< Jona 3 >

1 Riječ Jahvina dođe Joni drugi put:
And there is a word of YHWH to Jonah a second time, saying,
2 “Ustani,” reče mu, “idi u Ninivu, grad veliki, propovijedaj u njemu što ću ti reći.”
“Rise, go to Nineveh, the great city, and proclaim to it the proclamation that I am speaking to you”;
3 Jona ustade i ode u Ninivu, kako mu Jahve zapovjedi. Niniva bijaše grad velik do Boga - tri dana hoda.
and Jonah rises, and he goes to Nineveh, according to the word of YHWH. And Nineveh has been a great city before God, a journey of three days.
4 Jona prođe gradom dan hoda, propovijedajući: “Još četrdeset dana i Niniva će biti razorena.”
And Jonah begins to go into the city—a journey of one day—and proclaims and says, “Yet forty days and Nineveh is overturned!”
5 Ninivljani povjerovaše Bogu; oglasiše post i obukoše se u kostrijet, svi od najvećega do najmanjega.
And the men of Nineveh believe in God, and proclaim a fast, and put on sackcloth, from their greatest even to their least,
6 Glas doprije do kralja ninivskoga: on ustade s prijestolja, skide plašt sa sebe, odjenu se u kostrijet i sjede u pepeo.
seeing the word comes to the king of Nineveh, and he rises from his throne, and removes his honorable robe from off him, and spreads out sackcloth, and sits on the ashes,
7 Tada se po odredbi kralja i njegovih velikaša oglasi i objavi u Ninivi: “Ljudi i stoka, goveda i ovce da ne okuse ništa, ni da pasu, ni da vodu piju.
and he cries and says in Nineveh by a decree of the king and his great ones, saying, “Man and beast, herd and flock—do not let them taste anything, do not let them feed, do not even let them drink water;
8 Nego i ljudi i stoka da se pokriju kostrijeću, da glasno Boga zazivlju i da se obrati svatko sa svojega zlog puta i nepravde koju je činio.
and let man and beast cover themselves [with] sackcloth, and let them call to God mightily, and let them each turn back from his evil way, and from the violence that [is] in their hands.
9 Tko zna, možda će se povratiti Bog, smilovati se i odustati od ljutoga svog gnjeva da ne izginemo?”
Who knows? He turns back, and God has relented, and has turned back from the heat of His anger, and we do not perish.”
10 Bog vidje što su činili: da se obratiše od svojega zlog puta. I sažali se Bog zbog nesreće kojom im bijaše zaprijetio i ne učini.
And God sees their works, that they have turned back from their evil way, and God relents of the evil that He spoke of doing to them, and He has not done [it].

< Jona 3 >