< 耶利米書 44 >

1 有臨到耶利米的話,論及一切住在埃及地的猶大人,就是住在密奪、答比匿、挪弗、巴忒羅境內的猶大人,說:
[the] word which to be to(wards) Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] Jew [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt [the] to dwell in/on/with Migdol and in/on/with Tahpanhes and in/on/with Memphis and in/on/with land: country/planet Pathros to/for to say
2 「萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:我所降與耶路撒冷和猶大各城的一切災禍你們都看見了。那些城邑今日荒涼,無人居住;
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel you(m. p.) to see: see [obj] all [the] distress: harm which to come (in): bring upon Jerusalem and upon all city Judah and look! they desolation [the] day: today [the] this and nothing in/on/with them to dwell
3 這是因居民所行的惡,去燒香事奉別神,就是他們和你們,並你們列祖所不認識的神,惹我發怒。
from face: because distress: evil their which to make to/for to provoke me to/for to go: went to/for to offer: offer to/for to serve: minister to/for God another which not to know them they(masc.) you(m. p.) and father your
4 我從早起來差遣我的僕人眾先知去說,你們切不要行我所厭惡這可憎之事。
and to send: depart to(wards) you [obj] all servant/slave my [the] prophet to rise and to send: depart to/for to say not please to make: do [obj] word: because [the] abomination [the] this which to hate
5 他們卻不聽從,不側耳而聽,不轉離惡事,仍向別神燒香。
and not to hear: hear and not to stretch [obj] ear their to/for to return: repent from distress: evil their to/for lest to offer: offer to/for God another
6 因此,我的怒氣和忿怒都倒出來,在猶大城邑中和耶路撒冷的街市上,如火着起,以致都荒廢淒涼,正如今日一樣。
and to pour rage my and face: anger my and to burn: burn in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to be to/for desolation to/for devastation like/as day: today [the] this
7 現在耶和華-萬軍之上帝、以色列的上帝如此說:你們為何作這大惡自害己命,使你們的男人、婦女、嬰孩,和吃奶的都從猶大中剪除、不留一人呢?
and now thus to say LORD God Hosts God Israel to/for what? you(m. p.) to make distress: evil great: large to(wards) soul: myself your to/for to cut: eliminate to/for you man and woman infant and to suckle from midst Judah to/for lest to remain to/for you remnant
8 就是因你們手所做的,在所去寄居的埃及地向別神燒香惹我發怒,使你們被剪除,在天下萬國中令人咒詛羞辱。
to/for to provoke me in/on/with deed hand your to/for to offer: offer to/for God another in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt which you(m. p.) to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there because to cut: eliminate to/for you and because to be you to/for curse and to/for reproach in/on/with all nation [the] land: country/planet
9 你們列祖的惡行,猶大列王和他們后妃的惡行,你們自己和你們妻子的惡行,就是在猶大地、耶路撒冷街上所行的,你們都忘了嗎?
to forget [obj] distress: evil father your and [obj] distress: evil king Judah and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife his and [obj] distress: evil your and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife your which to make in/on/with land: country/planet Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem
10 到如今還沒有懊悔,沒有懼怕,沒有遵行我在你們和你們列祖面前所設立的法度律例。
not to crush till [the] day: today [the] this and not to fear: revere and not to go: walk in/on/with instruction my and in/on/with statute my which to give: put to/for face: before your and to/for face: before father your
11 「所以萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:我必向你們變臉降災,以致剪除猶大眾人。
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel look! I to set: make face my in/on/with you to/for distress: harm and to/for to cut: eliminate [obj] all Judah
12 那定意進入埃及地、在那裏寄居的,就是所剩下的猶大人,我必使他們盡都滅絕,必在埃及地仆倒,必因刀劍饑荒滅絕;從最小的到至大的都必遭刀劍饑荒而死,以致令人辱罵、驚駭、咒詛、羞辱。
and to take: take [obj] remnant Judah which to set: make face their to/for to come (in): come land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there and to finish all in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt to fall: kill in/on/with sword in/on/with famine to finish from small and till great: large in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to die and to be to/for oath to/for horror: appalled and to/for curse and to/for reproach
13 我怎樣用刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫刑罰耶路撒冷,也必照樣刑罰那些住在埃及地的猶大人;
and to reckon: punish upon [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt like/as as which to reckon: punish upon Jerusalem in/on/with sword in/on/with famine and in/on/with pestilence
14 甚至那進入埃及地寄居的,就是所剩下的猶大人,都不得逃脫,也不得存留歸回猶大地。他們心中甚想歸回居住之地;除了逃脫的以外,一個都不能歸回。」
and not to be survivor and survivor to/for remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt and to/for to return: return land: country/planet Judah which they(masc.) to lift: trust [obj] soul: appetite their to/for to return: return to/for to dwell there for not to return: return that if: except if: except survivor
15 那些住在埃及地巴忒羅知道自己妻子向別神燒香的,與旁邊站立的眾婦女,聚集成群,回答耶利米說:
and to answer [obj] Jeremiah all [the] human [the] to know for to offer: offer woman: wife their to/for God another and all [the] woman [the] to stand: stand assembly great: large and all [the] people [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with Pathros to/for to say
16 「論到你奉耶和華的名向我們所說的話,我們必不聽從。
[the] word which to speak: speak to(wards) us in/on/with name LORD nothing we to hear: hear to(wards) you
17 我們定要成就我們口中所出的一切話,向天后燒香、澆奠祭,按着我們與我們列祖、君王、首領在猶大的城邑中和耶路撒冷的街市上素常所行的一樣;因為那時我們吃飽飯、享福樂,並不見災禍。
for to make: do to make: do [obj] all [the] word: thing which to come out: speak from lip our to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering like/as as which to make: do we and father our king our and ruler our in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to satisfy food and to be pleasant and distress: harm not to see: see
18 自從我們停止向天后燒香、澆奠祭,我們倒缺乏一切,又因刀劍饑荒滅絕。」
and from the past to cease to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering to lack all and in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to finish
19 婦女說:「我們向天后燒香、澆奠祭,做天后像的餅供奉她,向她澆奠祭,是外乎我們的丈夫嗎?」
and for we to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering from beside human our to make to/for her bun to/for to shape her and to pour to/for her drink offering
20 耶利米對一切那樣回答他的男人婦女說:
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people upon [the] great man and upon [the] woman and upon all [the] people [the] to answer [obj] him word to/for to say
21 「你們與你們列祖、君王、首領,並國內的百姓,在猶大城邑中和耶路撒冷街市上所燒的香,耶和華豈不記念,心中豈不思想嗎?
not [obj] [the] incense which to offer: offer in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem you(m. p.) and father your king your and ruler your and people [the] land: country/planet [obj] them to remember LORD and to ascend: rise upon heart his
22 耶和華因你們所作的惡、所行可憎的事,不能再容忍,所以你們的地荒涼,令人驚駭咒詛,無人居住,正如今日一樣。
and not be able LORD still to/for to lift: bear from face: because evil deed your from face: because [the] abomination which to make and to be land: country/planet your to/for desolation and to/for horror: destroyed and to/for curse from nothing to dwell like/as [the] day: today [the] this
23 你們燒香,得罪耶和華,沒有聽從他的話,沒有遵行他的律法、條例、法度,所以你們遭遇這災禍,正如今日一樣。」
from face: because which to offer: offer and which to sin to/for LORD and not to hear: obey in/on/with voice LORD and in/on/with instruction his and in/on/with statute his and in/on/with testimony his not to go: walk upon so to encounter: chanced [obj] you [the] distress: harm [the] this like/as day: today [the] this
24 耶利米又對眾民和眾婦女說:「你們在埃及地的一切猶大人當聽耶和華的話。
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people and to(wards) all [the] woman to hear: hear word LORD all Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
25 萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:你們和你們的妻都口中說、手裏做,說:『我們定要償還所許的願,向天后燒香、澆奠祭。』現在你們只管堅定所許的願而償還吧!
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel to/for to say you(m. p.) and woman: wife your and to speak: promise in/on/with lip your and in/on/with hand your to fill to/for to say to make: do to make: do [obj] vow our which to vow to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering to arise: establish to arise: establish [obj] vow your and to make: do to make: do [obj] vow your
26 所以你們住在埃及地的一切猶大人當聽耶和華的話。耶和華說:我指着我的大名起誓,在埃及全地,我的名不再被猶大一個人的口稱呼說:『我指着主-永生的耶和華起誓。』
to/for so to hear: hear word LORD all Judah [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt look! I to swear in/on/with name my [the] great: large to say LORD if: surely no to be still name my to call: call to in/on/with lip all man Judah to say alive Lord YHWH/God in/on/with all land: country/planet Egypt
27 我向他們留意降禍不降福;在埃及地的一切猶大人必因刀劍、饑荒所滅,直到滅盡。
look! I to watch upon them to/for distress: harm and not to/for welfare and to finish all man Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine till to end: destroy they
28 脫離刀劍、從埃及地歸回猶大地的人數很少;那進入埃及地要在那裏寄居的,就是所剩下的猶大人,必知道是誰的話立得住,是我的話呢?是他們的話呢?
and survivor sword to return: return [emph?] from land: country/planet Egypt land: country/planet Judah man number and to know all remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there word who? to arise: establish from me and from them
29 耶和華說:我在這地方刑罰你們,必有預兆,使你們知道我降禍與你們的話必要立得住。
and this to/for you [the] sign: miraculous utterance LORD for to reckon: punish I upon you in/on/with place [the] this because to know for to arise: establish to arise: establish word my upon you to/for distress: harm
30 耶和華如此說:我必將埃及王法老合弗拉交在他仇敵和尋索其命的人手中,像我將猶大王西底家交在他仇敵和尋索其命的巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒手中一樣。」
thus to say LORD look! I to give: give [obj] Pharaoh (Hophra) (Pharaoh)-hophra king Egypt in/on/with hand: power enemy his and in/on/with hand: power to seek soul: life his like/as as which to give: give [obj] Zedekiah king Judah in/on/with hand: power Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon enemy his and to seek soul: life his

< 耶利米書 44 >