< 诗篇 120 >

1 上行(或作登阶,下同)之诗。 我在急难中求告耶和华, 他就应允我。
song [the] step to(wards) LORD in/on/with distress [to] to/for me to call: call to and to answer me
2 耶和华啊,求你救我脱离说谎的嘴唇和诡诈的舌头!
LORD to rescue [emph?] soul: myself my from lips deception from tongue deceit
3 诡诈的舌头啊,要给你什么呢? 要拿什么加给你呢?
what? to give: give to/for you and what? to add to/for you tongue deceit
4 就是勇士的利箭和罗腾木 的炭火。
arrow mighty man to sharpen with coal broom
5 我寄居在米设, 住在基达帐棚之中,有祸了!
woe! to/for me for to sojourn Meshech to dwell with tent Kedar
6 我与那恨恶和睦的人许久同住。
many to dwell to/for her soul: myself my with to hate peace
7 我愿和睦, 但我发言,他们就要争战。
I peace and for to speak: speak they(masc.) to/for battle

< 诗篇 120 >