< Masengo 8 >

1 Lyuŵa lilyolyo gatandite malagasyo gannope kwa mpingo wa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito ŵa ku Yelusalemu. Ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito wose ŵapwilingene mu ilambo ya ku Yudea ni ku Samalia, akaŵe achinduna pe.
And Saul was consenting unto his death. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church which was in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles.
2 Ŵandu ŵakwajogopa Akunnungu ŵansichile che Stefano ni kwalilila kwa malumbo gamakulungwa.
And devout men buried Stephen, and made great lamentation over him.
3 Nambo che Sauli ŵalinjile kuuwesesya mpingo wa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito. Ŵajawile mu nyuumba jajili jose ni kwakoposya paasa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Che Yesu wose achalume ni achakongwe ni kwaŵika mu nyuumba jakutaŵilwa.
But Saul laid waste the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.
4 Aŵala ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Che Yesu ŵaŵapwilingene ŵajesilejesile mosemose achilalichilaga Ngani Jambone.
They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word.
5 Che Filipo nombe ŵajinjile mu mmusi wauli ku chilambo cha ku Samalia achilalichilaga ngani ja Kilisito ni Akunnungu kwa ŵandu ŵakutama pelepo.
And Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and proclaimed unto them the Christ.
6 Mpingo wa ŵandu paŵagapilikene maloŵe gaŵaŵechete che Filipo ni kwiwona imanyisyo iŵaitesile, wose ŵaapilikanichisye kwa uchenene.
And the multitudes gave heed with one accord unto the things that were spoken by Philip, when they heard, and saw the signs which he did.
7 Pakuŵa ŵandu ŵajinji ŵaŵakwete masoka, gakopweche gachigumilaga kwa liloŵe lyekulungwa. Ni sooni ŵandu ŵajinji ŵaŵatatele iŵalo ni ŵaŵalemele ŵalamiswe.
For [from] many of those which had unclean spirits, they came out, crying with a loud voice: and many that were palsied, and that were lame, were healed.
8 Nipele kwaliji ni kusengwa kwakukulungwa mmusi wo.
And there was much joy in that city.
9 Jwapali mundu jumo liina lyakwe che Simoni juŵatendaga usaŵi mmusi mo kwa moŵa gamajinji ni kwasimosya ŵandu ŵa ku Samalia, achilitendaga kuti jwelejo ali jwankulu.
But there was a certain man, Simon by name, which beforetime in the city used sorcery, and amazed the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:
10 Ŵandu wose chitandile jwannandi kwichila jwankulungwa ŵampilikene jwelejo ni kuti, “Mundu ju akwete ukombole wa Akunnungu waukuŵilanjikwa ‘Ukombole Weukulungwa.’”
to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is that power of God which is called Great.
11 Ŵampilikanichisye jwelejo pakuŵa ŵaasimosisye kwa moŵa gamajinji kwa usaŵi wakwe.
And they gave heed to him, because that of long time he had amazed them with his sorceries.
12 Nambo paŵaukulupilile utenga u che Filipo nkati Ngani Jambone ja Umwenye wa Akunnungu ni ngani ji Che Yesu Kilisito, ŵabatiswe achalume ni achakongwe.
But when they believed Philip preaching good tidings concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
13 Che Simoni nombejo ŵakulupilile, ni paŵabatiswe, ŵajesile ni che Filipo, ŵasimosile paŵaiweni imanyisyo ni yakusimonjeka iyatendekwe.
And Simon also himself believed: and being baptized, he continued with Philip; and beholding signs and great miracles wrought, he was amazed.
14 Achinduna ŵaŵaliji ku Yelusalemu paŵapilikene kuti ŵandu ŵa ku Samalia nombewo ajitichisye Liloŵe lya Akunnungu, ŵaatumile che Petulo ni che Yohana kukwao.
Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:
15 Che Petulo ni che Yohana paŵaiche kweleko ŵaapopelele ŵakukulupilila ŵala kuti ampochele Mbumu jwa Akunnungu,
who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:
16 pakuŵa Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ŵaliji akanantuluchile mundu jwalijose mwa ŵanyawo, nambo ŵagambile kubatiswa pe kwa liina lya Ambuje Che Yesu.
for as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
17 Nipele, che Petulo ni che Yohana ŵaasajichile makono gao ŵakukulupilila wala, ni ŵapochele Mbumu jwa Akunnungu.
Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
18 Pelepo che Simoni paŵaimanyi kuti ŵandu akupegwa Mbumu jwa Akunnungu kwa kusajichilwa makono ga achinduna, ŵasachile kwapa mbiya che Petulo ni che Yohana
Now when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
19 achitiji, “Mumbeje none jwakwe ukombole wo kuti mundu jwalijose juchingansajichile makono ampochele Mbumu jwa Akunnungu.”
saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay my hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
20 Nambo che Petulo ŵansalile, “Njonasiche mwasyene pamo ni mbiya syenu, pakuŵa nkuganisya kuti nkukombola kusuma ukombole wa Akunnungu kwa mbiya!
But Peter said unto him, Thy silver perish with thee, because thou hast thought to obtain the gift of God with money.
21 Nganinkola chachili chose atamuno lipesa pamasengo go pakuŵa ntima wenu nganiuŵa wambone paujo pa Akunnungu.
Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right before God.
22 Kwapele nleche ungalumbana wenu wu, ni kwapopela Ambuje nombewo panepa channechelesye sambi sya kuganisya yeleyo.
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray the Lord, if perhaps the thought of thy heart shall be forgiven thee.
23 Pakuŵa ngummona mgumbele ligogo ni sooni ntaŵikwe ni sambi!”
For I see that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.
24 Che Simoni ŵajanjile, “Ngummenda mwanya mumbopelele kwa Ambuje ganaiche kuumbata gagaligose mwa gelego gansasile go.”
And Simon answered and said, Pray ye for me to the Lord, that none of the things which ye have spoken come upon me.
25 Che Petulo ni che Yohana paŵamalisisye kuŵalanga umboni ni kulalichila Liloŵe lya Ambuje, ŵaujile ku Yelusalemu. Paŵaujaga ŵaalalichile ŵandu Ngani Jambone mmisinda jejinji ja ku Samalia.
They therefore, when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans.
26 Katumetume jwa kwinani jwa Ambuje ŵansalile che Filipo, “Nliŵiche chile njaule kulujenda ku litala lyalikupitila mwipululu lyalikutuluchila ku Yelusalemu kwaula ku Gaza.”
But an angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza: the same is desert.
27 Nipele, che Filipo ŵaliŵisile chile ni kutanda ulendo. Katema ko kwaliji ni mundu jwa ku Esiopia jwakugosa mbiya mu umwenye wa Kandake mwenye jwankongwe jwa ku Esiopia, mundu jo ŵatamaga liuli. Jwelejo ŵajawile ku Yelusalemu kukwapopela Akunnungu, ni katema ko ŵaliji nkuuja ali akwesile mutuka ja kukwekwelemya.
And he arose and went: and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to Jerusalem for to worship;
28 Paŵaujaga, ŵatemi mmutuka akuno ali nkusyoma chitabu chi che Isaya jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu.
and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah.
29 Nipele, Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ŵansalile che Filipo, “Mmandichile mutuka jo ni kulongana najo.”
And the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.
30 Che Filipo ŵautwiche ni kujiŵandichila mutuka jila, ŵampilikene mundu jula ali nkusyoma chitabu chi che Isaya jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu. Pelepo che Filipo ŵammusisye, “Ana nkuimanyilila uchenene inkusyoma yo?”
And Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?
31 Mundu jo ŵanjanjile, “Ana chingombole uli kuimanyilila pangali mundu jwakundagulila?” Pelepo ŵanchondelele che Filipo kuti akwele mu mutuka ni kutama pamo nawo.
And he said, How can I, except some one shall guide me? And he besought Philip to come up and sit with him.
32 Ni liunjili lya Malembelo ga Akunnungu liŵaliji nkusyoma ni ali, “Ŵaliji mpela ngondolo jiŵajijausyaga kukujisinga, ŵamyalele mpela mwanangondolo pakunkata manyunya, Nombewo nganaŵecheta chachili chose.
Now the place of the scripture which he was reading was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And as a lamb before his shearer is dumb, So he openeth not his mouth:
33 Ŵachembulwisye ni kwaonela. Ngapagwa juchakombole kuŵecheta yankati uŵelesi wakwe, pakuŵa umi wakwe ujigalikwe kutyochela pachilambo.”
In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: His generation who shall declare? For his life is taken from the earth.
34 Mundu jwa ku Esiopia jo ŵansalile che Filipo, “Choonde musalile, jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu ju akuŵecheta yankati ŵaani? Ana akuŵecheta yankati nsyene pane mundu jwine?”
And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other?
35 Nipele, che Filipo ŵatandilile pelepo pa Malembelo ga Akunnungu ŵansalile Ngani Jambone ji Che Yesu.
And Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this scripture, preached unto him Jesus.
36 Paŵaliji chiŵela ni ulendo wo, ŵaiche pagali meesi, ni juŵatamaga liuli jula ŵatite, “Peuto pa kwana meesi, ana kwana chachili chose chakuunekasya une ninabatiswe?”
And as they went on the way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch saith, Behold, [here is] water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 Che Filipo ŵatite, “Mwakulupililaga ni ntima wenu wose nkukombola kubatiswa.” Nombejo ŵatite, “Elo ngukulupilila kuti Che Yesu Kilisito ali Mwana jwa Akunnungu.”
38 Mundu jula ŵalamwile mutuka jijime, ni ŵanawose ŵaŵili ŵatulwiche ni kwinjila mmeesi, che Filipo ŵambatisye mundu jula.
And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
39 Paŵakopweche mmeesi papopo Mbumu jwa Ambuje ŵanjigele che Filipo ni mundu jwa ku Esiopia jula nganambona sooni che Filipo, nambo ŵajendelechele ni ulendo achisengwaga.
And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip; and the eunuch saw him no more, for he went on his way rejoicing.
40 Nambo che Filipo ŵalisimene aiche mmusi wa ku Azoto, ni paŵapitaga ŵaalalichile ŵandu Ngani Jambone mmisi jose mpaka ŵaiche ku Kaisalia.
But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached the gospel to all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.

< Masengo 8 >