< 箴言 27 >

1 不要為明日自誇, 因為一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。
Do not boast about [what you will do] tomorrow, because you do not know what will happen [PRS] on any day.
2 要別人誇獎你,不可用口自誇; 等外人稱讚你,不可用嘴自稱。
Do not praise yourself [MTY, PRS]; allow others to praise you. If someone else praises you, that is okay.
3 石頭重,沙土沉, 愚妄人的惱怒比這兩樣更重。
[It causes pain to our bodies to carry heavy] stones or [a pail full of] sand, but doing something stupid/foolish [can cause] great [pain to other people’s spirits.]
4 忿怒為殘忍,怒氣為狂瀾, 惟有嫉妒,誰能敵得住呢?
It is cruel to be angry [with others], and our being angry sometimes destroys [others], but being jealous of someone is [RHQ] often more cruel than that.
5 當面的責備強如背地的愛情。
It is better to correct someone openly than to show that you l don’t love that person [by not correcting him].
6 朋友加的傷痕出於忠誠; 仇敵連連親嘴卻是多餘。
If a friend criticizes you, [he is a good friend and] you can trust him; but if one of your enemies kisses you, he is [probably wanting to] deceive you.
7 人吃飽了,厭惡蜂房的蜜; 人飢餓了,一切苦物都覺甘甜。
When someone’s stomach is full, he does not want to eat honey; but when someone is [very] hungry, he thinks that [even] bitter things taste sweet.
8 人離本處飄流, 好像雀鳥離窩遊飛。
Anyone who wanders [far] from his home/family is like [SIM] a bird that is far from its nest.
9 膏油與香料使人心喜悅; 朋友誠實的勸教也是如此甘美。
[Putting olive] oil and perfume on a person’s skin causes him to feel good, but having a friend [who gives] good advice [is even better].
10 你的朋友和父親的朋友, 你都不可離棄。 你遭難的日子,不要上弟兄的家去; 相近的鄰舍強如遠方的弟兄。
Do not neglect your friends or your parents’ friends; and at a time when you are experiencing a disaster, do not go to a relative [who lives far away to request his help]; someone who lives near you can help you more than relatives who live far away.
11 我兒,你要作智慧人,好叫我的心歡喜, 使我可以回答那譏誚我的人。
My child/son, cause me to be happy by becoming wise, in order that I will [know how to] reply to those who would criticize me [about your behavior].
12 通達人見禍藏躲; 愚蒙人前往受害。
Those who have good sense will realize that there is something dangerous ahead, and they will hide; those who do not have good sense [just] keep going, and later they will suffer because of [doing] that.
13 誰為生人作保,就拿誰的衣服; 誰為外女作保,誰就承當。
[You deserve to] have your property taken from you if you [foolishly] promise to a stranger (OR, a strange woman) that you will pay what she owes if she is unable to pay it [DOU].
14 清晨起來,大聲給朋友祝福的, 就算是咒詛他。
If you rise early in the morning and call out a greeting to your neighbor [while he is still sleeping], he will consider it to be a curse, [not a blessing].
15 大雨之日連連滴漏, 和爭吵的婦人一樣;
[Having] a wife that is [constantly] nagging is as [bad as listening] to rain continually dripping on a rainy day.
16 想攔阻她的,便是攔阻風, 也是右手抓油。
[Trying] to restrain/stop her [from doing that] is as [difficult] [SIM] [as trying] to stop the wind or [trying] to hold oil in your hand.
17 鐵磨鐵,磨出刃來; 朋友相感也是如此。
[We can use one] iron tool to sharpen [another] iron [tool]; similarly [SIM], [when one person shares] what he is thinking, it can help other people [to think more clearly].
18 看守無花果樹的,必吃樹上的果子; 敬奉主人的,必得尊榮。
Those who take care of fig trees will have figs to eat; [similarly], servants who protect their master will be honored [by him].
19 水中照臉,彼此相符; 人與人,心也相對。
[When a person looks] in the water, he sees his own face; similarly [SIM], [when we look at] a person’s behavior, we know what he is thinking.
20 陰間和滅亡永不滿足; 人的眼目也是如此。 (Sheol h7585)
[It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol h7585)
21 鼎為煉銀,爐為煉金, 人的稱讚也試煉人。
[Workers put] silver and gold in a very hot furnace [to burn out what is impure], and [SIM] people learn [what we are really like when they see how we react when people] praise us.
22 你雖用杵將愚妄人與打碎的麥子一同搗在臼中, 他的愚妄還是離不了他。
Even if you beat/crush a fool severely [like] [MET] you pulverize grain with a pestle, you [probably] will not be able to cause him to stop (being foolish/doing foolish things).
23 你要詳細知道你羊群的景況, 留心料理你的牛群;
Take good care of your flocks of sheep and herds of cattle,
24 因為資財不能永有, 冠冕豈能存到萬代?
because the money [that you acquired from selling animals previously] will not (last/stay with you) forever; similarly [SIM], governments [MTY] certainly do not [RHQ] last forever.
25 乾草割去,嫩草發現, 山上的菜蔬也被收斂。
After you cut the hay [DOU] and [store it to feed the animals in the winter while] a new crop of hay is growing,
26 羊羔之毛是為你作衣服; 山羊是為作田地的價值,
you will be able to [shear the sheep and] make clothes from the wool, and you will get money from selling [some of] the goats to buy [more] land,
27 並有母山羊奶夠你吃, 也夠你的家眷吃, 且夠養你的婢女。
and you will get enough milk from the [other] goats for you and your family and your female servants.

< 箴言 27 >