< 耶利米书 33 >

1 耶利米还囚在护卫兵的院内,耶和华的话第二次临到他说:
And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye, in the secounde tyme, whanne he was closid yit in the porche of the prisoun, and seide,
2 “成就的是耶和华,造作、为要建立的也是耶和华;耶和华是他的名。他如此说:
The Lord seith these thingis, The Lord is name of hym, that schal do, and fourme, and make redi that thing;
3 你求告我,我就应允你,并将你所不知道、又大又难的事指示你。
Crye thou to me, and Y schal here thee, and Y schal telle to thee grete thingis, and stidfast, whiche thou knowist not.
4 论到这城中的房屋和犹大王的宫室,就是拆毁为挡敌人高垒和刀剑的,耶和华—以色列的 神如此说:
For the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis to the housis of this citee, and to the housis of the kyng of Juda, that ben distried, and to the strengthingis,
5 人要与迦勒底人争战,正是拿死尸充满这房屋,就是我在怒气和忿怒中所杀的人,因他们的一切恶,我就掩面不顾这城。
and to the swerd of men comynge to fiyte with Caldeis, and to fille tho housis with careyns of men, which Y smoot in my strong veniaunce, and in myn indignacioun; and Y hidde my face fro this citee, for al the malice of hem.
6 看哪,我要使这城得以痊愈安舒,使城中的人得医治,又将丰盛的平安和诚实显明与他们。
Lo! Y schal close togidere to hem a wounde and helthe, and Y schal make hem hool, and Y schal schewe to hem the bisechyng of pees and of treuthe;
7 我也要使犹大被掳的和以色列被掳的归回,并建立他们和起初一样。
and Y schal conuerte the conuersioun of Juda, and Y schal conuerte the conuersioun of Jerusalem, and Y schal bilde hem, as at the bigynnyng.
8 我要除净他们的一切罪,就是向我所犯的罪;又要赦免他们的一切罪,就是干犯我、违背我的罪。
And Y schal clense hem fro al her wickidnesse, in which thei synneden to me, and Y schal be merciful to alle the wickidnessis of hem, in which thei trespassiden to me, and forsoken me.
9 这城要在地上万国人面前使我得颂赞,得荣耀,名为可喜可乐之城。万国人因听见我向这城所赐的福乐、所施的恩惠平安,就惧怕战兢。”
And thei schulen be to me in to a name, and in to ioye, and in to heriyng, and in to ful out ioiyng to alle folkis of erthe, that herden alle the goodis whiche Y schal do to hem; and thei schulen drede, and schulen be disturblid in alle goodis, and in al the pees, which Y schal do to hem.
10 耶和华如此说:“你们论这地方,说是荒废无人民无牲畜之地,但在这荒凉无人民无牲畜的犹大城邑和耶路撒冷的街上,
The Lord seith these thingis, Yit in this place, which ye seien to be forsakun, for no man is nether beeste in the citees of Juda, and in the yatis of Jerusalem, that ben desolat, without man, and with out dwellere,
11 必再听见有欢喜和快乐的声音、新郎和新妇的声音,并听见有人说: 要称谢万军之耶和华, 因耶和华本为善; 他的慈爱永远长存! 又有奉感谢祭到耶和华殿中之人的声音;因为我必使这地被掳的人归回,和起初一样。这是耶和华说的。”
and with out beeste, the vois of ioye schal be herd, and the vois of gladnesse, the vois of spouse, and the vois of spousesse, the vois of men, seiynge, Knowleche ye to the Lord of oostis, for the Lord is good, for his merci is with outen ende, and of men berynge vowis in to the hous of the Lord; for Y schal brynge ayen the conuersioun of the lond, as at the bigynnyng, seith the Lord.
12 万军之耶和华如此说:“在这荒废无人民无牲畜之地,并其中所有的城邑,必再有牧人的住处;他们要使羊群躺卧在那里。
The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Yit in this forsakun place, with out man, and with out beeste, and in alle citees therof, schal be a dwellyng place of scheepherdis, of flockis ligynge.
13 在山地的城邑、高原的城邑、南地的城邑、便雅悯地、耶路撒冷四围的各处,和犹大的城邑必再有羊群从数点的人手下经过。这是耶和华说的。”
And in the citees in hilli places, and in the citees in feeldi places, and in the citees that ben at the south, and in the lond of Beniamyn, and in the cumpas of Jerusalem, and in the citees of Juda, yit flockis schulen passe, at the hond of the noumbrere, seith the Lord.
14 耶和华说:“日子将到,我应许以色列家和犹大家的恩言必然成就。
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal reise the good word, which Y spak to the hous of Israel, and to the hous of Juda.
15 当那日子,那时候,我必使大卫公义的苗裔长起来;他必在地上施行公平和公义。
In tho daies, and in that tyme, Y schal make the seed of riytfulnesse to buriowne to Dauid, and he schal make doom and riytfulnesse in erthe.
16 在那日子犹大必得救,耶路撒冷必安然居住,他的名必称为‘耶和华—我们的义’。
In tho daies Juda schal be sauyd, and Israel schal dwelle tristili; and this is the name which thei schulen clepe hym, Oure riytful Lord.
17 “因为耶和华如此说:大卫必永不断人坐在以色列家的宝座上;
For the Lord seith these thingis, A man of Dauid schal not perische, that shal sitte on the trone of the hous of Israel;
18 祭司、利未人在我面前也不断人献燔祭、烧素祭,时常办理献祭的事。”
and of preestis and dekenes a man schal not perische fro my face, that schal offre brent sacrifices, and brenne sacrifice, and sle sacrifice, in alle daies.
19 耶和华的话临到耶利米说:
And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye,
20 “耶和华如此说:你们若能废弃我所立白日黑夜的约,使白日黑夜不按时轮转,
and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, If my couenaunt with the dai and my couenaunt with the niyt mai be maad voide, that the dai and the niyt be not in his tyme;
21 就能废弃我与我仆人大卫所立的约,使他没有儿子在他的宝座上为王,并能废弃我与事奉我的祭司、利未人所立的约。
and my couenaunt with Dauid, my seruaunt, mai be voide, that of hym be no sone, that schal regne in his trone, and no dekenes, and preestis, my mynistris;
22 天上的万象不能数算,海边的尘沙也不能斗量;我必照样使我仆人大卫的后裔和事奉我的利未人多起来。”
as the sterris of heuene moun not be noumbrid, and the grauel of the see mai not be metun, so Y schal multiplie the seed of Dauid, my seruaunt, and dekenes, my mynystris.
23 耶和华的话临到耶利米说:
And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye, and seide, Whether thou hast not seyn,
24 “你没有揣摩这百姓的话吗?他们说:‘耶和华所拣选的二族,他已经弃绝了。’他们这样藐视我的百姓,以为不再成国。
that this puple spak, seiynge, Twei kynredis whiche the Lord chees, ben cast awei, and thei dispisiden my puple, for it is no more a folc bifore hem.
25 耶和华如此说:若是我立白日黑夜的约不能存住,若是我未曾安排天地的定例,
The Lord seith these thingis, If Y settide not my couenaunt bitwixe dai and niyt, and if Y settide not lawis to heuene and erthe;
26 我就弃绝雅各的后裔和我仆人大卫的后裔,不使大卫的后裔治理亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的后裔;因为我必使他们被掳的人归回,也必怜悯他们。”
sotheli and Y schal caste awei the seed of Jacob, and of Dauid, my seruaunt, that Y take not of the seed of hym princes, of the seed of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob; for Y schal brynge ayen the conuersioun of hem, and Y schal haue merci on hem.

< 耶利米书 33 >