< 诗篇 12 >

1 大卫的诗,交与伶长。调用第八。 耶和华啊,求你帮助,因虔诚人断绝了; 世人中间的忠信人没有了。
For the choirmaster. According to Sheminith. A Psalm of David. Help, O LORD, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.
2 人人向邻舍说谎; 他们说话,是嘴唇油滑,心口不一。
They lie to one another; they speak with flattering lips and a double heart.
3 凡油滑的嘴唇和夸大的舌头, 耶和华必要剪除。
May the LORD cut off all flattering lips and every boastful tongue.
4 他们曾说:我们必能以舌头得胜; 我们的嘴唇是我们自己的, 谁能作我们的主呢?
They say, “With our tongues we will prevail. We own our lips—who can be our master?”
5 耶和华说:因为困苦人的冤屈 和贫穷人的叹息, 我现在要起来, 把他安置在他所切慕的稳妥之地。
“For the cause of the oppressed and for the groaning of the needy, I will now arise,” says the LORD. “I will bring safety to him who yearns.”
6 耶和华的言语是纯净的言语, 如同银子在泥炉中炼过七次。
The words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace, like gold purified sevenfold.
7 耶和华啊,你必保护他们; 你必保佑他们永远脱离这世代的人。
You, O LORD, will keep us; You will forever guard us from this generation.
8 下流人在世人中升高, 就有恶人到处游行。
The wicked wander freely, and vileness is exalted among men.

< 诗篇 12 >