< Jošua 19 >

1 Drugi ždrijeb izađe za Šimuna, za pleme sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim: njihova je baština bila usred sinova Judinih.
And the second lot came out for the children of Symeon; and their inheritance was in the midst of the lots of the children of Juda.
2 Dodijeljena im je kao baština: Beer Šeba, Šeba, Molada;
And their lot was Beersabee, and Samaa, and Caladam,
3 Hasar Šual, Bala, Esem;
and Arsola, and Bola, and Jason,
4 Eltolad, Betul, Horma,
and Erthula, and Bula, and Herma,
5 Siklag, Bet-Hamarkabot, Hasar Susa,
and Sikelac, and Baethmachereb, and Sarsusin,
6 Bet-Lebaot i Šaruhen: trinaest gradova i njihova sela.
and Batharoth, and their fields, thirteen cities, and their villages.
7 Ajin, Rimon, Eter i Ašan: četiri grada s njihovim selima.
Eremmon, and Thalcha, and Jether, and Asan; four cities and their villages,
8 I sva naselja što su oko tih gradova, do Baalat Beera, Ramat Negeba. To je baština plemena sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim.
round about their cities as far as Balec as [men] go to Bameth southward: this [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon according to their families.
9 Baština je sinova Šimunovih bila od dijela sinova Judinih, jer dio dodijeljen sinovima Judinim bijaše za njih prevelik. Zato su sinovi Šimunovi dobili svoju baštinu usred njihova područja.
The inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon [was a part] of the lot of Juda, for the portion of the children of Juda was greater than theirs; and the children of Symeon inherited in the midst of their lot.
10 Treći ždrijeb izađe za sinove Zebulunove po porodicama njihovim: njihovo je područje sezalo do Sarida,
And the third lot came out to Zabulon according to their families: the bounds of their inheritance shall be—Esedekgola shall be their border,
11 odakle im se međa na zapadu penjala do Marale, doticala Dabešet i dopirala do potoka koji je nasuprot Jokneamu.
the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.
12 Od Sarida je međa okretala prema istoku, sve do međe Kislot Tabora, odakle je izlazila do Dabrata i uspinjala se do Jafije.
And the border returned from Sedduc in a contrary direction eastward from Baethsamys, to the borders of Chaselothaith, and shall pass on to Dabiroth, and shall proceed upward to Phangai.
13 A odatle je išla opet prema istoku, na Git Hefer i na Ita Kasin, izlazila na Rimon i vraćala se do Nee.
And thence it shall come round in the opposite direction eastward to Gebere to the city of Catasem, and shall go on to Remmonaa Matharaoza.
14 Onda je okretala sa sjevera oko Hanatona i završavala se u dolini Jiftah-Elu.
And the borders shall come round northward to Amoth, and their going out shall be at Gaephael,
15 Pa Katat, Nahalal, Šimron, Jidalu i Betlehem: dvanaest gradova s njihovim selima.
and Catanath, and Nabaal, and Symoon, and Jericho, and Baethman.
16 To je bila baština sinova Zebulunovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Zabulon according to their families, [these] cities and their villages.
17 Četvrti je ždrijeb izašao za Jisakara, za sinove Jisakarove po njihovim porodicama.
And the fourth lot came out to Issachar.
18 A posjed im je bio: Jizreel, Hakesulot, Šunem;
And their borders were Jazel, and Chasaloth, and Sunam,
19 Hafarajim, Šion, Anaharat;
and Agin, and Siona, and Reeroth,
20 Harabit, Kišjon, Ebes;
and Anachereth, and Dabiron, and Kison, and Rebes,
21 Remet i En-Ganim, En-Hada i Bet-Pases.
and Remmas, and Jeon, and Tomman, and Aemarec, and Bersaphes.
22 Potom međa dotiče Tabor, Šahasimu i Bet-Šemeš i izlazi na Jordan: šesnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
And the boundaries shall border upon Gaethbor, and upon Salim westward, and Baethsamys; and the extremity of his bounds shall be Jordan.
23 To je baština plemena sinova Jisakarovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Issachar according to their families, the cities and their villages.
24 Peti ždrijeb iziđe za pleme sinova Ašerovih po njihovim porodicama.
And the fifth lot came out to Aser according to their families.
25 Njihova je zemlja bila: Helkat, Hali, Beten, Akšaf,
And their borders were Exeleketh, and Aleph, and Baethok, and Keaph,
26 Alamelek, Amad, Mišal. Na zapadu je međa doticala Karmel i Šihor Libnat.
and Elimelech, and Amiel, and Maasa, and the lot will border on Carmel westward, and on Sion, and Labanath.
27 Zatim je okretala prema sunčanom istoku do Bet-Dagona i doticala se Zebuluna i doline Jiftahela sa sjevera; protezala se dalje Bet-Haemekom i Neielom i dosezala slijeva Kabul,
And it will return westward from Baethegeneth, and will join Zabulon and Ekgai, and Phthaeel northwards, and the borders will come to Saphthaebaethme, and Inael, and will go on to Chobamasomel,
28 pa Abdon, Rehob, Hamon i Kanu sve do Velikog Sidona.
and Elbon, and Raab, and Ememaon, and Canthan to great Sidon.
29 Međa je tada zavijala prema Rami i do tvrdoga grada Tira te je okretala prema Hosi i izlazila na more. Obuhvaćala je Mehaleb, Akzib,
And the borders shall turn back to Rama, and to the fountain of Masphassat, and the Tyrians; and the borders shall return to Jasiph, and their going forth shall be the sea, and Apoleb, and Echozob,
30 Ako, Afek i Rehob: dvadeset i dva grada s njihovim selima.
and Archob, and Aphec, and Raau.
31 To je baština plemena sinova Ašerovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Aser according to their families, the cities and their villages.
32 Šesti ždrijeb izađe za sinove Naftalijeve po njihovim porodicama.
And the sixth lot came out to Nephthali.
33 Njihova međa ide od Helefa i od Hrasta u Saananimu, od Adami Hanekeba i Jabneela do Lakuma i izbija na Jordan.
And their borders were Moolam, and Mola, and Besemiin, and Arme, and Naboc, and Jephthamai, as far as Dodam; and their goings out were Jordan.
34 Potom međa okreće na zapad k Aznot Taboru i pruža se odande prema Hukoku; na jugu se dotiče Zebuluna, na zapadu Ašera, na istoku Jordana.
And the coasts will return westward by Athabor, and will go out thence to Jacana, and will border on Zabulon southward, and Aser will join [it] westward, and Jordan eastward.
35 Utvrđeni gradovi bijahu Hasidim, Ser, Hamat, Rakat, Kineret;
And the walled cities of the Tyrians, Tyre, and Omathadaketh, and Kenereth,
36 Adama, Rama, Hasor,
and Armaith, and Areal, and Asor,
37 Kedeš, Edrej, En-Hasor;
and Cades, and Assari, and the well of Asor;
38 Jiron, Migdal-El, Horem, Bet-Anat, Bet-Šemeš: devetnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
and Keroe, and Megalaarim, and Baetthame, and Thessamys.
39 To je baština plemena Naftalijevih sinova po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Nephthali.
40 Izađe sedmi ždrijeb za pleme sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim.
And the seventh lot came out to Dan.
41 Područje baštine njihove bilo je: Sora, Eštaol, Ir Šemeš,
And their borders were Sarath, and Asa, and the cities of Sammaus,
42 Šaalabin, Ajalon, Jitla,
and Salamin, and Ammon, and Silatha,
43 Elon, Timna, Ekron,
and Elon, and Thamnatha, and Accaron;
44 Elteke, Gibeton, Baalat,
and Alcatha, and Begethon, and Gebeelan,
45 Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gat-Rimon,
and Azor, and Banaebacat, and Gethremmon.
46 Me-Hajarkon i Harakon s područjem prema Jafi.
And westward of Hieracon the border [was] near to Joppa.
47 Ali područje sinova Danovih bilo je za njih pretijesno; zato udare Danovi sinovi na Lešem, osvoje ga i sve pobiju oštricom mača; zaposjednu grad, nastane se u njemu i Lešem prozovu Dan, po imenu Dana, oca svoga.
This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan, according to their families, these [are] their cities and their villages: and the children of Dan did not drive out the Amorite who afflicted them in the mountain; and the Amorite would not suffer them to come down into the valley, but they forcibly took from them the border of their portion.
48 To je baština plemena sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim: ti im gradovi i sela njihova.
And the sons of Dan went and fought against Lachis, and took it, and struck it with the edge of the sword; and they lived in it, and called the name of it Lasendan: and the Amorite continued to dwell in Edom and in Salamin: and the hand of Ephraim prevailed against them, and they became tribute to them.
49 Kada završe diobu zemlje ždrijebom i utvrde njezine međe, dadu Izraelci Jošui, sinu Nunovu, baštinu u svojoj sredini.
And they proceeded to take possession of the land according to their borders, and the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of Naue among them,
50 Po zapovijedi Jahvinoj dali su mu grad koji je sebi želio: Timnat-Serah u Efrajimovoj gori; on utvrdi taj grad i nastani se u njemu.
by the command of God, and they gave him the city which he asked for, Thamnasarach, which is in the mount of Ephraim; and he built the city, and lived in it.
51 To su baštine koje su svećenik Eleazar i Jošua, sin Nunov, i glavari izraelskih plemena podijelili ždrijebom među plemena izraelska u Šilu, pred Jahvom, na vratima Šatora sastanka. Tako je zavšena razdioba zemlje.
These [are] the divisions which Eleazar the priest divided by lot, and Joshua the [son] of Naue, and the heads of families among the tribes of Israel, according to the lots, in Selo before the Lord by the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and they went to take possession of the land.

< Jošua 19 >