< 1 Samuelova 16 >

1 Jahve reče Samuelu: “Dokle ćeš tugovati zbog Šaula, kad sam ga ja odbacio da ne kraljuje više nad Izraelom? Napuni uljem svoj rog i pođi na put! Ja te šaljem Betlehemcu Jišaju, jer sam između njegovih sinova izabrao sebi kralja.”
And YHWH says to Samuel, “Until when are you mourning for Saul, and I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go, I send you to Jesse the Beth-Lehemite, for I have seen among his sons a king for Myself.”
2 A Samuel reče: “Kako bih mogao ići onamo? Šaul će to čuti i ubit će me!” Ali mu Jahve odgovori: “Uzmi sa sobom junicu pa reci: 'Došao sam da žrtvujem Jahvi!'
And Samuel says, “How do I go? When Saul has heard, then he has slain me.” And YHWH says, “You take a heifer of the herd in your hand, and have said, I have come to sacrifice to YHWH;
3 I pozovi Jišaja na žrtvu, a ja ću te sam poučiti što ćeš činiti: pomazat ćeš onoga koga ti kažem.”
and you have called for Jesse in the sacrifice, and I cause you to know that which you do, and you have anointed for Me him of whom I speak to you.”
4 Samuel učini kako mu je zapovjedio Jahve. Kad je došao u Betlehem, gradske mu starješine dršćući dođu u susret i zapitaju: “Znači li tvoj dolazak dobro?”
And Samuel does that which YHWH has spoken, and comes to Beth-Lehem, and [the] elderly of the city tremble to meet him, and [one] says, “Is your coming peace?”
5 Samuel odgovori: “Da, dobro! Došao sam da žrtvujem Jahvi. Očistite se i dođite sa mnom na žrtvu!” Potom očisti Jišaja i njegove sinove i pozva ih na žrtvu.
And he says, “Peace; I have come to sacrifice to YHWH, sanctify yourselves, and you have come in with me to the sacrifice”; and he sanctifies Jesse and his sons, and calls them to the sacrifice.
6 Kad su došli i kad je Samuel vidio Eliaba, reče u sebi: “Jamačno, evo pred Jahvom stoji njegov pomazanik!”
And it comes to pass, in their coming in, that he sees Eliab and says, “Surely His anointed [is] here before YHWH.”
7 Ali Jahve reče Samuelu: “Ne gledaj na njegovu vanjštinu ni na njegov visoki stas, jer sam ga odbacio. Bog ne gleda kao što gleda čovjek: čovjek gleda na oči, a Jahve gleda što je u srcu.”
And YHWH says to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance, and at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him; for [it is] not as man sees—for man looks at the eyes, and YHWH looks at the heart.”
8 Zatim Jišaj dozva Abinadaba i dovede ga pred Samuela. A on reče: “Ni ovoga Jahve nije izabrao.”
And Jesse calls to Abinadab, and causes him to pass by before Samuel; and he says, “Indeed, YHWH has not fixed on this [one].”
9 Tada Jišaj dovede Šamu, ali Samuel reče: “Ni ovoga Jahve nije izabrao.”
And Jesse causes Shammah to pass by, and he says, “Indeed, YHWH has not fixed on this [one].”
10 Tako Jišaj dovede sedam svojih sinova pred Samuela, ali Samuel reče Jišaju: “Jahve nije izabrao nijednoga od ovih.”
And Jesse causes seven of his sons to pass by before Samuel, and Samuel says to Jesse, “YHWH has not fixed on these.”
11 Potom zapita Jišaja: “Jesu li to svi tvoji sinovi?” A on odgovori: “Ostao je još najmlađi, on je na paši, za stadom.” Tada Samuel reče Jišaju: “Pošalji po njega, jer nećemo sjedati za stol dok on ne dođe.”
And Samuel says to Jesse, “Are the young men finished?” And he says, “Yet the youngest has been left; and behold, he delights himself among the flock”; and Samuel says to Jesse, “Send and take him, for we do not turn around until his coming in here.”
12 Jišaj posla po njega: bio je to rumen momak, lijepih očiju i krasna stasa. I Jahve reče Samuelu: “Ustani, pomaži ga: taj je!”
And he sends, and brings him in, and he [is] ruddy, with beautiful eyes, and of good appearance; and YHWH says, “Rise, anoint him, for this [is] he.”
13 Samuel uze rog s uljem i pomaza ga usred njegove braće. Duh Jahvin obuze Davida od onoga dana. A Samuel krenu na put i ode u Ramu.
And Samuel takes the horn of oil, and anoints him in the midst of his brothers, and the Spirit of YHWH prospers over David from that day and onward; and Samuel rises and goes to Ramath.
14 Duh Jahvin bijaše odstupio od Šaula, a jedan zao duh, od Jahve, stao ga je salijetati.
And the Spirit of YHWH turned aside from Saul, and a spirit of sadness from YHWH terrified him;
15 Tada rekoše Šaulu sluge njegove: “Evo, zao duh Božji salijeće te.
and the servants of Saul say to him, “Now behold, a spirit of sadness [from] God is terrifying you;
16 Zato neka naš gospodar zapovjedi, pa će sluge tvoje potražiti čovjeka koji zna udarati u harfu: kad te napadne zao duh Božji, neka onaj udara u harfu pa će ti biti bolje.”
now let our lord command your servants before you [that] they seek a skillful man playing on a harp, and it has come to pass, in the spirit of sadness [from] God being on you, that he has played with his hand and [it is] well with you.”
17 Šaul reče svojim slugama: “Nađite mi čovjeka koji umije vješto udarati u harfu i dovedite ga k meni!”
And Saul says to his servants, “Now provide for me a man playing well—then you have brought [him] to me.”
18 Jedan od njegovih slugu odgovori i reče: “Ja sam vidio jednog sina Betlehemca Jišaja: on umije udarati u harfu, hrabar je junak i čovjek ratnik, vješt je govornik, krasna je stasa i Jahve je s njim.”
And one of the servants answers and says, “Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Beth-Lehemite, skillful in playing, and a mighty, virtuous man, and a man of battle, and intelligent in word, and a man of form, and YHWH [is] with him.”
19 Tada Šaul posla glasnike k Jišaju i poruči mu: “Pošalji mi svoga sina Davida (koji je kod stada)!”
And Saul sends messengers to Jesse and says, “Send to me your son David, who [is] with the flock.”
20 A Jišaj uze pet hljebova, mijeh vina i jedno jare i posla Šaulu po svome sinu Davidu.
And Jesse takes a donkey, bread, and a bottle of wine, and one kid of the goats, and sends [them] by the hand of his son David to Saul.
21 Tako David dođe k Šaulu i stupi u njegovu službu. I Šaul ga veoma zavolje i David posta njegov štitonoša.
And David comes to Saul, and stands before him, and he loves him greatly; and he is a bearer of his weapons.
22 Potom Šaul posla k Jišaju i poruči mu: “Neka David ostane kod mene u službi, jer je stekao moju naklonost.”
And Saul sends to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me, for he has found grace in my eyes.”
23 I kad god bi Božji duh napao Šaula, David bi uzeo harfu i svirao; tada bi Šaulu odlanulo i bilo bi mu bolje, a zao bi duh odlazio od njega.
And it has come to pass, in the spirit of [sadness from] God being on Saul, that David has taken the harp, and played with his hand, and Saul has refreshment and gladness, and the spirit of sadness has turned aside from off him.

< 1 Samuelova 16 >