< Levitski zakonik 17 >

1 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Govori Aronu, njegovim sinovima i svima Izraelcima te im reci: 'Evo što je zapovjedio Jahve:
Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and say to them, This is the thing which Jehovah has commanded, saying,
3 svaki onaj od Izraelova doma koji u taboru ili izvan tabora zakolje vola, ili ovcu, ili kozu,
Whatever man there is of the house of Israel, who kills an ox, or lamb, or goat, in the camp, or who kills it outside the camp,
4 a ne donese ih na ulaz u Šator sastanka da se prinesu na dar Jahvi pred njegovim Prebivalištem, svaki takav neka je odgovoran: prolio je krv i neka se odstrani iz svoga naroda.'
and has not brought it to the door of the tent of meeting, to offer it as an oblation to Jehovah before the tabernacle of Jehovah, blood shall be imputed to that man. He has shed blood, and that man shall be cut off from among his people,
5 Zato neka Izraelci svoje žrtve koje bi htjeli klati vani u polju dovedu na ulaz u Šator sastanka, k svećeniku, i neka ih prinose kao žrtve pričesnice.
to the end that the sons of Israel may bring their sacrifices, which they sacrifice in the open field, even that they may bring them to Jehovah, to the door of the tent of meeting, to the priest, and sacrifice them for sacrifices of peace offerings to Jehovah.
6 Neka svećenik izlije krv po Jahvinu žrtveniku koji se nalazi na ulazu u Šator sastanka, a loj spali na ugodan miris Jahvi,
And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of Jehovah at the door of the tent of meeting, and burn the fat for a sweet savor to Jehovah.
7 tako da ubuduće ne prinose svojih žrtava klanica jarcima s kojima se odaju bludu. Neka je ovo trajan zakon za njih i njihove naraštaje.
And they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices to the he-goats, after which they play the harlot. This shall be a statute forever to them throughout their generations.
8 I kaži im: 'Svaki pojedinac od Izraelova doma, ili stranac koji među vama boravi, koji prinese paljenicu ili klanicu
And thou shall say to them, Whatever man there is of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice,
9 a ne donese je na ulaz u Šator sastanka da se prinese Jahvi, taj neka se odstrani iz svoga naroda.'”
and does not bring it to the door of the tent of meeting, to sacrifice it to Jehovah, that man shall be cut off from his people.
10 “Nadalje, protiv svakoga pojedinca od Izraelova doma, a tako i protiv svakoga pridošlice među vama koji bi blagovao bilo kakvu krv, ja ću se okrenuti, svakoga tko blaguje krv odstranit ću iz njegova naroda.
And whatever man there is of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, who eats any manner of blood, I will set my face against that soul who eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people.
11 Jer je život živoga bića u krvi. Tu krv ja sam vama dao da na žrtveniku njome obavljate obred pomirenja za svoje živote. Jer krv je ono što ispašta za život.
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life.
12 Zato sam kazao Izraelcima: neka nitko od vas ne jede krvi; neka ni stranac koji među vama bude ne jede krvi.
Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, nor shall any stranger that sojourns among you eat blood.
13 Tko god, Izraelac ili stranac koji među vama boravi, uhvati u lovu kakvu zvijer ili pticu što se može jesti neka joj prolije krv i zatrpa zemljom.
And whatever man there is of the sons of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, who takes any beast or bird in hunting that may be eaten, he shall pour out the blood of it, and cover it with dust.
14 Jer život svakoga živog bića jest njegova krv. Zato sam i rekao Izraelcima: ne smijete jesti krvi ni od kakva živog bića, jer život svakoga živog bića jest njegova krv. Tko god je bude jeo, neka se odstrani.
For as to the life of all flesh, the blood of it is with the life of it. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh, for the life of all flesh is the blood of it. Whoever eats it shall be cut off.
15 Tko bi god, Izraelac ili stranac, jeo što je uginulo ili što su zvijeri rastrgale neka opere svoju odjeću, u vodi se okupa i ostane nečistim do večeri. Tada će postati čist.
And every soul who eats that which dies of itself, or that which is torn of beasts, whether he be home-born or a sojourner, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening, then he shall be clean.
16 Ali ako je ne opere i ne okupa svoga tijela, neka snosi posljedice svoje krivnje.”
But if he does not wash them, nor bathe his flesh, then he shall bear his iniquity.

< Levitski zakonik 17 >