< Ŵaloma 1 >

1 Une che Paolo, jwakutumichila ju Che Yesu Kilisito, nguchilemba chikalata chi. Akunnungu amilasile me nduna ni asagwile naalalichile ŵandu Ngani jao Jambone.
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
2 Kalakala ko, Akunnungu ŵaasalile ŵandu ajiji Ngani Jambone kwa litala lya ŵakulondola ŵao mpela itite pakulembekwa Mmalembelo ga Akunnungu.
which he promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,
3 Ngani Jambone ji jikungamba Mwana jwa Akunnungu, Ambuje ŵetu Che Yesu Kilisito. Jwati nkati undu wakwe ŵapagwile mu lukosyo lwa mwenye che Daudi.
concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh,
4 Nambo nkati umi wao wa chimbumu, Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ŵalosisye kwa litala lya ukombole wakwe kuti Mwana jwa Akunnungu kwa kusyuka kwakwe yaani Kilisito Ambuje ŵetu.
who was declared [to be] the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection of the dead; [even] Jesus Christ our Lord,
5 Kwa litala lyakwe mbegwile upile wa kuŵa nduna kuti kwa ligongo lya Kilisito nalongosye ŵandu ŵa ngosyo syose, akulupilile ni kuitichisya.
through whom we received grace and apostleship, unto obedience of faith among all the nations, for his name’s sake:
6 Ŵanyamwe nli pasikati ja ŵandu wo, ŵankutama ku Loma mmilanjikwe ni Akunnungu mme ŵandu ŵakwe Che Yesu Kilisito.
among whom are ye also, called [to be] Jesus Christ’s:
7 Nipele, une che Paolo ngunlembela ŵanyamwe wose ŵankunonyelwa ni Akunnungu ŵankutamanga ku Loma, ummilanjikwe mme ŵandu wakwe. Ngunsachila upile ni chitendewele kutyochela kwa Akunnungu Atati ŵetu ni Ambuje ŵetu Che Yesu Kilisito.
To all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called [to be] saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
8 Ikanaŵe yaili yose, ngwatogolela Akunnungu ŵangu kwa litala li Che Yesu Kilisito kwa ligongo lya ŵanyamwe wose, pakuŵa chikulupi chenu chikupikanika ku chilambo kose.
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world.
9 Akunnungu ungwatumichila ni ntima wangu wose, nkulalichila Ngani Jambone ja Mwanagwao, ali jwaumboni jwangu kuti ngunkumbuchila ŵanyamwe,
For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son, how unceasingly I make mention of you, always in my prayers
10 moŵa gose pangupopela. Ngwapopela Akunnungu yanonyelaga ambe lipesa lyambone lya kunjimajimila.
making request, if by any means now at length I may be prospered by the will of God to come unto you.
11 Pakuŵa sachile kwannope kummona ŵanyamwe, kuti ngamulangane ni ŵanyamwe mu ntuuka ungupegwa ni Mbumu jwa Akunnungu, kuti mme ŵalimbangene.
For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;
12 Chingusala, ŵanawose tutusyaneje mitima, ŵanyamwe mulimbisye une mu chikulupi changu ni uneji nanlimbisye ŵanyamwe mu chikulupi chenu.
that is, that I with you may be comforted in you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.
13 Achalongo achinjangu, ngusaka mmanyilile kuti kakajinji nasakaga iche kukwenu, nambo nekasiswe mpaka sambano. Nasachile kwika kuti ngombole kunkamuchisya mwanya nlimbangane mu chikulupi, mpela indite pakwakamuchisya ŵandu ŵangaŵa Ŵayahudi kulimbangana mu chikulupi.
And I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you (and was hindered hitherto), that I might have some fruit in you also, even as in the rest of the Gentiles.
14 Pakuŵa ngusachilwa kwalalichila ŵandu wose Ŵagiliki ni ŵangaŵa Ŵagiliki, ni kwalalichila ŵaali ni lunda ni ŵakuloŵela.
I am debtor both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.
15 Kwaligongo lyo ngulajila kwannope kunnalichila Ngani Jambone ŵanyamwe nombe ŵankutama ku Loma.
So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you also that are in Rome.
16 Ngangujikolela soni Ngani Jambone, pakuŵa jikwete machili ga Akunnungu gakunkulupusya kila mundu jwakukulupilila, kutandila kwa Ŵayahudi ni sooni kwa ŵangaŵa Ŵayahudi.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17 Pakuŵa Ngani Jambone jikulosya yatite Akunnungu pakwatenda ŵandu kuŵa ŵambone paujo pao. Kwa litala lya chikulupi, chitandile kundanda mpaka kumbesi. Mpela yaitite pakulembekwa mu Malembelo ga Akunnungu, “Mundu jwatendekwe jwambone paujo pa Akunnungu chatame kwa chikulupi.”
For therein is revealed a righteousness of God by faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith.
18 Kutyochela kwinani Akunnungu alosisye uchimwa wao kwa litala lya sambi syose ni kwa litala lya ugongomalo wose wa aŵala ŵandu ŵakuuliŵatila usyene ukamanyika kwa litala lya ugongomalo wao.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold down the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Pakuŵa yose yaikuntesya Akunnungu amanyiche kukwao, imanyichikwe, ligongo Akunnungu nsyene ailosisye kwa ŵanyawo.
because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them.
20 Chitandile Akunnungu paŵagumbile chilambo, ukombole wao wa moŵa gose pangali mbesi ni Unungu wao, ikuwoneka pangasisika namuno ngaikuoneka ni meeso. Ŵandu akukombola kuumanyilila kwa indu yagumbile. Kwapele ŵandu ngakombola kulichenjela kwa yaili yose. (aïdios g126)
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, [even] his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse: (aïdios g126)
21 Namuno akumanyililanga kuti Akunnungu apali, nambo ngakunkusya atamuno kuntogolela yakuti pakuŵajilwa, nambo ng'anisyo syao sili syangalimate ni mitima jao jitajikwe chipi.
because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened.
22 Akulitendanga ŵa lunda, nambo ali ŵakuloŵela.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 Alesile kwapopelela Akunnungu ŵangakuwa, nambo akwipopela inyago yaikulandana ni mundu jwakwasika, chisau inyama pane ijuni pane inyama yaikukwaŵa.
and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.
24 Kwa ligongo lya yeleyo, Akunnungu ŵaalesile mu tama jangalumbana ja mitima jao ni kupanganyichisyana indu ya soni mu iilu yao.
Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonoured among themselves:
25 Akuutindanya usyene wa Akunnungu kwa unami, akuipopelela ni kuitumichila indu yepanganyikwe ni Akunnungu ni kwaleka Akunnungu ŵaaipanganyisye, ŵakusachilwa kulapikwa moŵa gose pangali mbesi! Eloo. (aiōn g165)
for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
26 Kwa ligongo lyo Akunnungu ŵaalesile akuyanje tama syao sya soni. Namose achakongwe ŵalesile kugonana ni achalume yaikuti pakusachilwa, ŵagonanaga ni achakongwe achinjao.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 Achalume nombe iyoyo peyo akulekanga kugonana ni achakongwe yaikuti pakusachilwa, ŵakolelene mchesele jwannume ni jwannume. Akupanganyichisyana ipanganyo ya soni achalume kwa achalume, kwayele akuliichisya kwamukwa kwa ugongomalo wao wautesile.
and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
28 Pakuŵa ŵandu wo ŵakanile kuuŵika mu ng'anisyo usyene wa kwamanyilila Akunnungu, nombe Akunnungu ŵaalesile akuyanje ng'anisyo syao syangalumbana, ŵaipanganyisye aila yekanye kuipanganya.
And even as they refused to have God in [their] knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
29 Ŵandu ŵa aguumbele ugongomalo wose, ungalumbana ni lipamo ni wiu ni uulasi ni unami ni ngomo ni kulambusya. Ni kunong'ona,
being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 ni kunamanilana, ŵakwachima Akunnungu, ŵakutukana ni ŵakulilapa ni ŵakulifuna, ŵakwilana kuitendekanya yangalimate ni ŵangaajitichisya achaŵelesi ŵao.
backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Ŵakuloŵela, ŵangakukamula chilanga, ŵangali unonyelo ni nganakola chanasa kwa ŵane.
without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful:
32 Ŵakumanyilila kuti malajisyo ga Akunnungu gakuti ŵakugapanganya gelego akuŵajilwa kuwa. Natamuno yeleyo akwendelechela ngaŵa kugapanganya pe nambo akwilana ni aŵala ŵakugapanganya gelego.
who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they which practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.

< Ŵaloma 1 >