< 诗篇 84 >

1 可拉后裔的诗,交与伶长。用迦特乐器。 万军之耶和华啊, 你的居所何等可爱!
The salm of the sones of Chore. Lord of vertues, thi tabernaclis ben greetli loued;
2 我羡慕渴想耶和华的院宇; 我的心肠,我的肉体向永生 神呼吁。
my soule coueitith, and failith in to the porchis of the Lord. Myn herte and my fleische; ful out ioyeden in to quyk God.
3 万军之耶和华—我的王,我的 神啊, 在你祭坛那里,麻雀为自己找着房屋, 燕子为自己找着抱雏之窝。
For whi a sparewe fyndith an hous to it silf; and a turtle fyndith a neste to it silf, where it `schal kepe hise bryddis. Lord of vertues, thin auteris; my king, and my God.
4 如此住在你殿中的便为有福! 他们仍要赞美你。 (细拉)
Lord, blessid ben thei that dwellen in thin hous; thei schulen preise thee in to the worldis of worldis.
5 靠你有力量、心中想往锡安大道的, 这人便为有福!
Blessid is the man, whos help is of thee; he hath disposid stiyngis in his herte,
6 他们经过“流泪谷”,叫这谷变为泉源之地; 并有秋雨之福盖满了全谷。
in the valei of teeris, in the place which he hath set.
7 他们行走,力上加力, 各人到锡安朝见 神。
For the yyuer of the lawe schal yyue blessyng, thei schulen go fro vertu in to vertu; God of goddis schal be seyn in Sion.
8 耶和华—万军之 神啊,求你听我的祷告! 雅各的 神啊,求你留心听! (细拉)
Lord God of vertues, here thou my preier; God of Jacob, perseyue thou with eeris.
9 神啊,你是我们的盾牌; 求你垂顾观看你受膏者的面!
God, oure defender, biholde thou; and biholde in to the face of thi crist.
10 在你的院宇住一日, 胜似在别处住千日; 宁可在我 神殿中看门, 不愿住在恶人的帐棚里。
For whi o dai in thin hallis is bettere; than a thousynde. I chees to be `an out cast in the hous of my God; more than to dwelle in the tabernaclis of synneris.
11 因为耶和华— 神是日头,是盾牌, 要赐下恩惠和荣耀。 他未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。
For God loueth merci and treuthe; the Lord schal yyue grace and glorie.
12 万军之耶和华啊, 倚靠你的人便为有福!
He schal not depriue hem fro goodis, that gon in innocence; Lord of vertues, blessid is the man, that hopith in thee.

< 诗篇 84 >