobom i da ti donesem ovu radosnu poruku.
And the aungel answeride, and seide to hym, For Y am Gabriel, that stonde niy bifor God; and Y am sent to thee to speke, and to euangelize to thee these thingis.
20 I evo, budući da nisi povjerovao mojim riječima, koje će se ispuniti u svoje vrijeme, zanijemjet ćeš i nećeš moći govoriti do dana dok se to ne zbude.”
And lo! thou schalt be doumbe, and thou schalt not mow speke til in to the dai, in which these thingis schulen be don; for thou hast not bileued to my wordis, whiche schulen be fulfillid in her tyme.
21 Narod je iščekivao Zahariju i čudio se što se toliko zadržao u Svetištu.
And the puple was abidynge Zacarie, and thei wondriden, that he tariede in the temple.
22 Kad je napokon izašao, nije im mogao ništa reći pa zaključiše da je u Svetištu imao viđenje. Nastojao im se doduše izraziti znakovima, ali osta nijem.
And he yede out, and myyte not speke to hem, and thei knewen that he hadde seyn a visioun in the temple. And he bikenyde to hem, and he dwellide stille doumbe.
23 Kad se navršiše dani njegove službe, otiđe kući.
And it was don, whanne the daies of his office weren fulfillid, he wente in to his hous.
24 Nakon tih dana zatrudnje Elizabeta, njegova žena. Krila se pet mjeseci govoreći:
And aftir these daies Elizabeth, his wijf, conseyuede, and hidde hir fyue monethis, and seide,
25 “Evo, to mi je učinio Gospodin u dane kad mu se svidje skinuti s mene sramotu među ljudima.”
For so the Lord dide to me in the daies, in whiche he bihelde, to take awei my repreef among men.
26 U šestome mjesecu posla Bog anđela Gabriela u galilejski grad imenom Nazaret
But in the sixte moneth the aungel Gabriel was sent fro God in to a citee of Galilee, whos name was Nazareth,
27 k djevici zaručenoj s mužem koji se zvao Josip iz doma Davidova; a djevica se zvala Marija.
to a maidyn, weddid to a man, whos name was Joseph, of the hous of Dauid; and the name of the maidun was Marie.
28 Anđeo uđe k njoj i reče: “Zdravo, milosti puna! Gospodin s tobom!”
And the aungel entride to hir, and seide, Heil, ful of grace; the Lord be with thee; blessid be thou among wymmen.
29 Na tu se riječ ona smete i stade razmišljati kakav bi to bio pozdrav.
And whanne sche hadde herd, sche was troublid in his word, and thouyte what maner salutacioun this was.
30 No anđeo joj reče: “Ne boj se, Marijo! Ta našla si milost u Boga.
And the aungel seide to hir, Ne drede thou not, Marie, for thou hast foundun grace anentis God.
31 Evo, začet ćeš i roditi sina i nadjenut ćeš mu ime Isus.
Lo! thou schalt conceyue in wombe, and schalt bere a sone, and thou schalt clepe his name Jhesus.
32 On će biti velik i zvat će se Sin Svevišnjega. Njemu će Gospodin Bog dati prijestolje Davida, oca njegova,
This schal be greet, and he schal be clepid the sone of the Hiyeste; and the Lord God schal yeue to hym the seete of Dauid, his fadir,
33 i kraljevat će nad domom Jakovljevim uvijeke i njegovu kraljevstvu neće biti kraja.” (aiōn g165)
and he schal regne in the hous of Jacob with outen ende, and of his rewme schal be noon ende. (aiōn g165)
34 Nato će Marija anđelu: “Kako će to biti kad ja muža ne poznajem?”
And Marie seide to the aungel, On what maner schal this thing be doon, for Y knowe not man?
35 Anđeo joj odgovori: “Duh Sveti sići će na te i sila će te Svevišnjega osjeniti. Zato će to čedo i biti sveto, Sin Božji.
And the aungel answeride, and seide to hir, The Hooly Goost schal come fro aboue in to thee, and the vertu of the Hiyeste schal ouerschadewe thee; and therfor that hooli thing that schal be borun of thee, schal be clepid the sone of God.
36 A evo tvoje rođakinje Elizabete: i ona u starosti svojoj zače sina. I njoj, nerotkinjom prozvanoj, ovo je već šesti mjesec.
And lo! Elizabeth, thi cosyn, and sche also hath conceyued a sone in hir eelde, and this moneth is the sixte to hir that is clepid bareyn;
37 Ta Bogu ništa nije nemoguće!”
for euery word schal not be inpossible anentis God.
38 Nato Marija reče: “Evo službenice Gospodnje, neka mi bude po tvojoj riječi!” I anđeo otiđe od nje.
And Marie seide, Lo! the handmaydyn of the Lord; be it don to me aftir thi word. And the aungel departide fro hir.
39 Tih dana usta Marija i pohiti u Gorje, u grad Judin.
And Marie roos vp in tho daies, and wente with haaste in to the mounteyns, in to a citee of Judee.
40 Uđe u Zaharijinu kuću i pozdravi Elizabetu.
And sche entride in to the hous of Zacarie, and grette Elizabeth.
41 Čim Elizabeta začu Marijin pozdrav, zaigra joj čedo u utrobi. I napuni se Elizabeta Duha Svetoga
And it was don, as Elizabeth herde the salutacioun of Marie, the yong child in hir wombe gladide. And Elizabeth was fulfillid with the Hooli Goost,
42 i povika iz svega glasa: “Blagoslovljena ti među ženama i blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje!
and criede with a greet vois, and seide, Blessid be thou among wymmen, and blessid be the fruyt of thi wombe.
43 Ta otkuda meni da mi dođe majka Gospodina mojega?
And whereof is this thing to me, that the modir of my Lord come to me?
44 Gledaj samo! Tek što mi do ušiju doprije glas pozdrava tvojega, zaigra mi od radosti čedo u utrobi.
For lo! as the voice of thi salutacioun was maad in myn eeris, the yong child gladide in ioye in my wombe.
45 Blažena ti što povjerova da će se ispuniti što ti je rečeno od Gospodina!”
And blessid be thou, that hast bileued, for thilke thingis that ben seid of the Lord to thee, schulen be parfitli don.
46 Tada Marija reče: “Veliča duša moja Gospodina,
And Marie seide, Mi soule magnyfieth the Lord,
47 klikće duh moj u Bogu, mome Spasitelju,
and my spirit hath gladid in God, myn helthe.
48 što pogleda na neznatnost službenice svoje: odsad će me, evo, svi naraštaji zvati blaženom.
For he hath biholdun the mekenesse of his handmaidun.
49 Jer velika mi djela učini Svesilni, sveto je ime njegovo!
For lo! of this alle generaciouns schulen seie that Y am blessid. For he that is myyti hath don to me grete thingis, and his name is hooli.
50 Od koljena do koljena dobrota je njegova nad onima što se njega boje.
And his mercy is fro kynrede in to kynredes, to men that dreden hym.
51 Iskaza snagu mišice svoje, rasprši oholice umišljene.
He made myyt in his arme, he scaterede proude men with the thouyte of his herte.
52 Silne zbaci s prijestolja, a uzvisi neznatne.
He sette doun myyti men fro sete, and enhaunside meke men.
53 Gladne napuni dobrima, a bogate otpusti prazne.
He hath fulfillid hungri men with goodis, and he hath left riche men voide.
54 Prihvati Izraela, slugu svoga, kako obeća ocima našim:
He, hauynge mynde of his mercy, took Israel, his child;
55 spomenuti se dobrote svoje prema Abrahamu i potomstvu njegovu dovijeka.” (aiōn g165)
as he hath spokun to oure fadris, to Abraham and to his seed, in to worldis. (aiōn g165)
56 Marija osta s Elizabetom oko tri mjeseca, a onda se vrati kući.
And Marie dwellide with hir, as it were thre monethis, and turnede ayen in to hir hous.
57 Elizabeti se međutim navršilo vrijeme da rodi. I porodi sina.
But the tyme of beryng child was fulfillid to Elizabeth, and sche bare a sone.
58 Kad su njezini susjedi i rođaci čuli da joj Gospodin obilno iskaza dobrotu, radovahu se s njome.
And the neiyboris and cosyns of hir herden, that the Lord hadde magnyfied his mercy with hir; and thei thankiden hym.
59 Osmoga se dana okupe da obrežu dječaka. Htjedoše ga prozvati imenom njegova oca - Zaharija,
And it was don in the eiyte dai, thei camen to circumcide the child; and thei clepiden hym Zacarie, bi the name of his fadir.
60 no mati se njegova usprotivi: “Nipošto, nego zvat će se Ivan!”
And his moder answeride, and seide, Nay, but he schal be clepid Joon.
61 Rekoše joj na to: “Ta nikoga nema od tvoje rodbine koji bi se tako zvao.”
And thei seiden to hir, For no man is in thi kynrede, that is clepid this name.
62 Tada znakovima upitaju oca kojim ga imenom želi prozvati.
And thei bikeneden to his fadir, what he wolde that he were clepid.
63 On zaiska pločicu i napisa “Ivan mu je ime!” Svi se začude,
And he axynge a poyntil, wroot, seiynge, Joon is his name.
64 a njemu se umah otvoriše usta i jezik te progovori blagoslivljajući Boga.
And alle men wondriden. And anoon his mouth was openyd, and his tunge, and he spak, and blesside God.
65 Strah obuze sve njihove susjede, a po svem su se Gorju judejskom razglašavali svi ti događaji.
And drede was maad on alle her neiyboris, and alle these wordis weren pupplischid on alle the mounteyns of Judee.
66 I koji su god čuli, razmišljahu o tome pitajući se: “Što li će biti od ovoga djeteta?” Uistinu, ruka Gospodnja bijaše s njime.
And alle men that herden puttiden in her herte, and seiden, What maner child schal this be? For the hoond of the Lord was with hym.
67 A Zaharija, otac njegov, napuni se Duha Svetoga i stade prorokovati:
And Zacarie, his fadir, was fulfillid with the Hooli Goost, and prophesiede,
68 “Blagoslovljen Gospodin Bog Izraelov, što pohodi i otkupi narod svoj!
and seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visitid, and maad redempcioun of his puple.
69 Podiže nam snagu spasenja u domu Davida, sluge svojega,
And he hath rerid to vs an horn of heelthe in the hous of Dauid, his child.
70 kao što obeća na usta svetih proroka svojih odvijeka: (aiōn g165)
As he spak bi the mouth of hise hooli prophetis, that weren fro the world. (aiōn g165)
71 spasiti nas od neprijatelja naših i od ruke sviju koji nas mrze;
Helthe fro oure enemyes, and fro the hoond of alle men that hatiden vs.
72 iskazati dobrotu ocima našim i sjetiti se svetog Saveza svojega,
To do merci with oure fadris, and to haue mynde of his hooli testament.
73 zakletve kojom se zakle Abrahamu, ocu našemu: da će nam dati
The greet ooth that he swoor to Abraham, oure fadir, to yyue hym silf to vs.
74 te mu, izbavljeni iz ruku neprijatelja, služimo bez straha
That we with out drede delyuered fro the hoond of oure enemyes,
75 u svetosti i pravednosti pred njim u sve dane svoje.
serue to hym, in hoolynesse and riytwisnesse bifor hym in alle oure daies.
76 A ti, dijete, prorok ćeš se Svevišnjega zvati jer ćeš ići pred Gospodinom da mu pripraviš putove,
And thou, child, schalt be clepid the prophete of the Hiyest; for thou schalt go bifor the face of the Lord, to make redi hise weies.
77 da pružiš spoznaju spasenja narodu njegovu po otpuštenju grijeha njihovih,
To yyue scyence of helthe to his puple, in to remyssioun of her synnes;
78 darom premilosrdnog srca Boga našega po kojem će nas pohoditi Mlado sunce s visine
bi the inwardnesse of the merci of oure God, in the whiche he spryngynge vp fro an hiy hath visitid vs.
79 da obasja one što sjede u tmini i sjeni smrtnoj, da upravi noge naše na put mira.”
To yyue liyt to hem that sitten in derknessis and in schadewe of deeth; to dresse oure feet in to the weie of pees.
80 Dječak je međutim rastao i duhom jačao. Boravio je u pustinji sve do dana svoga javnog nastupa pred Izraelom.
And the child wexide, and was coumfortid in spirit, and was in desert placis `til to the dai of his schewing to Israel.

< Luka 1 >