< Izaija 42 >

1 Evo Sluge mojega koga podupirem, mog izabranika, miljenika duše moje. Na njega sam svoga duha izlio da donosi pravo narodima.
Jacob is my servant, I will help him: Israel is my chosen, my soul has accepted him; I have put my Spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
2 On ne viče, on ne diže glasa, niti se čuti može po ulicama.
He shall not cry, nor lift up [his voice], nor shall his voice be heard without.
3 On ne lomi napuknutu trsku niti gasi stijenj što tinja. Vjerno on donosi pravdu,
A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench; but he shall bring forth judgment to truth.
4 ne sustaje i ne malakše dok na zemlji ne uspostavi pravo. Otoci žude za njegovim naukom.
He shall shine out, and shall not be discouraged, until he have set judgment on the earth: and in his name shall the Gentiles trust.
5 Ovako govori Jahve, Bog, koji stvori i razastrije nebesa, koji rasprostrije zemlju i njeno raslinje, koji dade dah narodima na njoj i dah bićima što njome hode.
Thus says the Lord God, who made the heaven, and established it; who settled the earth, and the things in it, and gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to them that tread on it:
6 Ja, Jahve, u pravdi te pozvah, čvrsto te za ruku uzeh; oblikovah te i postavih te za Savez narodu i svjetlost pucima,
I the Lord God have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand, and will strengthen you: and I have given you for the covenant of a race, for a light of the Gentiles:
7 da otvoriš oči slijepima, da izvedeš sužnje iz zatvora, iz tamnice one što žive u tami.
to open the eyes of the blind, to bring the bound and them that sit in darkness out of bonds and the prison-house.
8 Ja, Jahve mi je ime, svoje slave drugom ne dam, niti časti svoje kipovima.
I am the Lord God: that is my name: I will not give my glory to another, nor my praises to graven images.
9 Što prije prorekoh, evo, zbi se, i nove događaje ja naviještam, i prije negoli se pokažu, vama ih objavljujem.
Behold, the ancient things have come to pass, and [so will] the new things which I tell you: yes, before I tell [them] they are made known to you.
10 Pjevajte Jahvi pjesmu novu, i s kraja zemlje hvalu njegovu, neka ga slavi more sa svim što je u njem, otoci i njihovi žitelji!
Sing a new hymn to the Lord: you [who are] his dominion, glorify his name from the end of the earth: you that go down to the sea, and sail upon it; the islands, and they that dwell in them.
11 Nek' digne glas pustinja i njeni gradovi, nek' odjeknu naselja gdje žive Kedarci! Nek' podvikuju stanovnici Stijene, neka kliču s gorskih vrhova!
Rejoice, you wilderness, and the villages thereof, the hamlets, and the dwellers in Kedar: the inhabitants of the rock shall rejoice, they shall shout from the top of the mountains.
12 Nek' daju čast Jahvi i hvalu mu naviještaju po otocima!
They shall give glory to God, [and] shall proclaim his praises in the islands.
13 Kao junak izlazi Jahve, kao ratnik žar svoj podjaruje. Uz bojni poklik i viku ratnu ide junački na svog neprijatelja.
The Lord God of hosts shall go forth, and crush the war: he shall stir up jealousy, and shall shout mightily against his enemies.
14 “Šutjeh dugo, gluh se činjah, svladavah se; sad vičem kao žena kada rađa, dašćem i uzdišem.
I have been silent: shall I also always be silent and forbear: I have endured like a travailing [woman]: I will [now] amaze and wither at once.
15 Isušit ću brda i bregove, sparušiti svu zelen po njima, rijeke ću u stepe pretvoriti i močvare isušiti.
I will make desolate mountains and hills, and will dry up all their grass; and I will make the rivers islands, and dry up the pools.
16 Vodit ću slijepce po cestama, uputit' ih putovima. Pred njima ću tamu u svjetlost obratit', a neravno tlo u ravno. To ću učiniti i neću propustiti.
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not, and I will cause them to tread paths which they have not known: I will turn darkness into light for them, and crooked things into straight. These things will I do, and will not forsake them.
17 Uzmaknut će u golemu stidu koji se uzdaju u kipove, koji ljevenim likovima govore: 'Vi ste naši bogovi.'”
But they are turned back: be you utterly ashamed that trust in graven [images], who say to the molten [images], You are our gods.
18 Čujte, gluhi! Progledajte, slijepi, da vidite!
Hear, you deaf, and look up, you blind, to see.
19 Tko je slijep ako ne moj sluga, tko je gluh kao glasnik koga šaljem? Tko je slijep kao prijatelj, tko je gluh kao sluga Jahvin?
And who is blind, but my servants? and deaf, but they that rule over them? yes, the servants of God have been made blind.
20 Mnogo si vidio, ali nisi mario, uši ti bjehu otvorene, ali nisi čuo!
You have often seen, and have not taken heed; [your] ears have been opened, and you have not heard.
21 Jahvi se svidjelo zbog njegove pravednosti da uzveliča i proslavi Zakon svoj.
The Lord God has taken counsel that he might be justified, and might magnify [his] praise.
22 A narod je ovaj opljačkan i oplijenjen, mladići mu stavljeni u klade, vrgnuti u zatvore. Plijene ih, a nikoga da ih izbavi; robe ih, a nitko da kaže: “Vrati!”
And I saw, and the people were spoiled and plundered: for [there is] a snare in the secret chambers everywhere, and in the houses also, where they have hidden them: they became a spoil, and there was no one that delivered the prey, and there was none who said, Restore.
23 Tko od vas mari za to? Tko pazi i sluša unapredak?
Who [is there] among you that will give ear to these things? listen you to the things which are coming to pass.
24 Tko je pljačkašu izručio Jakova i otimačima Izraela? Nije li Jahve, protiv koga smo griješili, čijim putima ne htjedosmo hoditi, čiji Zakon nismo slušali?
For what did he give to Jacob up to spoil, and Israel to them that plundered him? Did not God [do it] against whom they sinned? [and] they would not walk in his ways, nor listen to his law.
25 Zato izli na Izraela žarki gnjev svoj i strahote ratne: plamen ga okruži odasvud, al' on ni to nije shvatio; sažeže ga, al' on ni to k srcu ne uze.
So he brought upon them the fury of his wrath; and the war, and those that burnt round about them, prevailed against them; yet no one of them knew [it], neither did they lay [it] to heart.

< Izaija 42 >