< 以西結書 39 >

1 「人子啊,你要向歌革發預言攻擊他,說主耶和華如此說:羅施、米設、土巴的王歌革啊,我與你為敵。
Therefore, thou sonne of man, prophecie against Gog, and say, Thus sayeth the Lord God, Behold, I come against thee, O Gog, ye chiefe prince of Meshech and Tubal.
2 我必調轉你,領你前往,使你從北方的極處上來,帶你到以色列的山上。
And I will destroy thee and leaue but the sixt part of thee, and will cause thee to come vp from the North partes and will bring thee vpon the mountaines of Israel:
3 我必從你左手打落你的弓,從你右手打掉你的箭。
And I will smite thy bowe out of thy left hand, and I will cause thine arrowes to fall out of thy right hand.
4 你和你的軍隊,並同着你的列國人,都必倒在以色列的山上。我必將你給各類的鷙鳥和田野的走獸作食物。
Thou shalt fal vpon the mountaines of Israel, and all thy bands and the people, that is with thee: for I will giue thee vnto the birdes and to euery feathered foule and beast of the fielde to be deuoured.
5 你必倒在田野,因為我曾說過。這是主耶和華說的。
Thou shalt fall vpon the open fielde: for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lord God.
6 我要降火在瑪各和海島安然居住的人身上,他們就知道我是耶和華。
And I will sende a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell safely in the yles, and they shall knowe that I am the Lord.
7 「我要在我民以色列中顯出我的聖名,也不容我的聖名再被褻瀆,列國人就知道我是耶和華-以色列中的聖者。
So will I make mine holy Name knowen in the middes of my people Israel, and I will not suffer them to pollute mine holy Name any more, and the heathen shall knowe that I am the Lord, the holy one of Israel.
8 主耶和華說:這日事情臨近,也必成就,乃是我所說的日子。
Beholde, it is come, and it is done, sayeth the Lord God: and this is the day whereof I haue spoken.
9 「住以色列城邑的人必出去撿器械,就是大小盾牌、弓箭、梃杖、槍矛,都當柴燒火,直燒七年,
And they that dwell in the cities of Israel, shall goe forth, and shall burne and set fire vpon the weapons, and on the shieldes, and bucklers, vpon the bowes, and vpon the arrowes, and vpon the staues in their handes, and vpon the speares, and they shall burne them with fire seuen yeeres.
10 甚至他們不必從田野撿柴,也不必從樹林伐木;因為他們要用器械燒火,並且搶奪那搶奪他們的人,擄掠那擄掠他們的人。這是主耶和華說的。」
So that they shall bring no wood out of the fielde, neither cut downe any out of the forestes: for they shall burne the weapons with fire, and they shall robbe those that robbed them, and spoyle those that spoyled them, sayeth the Lord God.
11 「當那日,我必將以色列地的谷,就是海東人所經過的谷,賜給歌革為墳地,使經過的人到此停步。在那裏人必葬埋歌革和他的群眾,就稱那地為哈們‧歌革谷。
And at the same time will I giue vnto Gog a place there for burial in Israel, euen the valley whereby men go towarde the East part of the sea: and it shall cause them that passe by, to stoppe their noses, and there shall they bury Gog with all his multitude: and they shall call it the valley of Hamon-Gog.
12 以色列家的人必用七個月葬埋他們,為要潔淨全地。
And seuen moneths long shall the house of Israel be burying of the, that they may clense the land.
13 全地的居民都必葬埋他們。當我得榮耀的日子,這事必叫他們得名聲。這是主耶和華說的。
Yea, all the people of the lande shall burie them, and they shall haue a name when I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God.
14 他們必分派人時常巡查遍地,與過路的人一同葬埋那剩在地面上的屍首,好潔淨全地。過了七個月,他們還要巡查。
And they shall chuse out men to goe continually through the lande with them that trauaile, to bury those that remaine vpon ye ground, and clense it: they shall search to the ende of seuen moneths.
15 巡查遍地的人要經過全地,見有人的骸骨,就在旁邊立一標記,等葬埋的人來將骸骨葬在哈們‧歌革谷。
And the trauailers that passe through the land, if any see a mans bone, then shall he set vp a signe by it, till the buriers haue buried it, in the valley of Hamon-Gog.
16 他們必這樣潔淨那地,並有一城名叫哈摩那。
And also the name of the citie shalbe Hamonah: thus shall they clense the land.
17 「人子啊,主耶和華如此說:你要對各類的飛鳥和田野的走獸說:你們聚集來吧,要從四方聚到我為你們獻祭之地,就是在以色列山上獻大祭之地,好叫你們吃肉、喝血。
And thou sonne of man, thus sayeth the Lord God, Speake vnto euery feathered foule, and to all the beastes of the fielde, Assemble your selues, and come gather your selues on euery side to my sacrifice: for I do sacrifice a great sacrifice for you vpon the mountaines of Israel, that ye may eate flesh, and drinke blood.
18 你們必吃勇士的肉,喝地上首領的血,就如吃公綿羊、羊羔、公山羊、公牛,都是巴珊的肥畜。
Ye shall eate the flesh of the valiant, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of the weathers, of the lambes, and of the goates, and of bullockes, euen of all fat beastes of Bashan.
19 你們吃我為你們所獻的祭,必吃飽了脂油,喝醉了血。
And ye shall eate fat till you be full, and drinke blood, till ye be drunken of my sacrifice, which I haue sacrificed for you.
20 你們必在我席上飽吃馬匹和坐車的人,並勇士和一切的戰士。這是主耶和華說的。」
Thus you shalbe filled at my table with horses and chariots, with valiant men, and with al men of warre, sayth the Lord God.
21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中;萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。
And I wil set my glory among the heathe, and all the heathen shall see my iudgement, that I haue executed, and mine hand, which I haue layed vpon them.
22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華-他們的上帝。
So the house of Israel shall knowe, that I am the Lord their God from that day and so forth.
23 列國人也必知道以色列家被擄掠是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。
And the heathen shall knowe, that ye house of Israel went into captiuitie for their iniquitie, because they trespassed against me: therefore hid I my face from them, and gaue them into ye hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.
24 我是照他們的污穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。」
According to their vncleannes, and according to their transgressions haue I done vnto the, and hid my face from them.
25 主耶和華如此說:「我要使雅各被擄的人歸回,要憐憫以色列全家,又為我的聖名發熱心。
Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Nowe will I bring againe the captiuitie of Iaakob, and haue compassion vpon the whole house of Israel, and wil be ielous for mine holy Name,
26 他們在本地安然居住,無人驚嚇,是我將他們從萬民中領回,從仇敵之地召來。我在許多國的民眼前,在他們身上顯為聖的時候,他們要擔當自己的羞辱和干犯我的一切罪。
After that they haue borne their shame, and all their transgression, whereby they haue transgressed against me, whe they dwelt safely in their land, and without feare of any.
When I haue brought them againe from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies landes, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations,
28 因我使他們被擄到外邦人中,後又聚集他們歸回本地,他們就知道我是耶和華-他們的上帝;我必不再留他們一人在外邦。
Then shall they know, that I am the Lord their God, which caused them to be led into captiuitie among the heathen: but I haue gathered them vnto their owne land, and haue left none of them any more there,
29 我也不再掩面不顧他們,因我已將我的靈澆灌以色列家。這是主耶和華說的。」
Neither wil I hide my face any more from them: for I haue powred out my Spirit vpon the house of Israel, sayth the Lord God.

< 以西結書 39 >