< 箴言 21 >

1 王的心在耶和华手中, 好像陇沟的水随意流转。
As departyngis of watris, so the herte of the kyng is in the power of the Lord; whidur euer he wole, he schal bowe it.
2 人所行的,在自己眼中都看为正; 惟有耶和华衡量人心。
Ech weye of a man semeth riytful to hym silf; but the Lord peisith the hertis.
3 行仁义公平 比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳。
To do merci and doom plesith more the Lord, than sacrifices doen.
4 恶人发达,眼高心傲, 这乃是罪。
Enhaunsyng of iyen is alargyng of the herte; the lanterne of wickid men is synne.
5 殷勤筹划的,足致丰裕; 行事急躁的,都必缺乏。
The thouytis of a stronge man ben euere in abundaunce; but ech slow man is euere in nedynesse.
6 用诡诈之舌求财的,就是自己取死; 所得之财乃是吹来吹去的浮云。
He that gaderith tresours bi the tunge of a leesing, is veyne, and with outen herte; and he schal be hurtlid to the snaris of deth.
7 恶人的强暴必将自己扫除, 因他们不肯按公平行事。
The raueyns of vnpitouse men schulen drawe hem doun; for thei nolden do doom.
8 负罪之人的路甚是弯曲; 至于清洁的人,他所行的乃是正直。
The weiward weie of a man is alien fro God; but the werk of hym that is cleene, is riytful.
9 宁可住在房顶的角上, 不在宽阔的房屋与争吵的妇人同住。
It is betere to sitte in the corner of an hous with oute roof, than with a womman ful of chydyng, and in a comyn hous.
10 恶人的心乐人受祸; 他眼并不怜恤邻舍。
The soule of an vnpitouse man desirith yuel; he schal not haue merci on his neiybore.
11 亵慢的人受刑罚,愚蒙的人就得智慧; 智慧人受训诲,便得知识。
Whanne a man ful of pestilence is punyschid, a litil man of wit schal be the wisere; and if he sueth a wijs man, he schal take kunnyng.
12 义人思想恶人的家, 知道恶人倾倒,必致灭亡。
A iust man of the hous of a wickid man thenkith, to withdrawe wickid men fro yuel.
13 塞耳不听穷人哀求的, 他将来呼吁也不蒙应允。
He that stoppith his eere at the cry of a pore man, schal crye also, and schal not be herd.
14 暗中送的礼物挽回怒气; 怀中搋的贿赂止息暴怒。
A yift hid quenchith chidyngis; and a yift in bosum quenchith the moost indignacioun.
15 秉公行义使义人喜乐, 使作孽的人败坏。
It is ioye to a iust man to make doom; and it is drede to hem that worchen wickidnesse.
16 迷离通达道路的, 必住在阴魂的会中。
A man that errith fro the weie of doctryn, schal dwelle in the cumpany of giauntis.
17 爱宴乐的,必致穷乏; 好酒,爱膏油的,必不富足。
He that loueth metis, schal be in nedynesse; he that loueth wiyn and fatte thingis, schal not be maad riche.
18 恶人作了义人的赎价; 奸诈人代替正直人。
An vnpitouse man schal be youun for a iust man; and a wickid man schal be youun for a riytful man.
19 宁可住在旷野, 不与争吵使气的妇人同住。
It is betere to dwelle in a desert lond, than with a womman ful of chidyng, and wrathful.
20 智慧人家中积蓄宝物膏油; 愚昧人随得来随吞下。
Desirable tresoure and oile is in the dwelling places of a iust man; and an vnprudent man schal distrie it.
21 追求公义仁慈的, 就寻得生命、公义,和尊荣。
He that sueth riytfulnesse and mercy, schal fynde lijf and glorie.
22 智慧人爬上勇士的城墙, 倾覆他所倚靠的坚垒。
A wijs man stiede `in to the citee of stronge men, and distriede the strengthe of trist therof.
23 谨守口与舌的, 就保守自己免受灾难。
He that kepith his mouth and his tunge, kepith his soule from angwischis.
24 心骄气傲的人名叫亵慢; 他行事狂妄,都出于骄傲。
A proude man and boosteere is clepid a fool, that worchith pride in ire.
25 懒惰人的心愿将他杀害, 因为他手不肯做工。
Desiris sleen a slow man; for hise hondis nolden worche ony thing.
26 有终日贪得无厌的; 义人施舍而不吝惜。
Al dai he coueitith and desirith; but he that is a iust man, schal yyue, and schal not ceesse.
27 恶人的祭物是可憎的; 何况他存恶意来献呢?
The offringis of wickid men, that ben offrid of greet trespas, ben abhomynable.
28 作假见证的必灭亡; 惟有听真情而言的,其言长存。
A fals witnesse schal perische; a man obedient schal speke victorie.
29 恶人脸无羞耻; 正直人行事坚定。
A wickid man makith sad his cheer vnschamefastli; but he that is riytful, amendith his weie.
30 没有人能以智慧、聪明、 谋略敌挡耶和华。
No wisdom is, no prudence is, no counsel is ayens the Lord.
31 马是为打仗之日预备的; 得胜乃在乎耶和华。
An hors is maad redi to the dai of batel; but the Lord schal yyue helthe.

< 箴言 21 >