< Ŵaloma 6 >

1 Nipele, sambano tujileje uli? Ana tujendelechele kusigala mu sambi kuti umbone wa Akunnungu upunde?
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 Ngwamba! Patukusala nkati machili ga sambi syasili mwetuwe, uweji tuli mpela ŵatuwile, ana tutukombole uli kutama sooni mu sambi?
God forbid. We who died to sin, how shall we any longer live therein?
3 Pakuŵa nkumanyilila kuti twabatiswe nkulumbikana ni Kilisito Che Yesu, ni kwa litala lya ubatiso twalumbikene nawo mu chiwa chao.
Or are ye ignorant that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
4 Patwabatisilwe twalumbikene ni chiwa chao ni kusikwa pamo nawo, kuti mpela iŵatite pakusyuswa Kilisito mu ŵawe kwa litala lya ukulu wa Atati, iyoyo peyo noweji tukombole kutama mu umi wa sambano.
We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.
5 Pakuŵa iŵaga uweji twalumbikene ni Kilisito kwa chiwa chao, iyoyo peyo tutulumbikane nawo kwa kusyuswa mpela ŵelewo.
For if we have become united with [him] by the likeness of his death, we shall be also [by the likeness] of his resurrection;
6 Tukumanyilila kuti wende wetu wa kalakala waŵambikwe pa nsalaba pamo ni Kilisito kuti chiilu cha sambi chijonasiche, tukasitumichila sooni sambi.
knowing this, that our old man was crucified with [him], that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin;
7 Pakuŵa mundu jwawile ngakuŵa sooni paasi pa machili ga sambi syasikupanganya masengo nkati mwao.
for he that hath died is justified from sin.
8 Nambo iŵaga tuwile pamo ni Kilisito, tukukulupilila kuti chitutame pamo nawo.
But if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him;
9 Pakuŵa tukumanyilila kuti Kilisito asyuchile, nombewo ngaawa sooni, pakuŵa chiwa ngachatawala sooni.
knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death no more hath dominion over him.
10 Pakuŵa ŵawile kamo pe kwa ligongo lya sambi, ngaawa sooni, nambo kwakutama kwakwe, sambano akutama nkulumbikana ni Akunnungu.
For the death that he died, he died unto sin once: but the life that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
11 Iyoyo peyo ni ŵanyamwe nombe nliŵalanje ŵawe nkati ngani ja machili ga sambi ni kutama pamo ni Akunnungu nkulumbikana ni Kilisito Yesu.
Even so reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus.
12 Nipele, nkasileka sooni sambi sitawale mu iilu yenu ya kuwa, kuti nkasijitichisya tama sya pachiilu.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey the lusts thereof:
13 Kasinyikoposya iŵalo yenu nachiŵamuno chimo kwa ligongo lya kutenda sambi. Nambo nlityosye mwachinsyene kwa Akunnungu nti ŵandu ŵasyuswe, ni nnyityosye iŵalo yenu itumiche kwa kupanganya yambone paujo pa Akunnungu.
neither present your members unto sin [as] instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves unto God, as alive from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of righteousness unto God.
14 Sambi sinantawale sooni, ligongo nganimma paasi pa malajisyo nambo nkulongoswa ni ntuuka wa Akunnungu.
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace.
15 Nipele, tujileje uli? Ana tujendelechele kutenda sambi pakuŵa nganituŵa paasi pa malajisyo, nambo tukulongoswa ni ntuuka wa umbone wa Akunnungu? Ngwamba!
What then? shall we sin, because we are not under law, but under grace? God forbid.
16 Nkumanyililanga kuti mwalityosyaga mwachinsyene mpela achikapolo kwa kunjitichisya mundu jwine, isyene nkuŵa achikapolo ŵa mundu jo. Mwaŵaga achikapolo ŵa sambi, mbesi jakwe chiwa ni mwaŵaga achikapolo ŵa kwajitichisya Akunnungu, mbesi jakwe nkutendekwa kuŵa ŵambone paujo pao.
Know ye not, that to whom ye present yourselves [as] servants unto obedience, his servants ye are whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
17 Nambo ngwatogolela Akunnungu, namose mwaliji achikapolo ŵa sambi kalakala ko, nambo sambano mpochele kwa ntima wose usyene wauli mmajiganyo gimpochele.
But thanks be to God, that, whereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto ye were delivered;
18 Mmombochekwe kutyochela mu ukapolo wa sambi, ni sambano mmele achikapolo ŵakupanganya yaili yambone paujo pa Akunnungu.
and being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness.
19 Nguŵecheta kwa maloŵe ga moŵa gose pakuŵa ngankukombola kumanyilila. Pakuŵa kalakala ko mwalityosisye iilu yenu mme achikapolo ŵa usakwa ni ugongomalo. Iyoyo peyo sambano nlityosye mwachinsyene mme achikapolo ŵakupanganya yambone paujo pa Akunnungu kuti nkombole kuswejeswa.
I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye presented your members [as] servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity, even so now present your members [as] servants to righteousness unto sanctification.
20 Pamwalinji achikapolo ŵa sambi, nganintaŵikwa kupanganya indu yambone paujo pa Akunnungu.
For when ye were servants of sin, ye were free in regard of righteousness.
21 Ana mwapochile chichi pa moŵa go pamwapangenye indu yankuiwona kuti ili indu ya soni sambano jino? Pakuŵa kumbesi kwa indu yo kuli chiwa.
What fruit then had ye at that time in the things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.
22 Nambo sambano mmasile kuwombolwa mu ukapolo wa sambi ni kutendekwa achikapolo ŵa Akunnungu. Chinkupoka sambano chili kutama mu kuswejeswa kwakukwikanawo umi wa moŵa gose pangali mbesi. (aiōnios g166)
But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
23 Pakuŵa mbote ja sambi jili chiwa nambo ntuuka waakukoposya Akunnungu uli umi wa moŵa gose pangali mbesi mu kulumbikana ni Kilisito Yesu Ambuje ŵetu. (aiōnios g166)
For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios g166)

< Ŵaloma 6 >