< 启示录 1 >

1 耶稣基督的启示,就是 神赐给他,叫他将必要快成的事指示他的众仆人。他就差遣使者晓谕他的仆人约翰。
THE UNVEILING APOCALYPSE OF JESUS CHRIST which God gave him to show to his slaves the things which must soon come to pass; and he sent and made it known by his angel to his slave John.
2 约翰便将 神的道和耶稣基督的见证,凡自己所看见的都证明出来。
He bore witness of the Word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, even of all the things that he saw.
3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了。
Blessed is he who reads, and they who hear the words of the prophecy, and keep what is written in it. FOR THE CRISIS IS AT HAND.
4 约翰写信给亚细亚的七个教会。但愿从那昔在、今在、以后永在的 神,和他宝座前的七灵,
From John to the seven churches that are in Asia the Roman Province. Grace to you, and peace from Him that is and was and is to be, and from the Seven Spirits that are before his throne,
5 并那诚实作见证的、从死里首先复活、为世上君王元首的耶稣基督,有恩惠、平安归与你们! 他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶,
and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and has loosed us from our sins in his own blood;
6 又使我们成为国民,作他父 神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们! (aiōn g165)
and has made us to be a kingdom of priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever, Amen. (aiōn g165)
7 看哪,他驾云降临! 众目要看见他, 连刺他的人也要看见他; 地上的万族都要因他哀哭。 这话是真实的。阿们!
Behold, he is about to come among the clouds; and every eye will see him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him. So shall it be, Amen.
8 主 神说:“我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,是昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者。”
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.
9 我—约翰就是你们的弟兄,和你们在耶稣的患难、国度、忍耐里一同有分,为 神的道,并为给耶稣作的见证,曾在那名叫拔摩的海岛上。
I, John, who am your brother and who share with you in the woes and kingdom and stedfastness of Jesus, found myself in the island called Patmos, for the sake of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
10 当主日,我被圣灵感动,听见在我后面有大声音如吹号,说:
I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard a loud voice behind me, like a trumpet,
11 “你所看见的当写在书上,达与以弗所、士每拿、别迦摩、推雅推喇、撒狄、非拉铁非、老底嘉那七个教会。”
saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches; to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and Sardis and Philadelphia and Laodicea."
12 我转过身来,要看是谁发声与我说话;既转过来,就看见七个金灯台。
And I turned to see the Voice which was speaking to me, and as I turned I saw seven golden candlesticks;
13 灯台中间有一位好像人子,身穿长衣,直垂到脚,胸间束着金带。
and in the midst of the candlesticks One like to a son of man, clothed with a robe down to the feet, and with a golden girdle round his breast.
14 他的头与发皆白,如白羊毛,如雪;眼目如同火焰;
His head and his hair were as white as wool, as white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire,
15 脚好像在炉中锻炼光明的铜;声音如同众水的声音。
and his feet like burnished brass, as if molten in a furnace; and his voice like the voice of many waters.
16 他右手拿着七星,从他口中出来一把两刃的利剑;面貌如同烈日放光。
In his right hand he held seven stars; and out of mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword, and his face was as the sun shining in his strength.
17 我一看见,就仆倒在他脚前,像死了一样。他用右手按着我,说:“不要惧怕!我是首先的,我是末后的,
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as one dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying. "Fear not; I am the first and the last, and the Living One.
18 又是那存活的;我曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远;并且拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙。 (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore; and hold the keys of death and of Hades. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
19 所以你要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来。
So write the things which you saw, and the things which are, and the things that will come to pass hereafter.
20 论到你所看见、在我右手中的七星和七个金灯台的奥秘,那七星就是七个教会的使者,七灯台就是七个教会。”
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks, is this. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks are the seven churches."

< 启示录 1 >