< Ezra 8 >

1 Evo glavara obitelji s rodoslovljem koji su sa mnom pošli iz Babilona za vladavine kralja Artakserksa:
And these are the chief fathers, and their genealogy, who went up with me from Babylon in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.
2 Od Pinhasovih sinova: Geršom; od Itamarovih sinova: Daniel; od Davidovih sinova: Hatuš,
Of the children of Phinehas, Gershom; of the children of Ithamar, Daniel; of the children of David, Hattush;
3 Šekanijini sinovi; od sinova Paroševih: Zaharija i s njim upisanih muškaraca stotinu i pedeset;
of the children of Shecaniah, of the children of Parosh, Zechariah, and with him were registered by genealogy of the males a hundred and fifty.
4 od Pahat-Moabovih sinova: Elijoenaj, sin Zerahjin, i s njim dvije stotine muškaraca;
Of the children of Pahath-Moab, Elihoenai the son of Zerahiah, and with him two hundred males.
5 od Zatuovih sinova: Šekanija, sin Jahazielov, i s njim tri stotine muškaraca;
Of the children of Shechaniah, the son of Jahaziel, and with him three hundred males.
6 od sinova Adinovih: Ebed, sin Jonatanov, i s njim pedeset muškaraca;
And of the children of Adin, Ebed the son of Jonathan, and with him fifty males.
7 od Elamovih sinova: Izaija, sin Atalijin, i s njim sedamdeset muškaraca;
And of the children of Elam, Isaiah the son of Athaliah, and with him seventy males.
8 od Šefatjinih sinova: Zebadja, sin Mihaelov, i s njim osamdeset muškaraca;
And of the children of Shephatiah, Zebadiah the son of Michael, and with him eighty males.
9 od Joabovih sinova: Obadja, sin Jehielov, i s njim dvije stotine i osamnaest muškaraca;
Of the children of Joab, Obadiah the son of Jehiel, and with him two hundred and eighteen males.
10 od sinova Banijevih: Šelomit, sin Josifjin, i s njim stotinu i šezdeset muškaraca;
And of the children of Shelomith, the son of Josiphiah, and with him a hundred and sixty males.
11 od Bebajevih sinova: Zaharija, sin Bebajev, i s njim dvadeset i osam muškaraca;
And of the children of Bebai, Zechariah the son of Bebai, and with him twenty-eight males.
12 od Azgadovih sinova: Johanan, sin Hakatanov, i s njim stotinu i deset muškaraca;
And of the children of Azgad, Johanan the son of Hakkatan, and with him a hundred and ten males.
13 od posljednjih Adonikamovih sinova poimence: Elifelet, Jeiel i Šemaja, i s njima šezdeset muškaraca;
And of the children of Adonikam, the last ones, whose names are these: Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them sixty males.
14 i od sinova Bigvajevih: Utaj, sin Zabudov, i s njim sedamdeset muškaraca.
And of the children of Bigvai, Uthai and Zabbud, and with them seventy males.
15 Sabrao sam ih kod rijeke koja teče prema Ahavi. Utaborili smo se za tri dana ondje. Pregledao sam svjetovnjake i svećenike, ali nisam ondje našao ni jednog levita.
And I gathered them together at the river that runs to Ahava; and there we encamped three days; and I surveyed the people and the priests, and found none of the sons of Levi there.
16 Tada sam poslao glavare Eliezera, Ariela, Šemaju, Elnatana, Jariba, Elnatana, Natana, Zahariju, Mešulama i učitelje Jojariba i Elnatana
And I sent for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for Jarib, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Meshullam, chief men, and for Joiarib and for Elnathan, men of understanding.
17 i uputio sam ih Idonu, poglavaru mjesta Kasifje. Stavio sam u njihova usta riječi koje će reći Idonu i njegovoj braći koja su se nalazila u mjestu Kasifji da nam pribave sluge za Dom Boga našega.
And I gave them a commission to Iddo the chief, at the place Casiphia, and I put words in their mouths to say to Iddo [and] his brethren the Nethinim, at the place Casiphia, that they should bring to us ministers for the house of our God.
18 Milostiva ruka Boga našega bijaše nad nama i oni nam dovedoše razumna čovjeka između sinova Mahlija, sina Levijeva, sina Izraelova: Šerebju s njegovim sinovima i braćom - njih osamnaest.
And by the good hand of our God upon us, they brought us a man of understanding, of the sons of Mahli, the son of Levi, the son of Israel, namely, Sherebiah, with his sons and his brethren, eighteen;
19 Još Hašabju i s njim njegova brata Izaiju, sina Merarijeva, i njihove sinove: njih dvadeset.
and Hashabiah, and with him Isaiah of the sons of Merari, his brethren and their sons, twenty;
20 A od poslužitelja koje su David i glavari postavili levitima da im služe: dvije stotine i dvadeset poslužitelja. Svi su bili poimence zabilježeni.
and of the Nethinim, whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites, two hundred and twenty Nethinim: all of them were expressed by name.
21 Ja sam ondje, kraj rijeke Ahave, proglasio post: da bismo se ponizili pred Bogom svojim i od njega izmolili sretan put sebi, svojoj djeci i svemu blagu svojem.
And I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance.
22 Jer bih se stidio moliti od kralja vojske i konjanika da nas štite putem od neprijatelja; izjavili smo, naprotiv, kralju: “Ruka je Boga našega ispružena da blagoslovi sve one koji ga traže; njegova snaga i gnjev njegov nad onima su koji ga ostavljaju.”
For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way; for we had spoken to the king saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his anger is against all them that forsake him.
23 I tako smo postili i molili Boga svoga na ovu nakanu, i on nas usliša.
And we fasted, and besought our God for this; and he was entreated of us.
24 Izabrao sam dvanaest glavara svećeničkih, Šerebju i Hašabju, i s njima desetoricu njihove braće;
And I separated twelve of the chiefs of the priests, Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brethren with them,
25 izmjerih im srebro, zlato i posuđe, darove koje su kralj, njegovi savjetnici, velikaši i svi Izraelci darovali za Dom Boga našega.
and I weighed to them the silver and the gold and the vessels, the heave-offering for the house of our God, which the king and his counsellors and his princes, and all Israel present, had offered.
26 Izmjerih i stavih u njihove ruke šest stotina i pedeset talenata srebra, stotinu srebrnih posuda od po dva talenta, stotinu talenata zlata,
And I weighed into their hand six hundred and fifty talents of silver; and silver vessels a hundred talents, [and] of gold a hundred talents;
27 dvadeset zlatnih čaša od tisuću darika i dva vrča od dobre pozlaćene mjedi, skupocjene kao zlato.
and twenty basons of gold, of a thousand darics; and two vessels of shining copper, precious as gold.
28 I rekoh im: “Vi ste Jahvi posvećeni; ovo je posuđe posvećeno, ovo srebro i zlato dragovoljno je darovano Jahvi, Bogu otaca vaših.
And I said to them, Ye are holy unto Jehovah; the vessels also are holy; and the silver and the gold is a voluntary offering to Jehovah the God of your fathers.
29 Pazite i čuvajte ovo sve dok ne izmjerite pred glavarima svećeničkim i pred levitima i glavarima obitelji Izraelovih u Jeruzalemu, u dvoranama Doma Jahvina.”
Watch and keep [them] until ye weigh them before the chiefs of the priests and the Levites, and the chiefs of the fathers of Israel, at Jerusalem, in the chambers of the house of Jehovah.
30 Svećenici i leviti primiše, dakle, izmjereno srebro, zlato i posuđe da ga odnesu u Jeruzalem, u Dom Boga našega.
And the priests and the Levites received by weight the silver and the gold and the vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God.
31 Dvanaestog dana prvoga mjeseca krenusmo od rijeke Ahave da pođemo u Jeruzalem: ruka Boga našega bijaše nad nama; on nas je na putu štitio od napada neprijatelja i od pljačkaša.
And we departed from the river Ahava on the twelfth of the first month, to go to Jerusalem; and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay in wait by the way.
32 Stigli smo u Jeruzalem i ondje smo se tri dana odmarali.
And we came to Jerusalem, and abode there three days.
33 Četvrtoga dana izmjereno je srebro, zlato i posuđe u Domu Boga našega i predano je u ruke Merimotu, sinu Urijinu, s kojim je bio Eleazar, sin Pinhasov; a pred njima bijahu leviti: Jozabad, sin Ješuin, i Noadja, sin Binujev.
And on the fourth day the silver and the gold and the vessels were weighed in the house of our God into the hand of Meremoth the son of Urijah the priest; and with him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas; and with them were Jozabad the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son of Binnui, Levites:
34 Sve je bilo na broju i težini. Zabilježena je tada sveukupna težina. U to vrijeme
the whole by number and by weight; and all the weight was written down at that time.
35 oni koji su se vratili iz sužanjstva, povratnici, priniješe žrtvu paljenicu Bogu Izraelovu: dvanaest junaca za sav Izrael, devedeset i šest ovnova, sedamdeset i sedam janjaca, dvanaest jaraca za grijehe - sve to kao paljenicu Jahvi.
The children of those that had been carried away, who had come out of the captivity, presented burnt-offerings to the God of Israel, twelve bullocks for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, twelve he-goats for a sin-offering: all for a burnt-offering to Jehovah.
36 Zatim predaše kraljeve naredbe kraljevskim satrapima i upraviteljima s one strane Rijeke i oni pomogoše narod i Dom Božji.
And they delivered the king's edicts to the king's satraps, and to the governors on this side the river. And they furthered the people and the house of God.

< Ezra 8 >