< Ezekiel 10 >

1 Pogledah, i gle: na svodu nad glavama kreubinÄa pojavi se nešto kao kamen safir, kao nekakvo prijestolje.
Then looking, I saw that on the arch which was over the head of the winged ones there was seen over them what seemed like a sapphire stone, having the form of a king's seat.
2 I prozbori čovjeku odjevenom u lan: “Uđi među točkove pod kerubinima, uzmi pune pregršti žeravice između kerubina i prospi je nad gradom!” - I on na moje oči uđe među kerubine.
And he said to the man clothed in linen, Go in between the wheels, under the winged ones, and get your two hands full of burning coals from between the winged ones and send them in a shower over the town. And he went in before my eyes.
3 A kerubini stajahu s desne strane Doma kad čovjek uđe među njih. I oblak ispuni sve unutrašnje predvorje,
Now the winged ones were stationed on the right side of the house when the man went in; and the inner square was full of the cloud.
4 a Slava Jahvina vinu se s kerubinÄa prema pragu Doma. Dom se ispuni oblakom, a predvorje napuni svjetlost Slave Jahvine.
And the glory of the Lord went up from the winged ones and came to rest over the doorstep of the house; and the house was full of the cloud and the open square was full of the shining of the Lord's glory.
5 Huka kerubinskih krila razliježe se do vanjskoga predvorja, kao kad zagrmi glas Svevišnjega.
And the sound of the wings of the winged ones was clear even in the outer square, like the voice of the Ruler of all.
6 A kad on zapovjedi čovjeku odjevenom u lan: “Uzmi ognja između točkova što su pod kerubinima”, čovjek uđe i stade kraj točkova.
And when he gave orders to the man clothed in linen, saying, Take fire from between the wheels, from between the winged ones, then he went in and took his place at the side of a wheel.
7 Jedan kerubin pruži ruku prema ognju što bijaše među kerubinima, uze ga i stavi u ruke čovjeku odjevenom u lan. On ga primi i iziđe.
And stretching out his hand to the fire which was between the winged ones, he took some of it and went out.
8 A ispod kerubinskih krila ukaza se nešto kao ruka čovječja.
And I saw the form of a man's hands among the winged ones under their wings.
9 Pogledah, i gle: uz kerubine četiri točka, po jedan uza svakoga. A točkovi bijahu nalik na kamen krizolit;
And looking, I saw four wheels by the side of the winged ones, one wheel by the side of a winged one and another wheel by the side of another: and the wheels were like the colour of a beryl stone to the eye.
10 sva četiri istog oblika i kao da je jedan točak u drugome.
In form the four of them were all the same, they seemed like a wheel inside a wheel.
11 U kretanju mogahu ići u sva četiri smjera, sve bez zakretanja. Kamo bi se glava usmjerila, onamo bi krenuli, a da se, krećući se, nisu morali okretati.
When they were moving, they went on their four sides without turning; they went after the head in the direction in which it was looking; they went without turning.
12 Cijelo tijelo u kerubinÄa - leđa, ruke, krila i sva četiri točka njihova - sve im bijaše posvud naokolo puno očiju.
And the edges of the four wheels were full of eyes round about.
13 A točkovi, koliko sam čuo, zvahu se “Kovitlac”.
As for the wheels, they were named in my hearing, the circling wheels.
14 Svaki imaše po četiri lica: lice prvoga kerubinsko, lice drugoga čovječje, a u trećega lice lavlje, u četvrtoga orlovsko.
And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a winged one, and the second was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.
15 Tada se kerubini podigoše u visine. Bijahu to ista bića što ih vidjeh na rijeci Kebaru.
And the winged ones went up on high: this is the living being which I saw by the river Chebar.
16 Kad bi kerubini krenuli, krenuli bi i točkovi uz njih, kad bi kerubini krilima mahnuli da se od zemlje podignu, točkovi se ne bi od njih odmicali.
And when the winged ones went, the wheels went by their side: and when their wings were lifted to take them up from the earth, the wheels were not turned from their side.
17 Kad bi se zaustavili, i točkovi bi stali; a kad bi se sa zemlje podigli, i točkovi se podizahu, jer duh bića bijaše u njima.
When they were at rest in their place, these were at rest; when they were lifted up, these went up with them: for the spirit of life was in them.
18 Uto se Slava Jahvina vinu s praga Doma i stade nad kerubinima.
Then the glory of the Lord went out from the doorstep of the house, and came to rest over the winged ones.
19 Tada kerubini raširiše krila i podigoše se sa zemlje pred mojim očima. A kad oni krenuše, i točkovi za njima krenuše. I zaustaviše se nad istočnim vratima Doma Jahvina, a Slava Boga Izraelova bijaše nad njima.
And the winged ones, lifting up their wings, went up from the earth before my eyes, with the wheels by their side: and they came to rest at the east doorway of the Lord's house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them on high.
20 Bijahu to ista bića što ih vidjeh pred Bogom Izraelovim na rijeci Kebaru. I tako spoznah da ono bijahu kerubini.
This is the living being which I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and it was clear to me that they were the winged ones.
21 U svakoga po četiri lica i po četiri krila, a pod krilima nešto kao ruka čovječja.
Every one had four faces and every one had four wings; and hands like a man's hands were under their wings.
22 Lica im ista kao ona što ih vidjeh na rijeci Kebaru. I svako se naprijed kretaše.
As for the form of their faces, they were the faces whose form I saw by the river Chebar; when they went, every one of them went straight forward.

< Ezekiel 10 >