< 以賽亞書 50 >

1 耶和華如此說: 我休你們的母親, 休書在哪裏呢? 我將你們賣給我哪一個債主呢? 你們被賣,是因你們的罪孽; 你們的母親被休,是因你們的過犯。
This is [also] what Yahweh says: “You [Israeli children], do not think [RHQ] that I [forced your parents to be exiled/taken to Babylonia] [MET] like some men send away their wives after giving them a paper on which they state that they were divorcing them! I certainly did not [RHQ] get rid of you like a man who sells his children to get money to pay what he owes. No, the reason that I forced you to be exiled [was to punish you] because of the sins that you have committed [DOU].
2 我來的時候,為何無人等候呢? 我呼喚的時候,為何無人答應呢? 我的膀臂豈是縮短、不能救贖嗎? 我豈無拯救之力嗎? 看哪,我一斥責,海就乾了; 我使江河變為曠野; 其中的魚因無水腥臭,乾渴而死。
When I came to you [to rescue you], why did no one answer when I called out to you [RHQ]? Was there no one there [RHQ]? Or, did you think that I do not have the power [MTY] to rescue you [DOU]? Think about this: I can speak to a sea and cause it to become dry! I can cause rivers to become deserts, with the result that the fish in the rivers die from thirst and they rot.
3 我使諸天以黑暗為衣服, 以麻布為遮蓋。
I cause the sky to become dark, [as though] [MET] it was wearing black clothes [because it was mourning because someone had died].”
4 主耶和華賜我受教者的舌頭, 使我知道怎樣用言語扶助疲乏的人。 主每早晨提醒, 提醒我的耳朵, 使我能聽,像受教者一樣。
Yahweh our God has given me his wise message [MTY] in order that I may encourage those who are weary. Each morning he awakens me, in order that I [SYN] may listen to what he teaches [SIM] me.
5 主耶和華開通我的耳朵; 我並沒有違背,也沒有退後。
Yahweh our God has spoken to me [IDM], and I have not rejected what he told me; I have accepted [LIT] it.
6 人打我的背,我任他打; 人拔我腮頰的鬍鬚,我由他拔; 人辱我,吐我,我並不掩面。
I allowed people to beat me on my back and to pull out the whiskers in my beard [because they hated me]. I did not turn away [MTY] from them when they made fun of me and spat on me.
7 主耶和華必幫助我, 所以我不抱愧。 我硬着臉面好像堅石; 我也知道我必不致蒙羞。
But, because the Lord our God helps me, I will never be humiliated. Therefore, I am strongly determined [IDM] to face/endure difficulties, and I know that nothing will cause me to be ashamed.
8 稱我為義的與我相近; 誰與我爭論, 可以與我一同站立; 誰與我作對, 可以就近我來。
God, the one who vindicates me, is near to me; so if anyone [RHQ] stands in front of me and accuses me in a court, he will not be able [to show that I have done anything that is wrong].
9 主耶和華要幫助我; 誰能定我有罪呢? 他們都像衣服漸漸舊了, 為蛀蟲所咬。
The Lord our God defends me [in court], so no one [RHQ] will be able to (condemn me/declare that I am guilty). All those who accuse me will disappear like [SIM] old clothes that have been eaten by ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches).
10 你們中間誰是敬畏耶和華、 聽從他僕人之話的? 這人行在暗中,沒有亮光。 當倚靠耶和華的名, 仗賴自己的上帝。
If you revere Yahweh and do what his servant tells you to do, even if you are (walking in darkness/enduring suffering), and it seems that [MET] there is no light, trust in Yahweh your God [DOU] [to help you].
11 凡你們點火,用火把圍繞自己的 可以行在你們的火焰裏, 並你們所點的火把中。 這是我手所定的: 你們必躺在悲慘之中。
But you people who [oppose me], [who would like to throw] me into a blazing fire, walk in your own fires and burn yourselves with your own torches! This is what Yahweh will cause to happen to you: You will be enduring great torment when you die [EUP]!

< 以賽亞書 50 >