< 以赛亚书 48 >

1 雅各家,称为以色列名下, 从犹大水源出来的,当听我言! 你们指着耶和华的名起誓, 提说以色列的 神, 却不凭诚实,不凭公义。
Listen to this, descendants of Jacob, called by the name of Israel, and who come from the lineage of Judah. Listen, you people who swear by the name of the Lord, or who invoke the God of Israel, but not truly or sincerely.
2 他们自称为圣城的人, 所倚靠的是 名为万军之耶和华—以色列的 神。
You say you're from the “Holy City,” and claim you're trusting in the God of Israel, whose name is the Lord Almighty.
3 主说:早先的事,我从古时说明, 已经出了我的口, 也是我所指示的; 我忽然行做,事便成就。
I predicted long ago what was going to happen—I said it and let people know. Then suddenly I decided to act, and it all came true.
4 因为我素来知道你是顽梗的— 你的颈项是铁的; 你的额是铜的。
I know how stubborn you are, with necks as unbending as iron and foreheads as hard as bronze.
5 所以,我从古时将这事给你说明, 在未成以先指示你, 免得你说:这些事是我的偶像所行的, 是我雕刻的偶像和我铸造的偶像所命定的。
I predicted these things to you long ago, before they happened. I explained them to you so that you couldn't say “My idol did this,” or “My image and my metal god ordered this to happen.”
6 你已经听见,现在要看见这一切; 你不说明吗? 从今以后,我将新事, 就是你所不知道的隐密事指示你。
You've heard all I predicted, and seen it happen. Won't you admit it? Now I'm going to tell you new things, secrets you don't know anything about.
7 这事是现今造的,并非从古就有; 在今日以先,你也未曾听见, 免得你说:这事我早已知道了。
These are brand-new, not something from the past. Before today you won't have heard anything about them, so you can't say, “Oh yes, I know about that.”
8 你未曾听见,未曾知道; 你的耳朵从来未曾开通。 我原知道你行事极其诡诈, 你自从出胎以来, 便称为悖逆的。
No, you've never heard that, and you've never known that! Nobody's told you about that before! I know how deviously you operate—you're called “rebels from birth”!
9 我为我的名暂且忍怒, 为我的颂赞向你容忍, 不将你剪除。
But because of my nature I am delaying my punishment; and because of my reputation, I'm not going to destroy you.
10 我熬炼你,却不像熬炼银子; 你在苦难的炉中,我拣选你。
Look how I've refined you, but not like silver—I chose you in the furnace of trouble.
11 我为自己的缘故必行这事, 我焉能使我的名被亵渎? 我必不将我的荣耀归给假神。
The reason I'm doing this is because of who I am, yes, because of my very nature. I won't let my reputation be damaged—I won't let anyone else have it.
12 雅各—我所选召的以色列啊, 当听我言: 我是耶和华, 我是首先的,也是末后的。
Listen to me, Jacon, and Israel, the one I called. Only I am God. I am the first, and I am the last.
13 我手立了地的根基; 我右手铺张诸天; 我一招呼便都立住。
I laid the foundations of the earth with my own hands; I personally spread out the heavens. When I call the stars, they all take their positions.
14 你们都当聚集而听, 他们内中谁说过这些事? 耶和华所爱的人必向巴比伦行他所喜悦的事; 他的膀臂也要加在迦勒底人身上。
Everyone gather round and listen. Which of your “gods” told you anything like this? The one the Lord loves will carry out the Lord's wishes against Babylon—he will attack the Babylonians.
15 惟有我曾说过,我又选召他, 领他来,他的道路就必亨通。
I myself have spoken. I have called him to do this, and he will be successful in what he does.
16 你们要就近我来听这话: 我从起头并未曾在隐密处说话; 自从有这事,我就在那里。 现在,主耶和华差遣我和他的灵来。
Come close to me, and listen to this. From the very beginning I haven't spoken in secret; I am always there right when it happens. Now the Lord God and his Spirit has sent me to tell you this:
17 耶和华—你的救赎主, 以色列的圣者如此说: 我是耶和华—你的 神, 教训你,使你得益处, 引导你所当行的路。
This is what the Lord says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the Lord your God. I am the one who teaches you what is good for you, who leads you along the way you should go.
18 甚愿你素来听从我的命令! 你的平安就如河水; 你的公义就如海浪。
If you had only listened carefully to what I told you! Then your blessings would have flowed like a river, and goodness would have washed over you like the waves of the sea.
19 你的后裔也必多如海沙; 你腹中所生的也必多如沙粒。 他的名在我面前必不剪除, 也不灭绝。
Your children, your descendants, would have been like all those grains of sand. They wouldn't have had to be destroyed, wiped out before me.
20 你们要从巴比伦出来, 从迦勒底人中逃脱, 以欢呼的声音传扬说: 耶和华救赎了他的仆人雅各! 你们要将这事宣扬到地极。
Leave Babylon! Run away from Babylonia with happy shouts! Let everyone know, telling the whole earth, “The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob!”
21 耶和华引导他们经过沙漠。 他们并不干渴; 他为他们使水从磐石而流, 分裂磐石,水就涌出。
They weren't thirsty when he led them through the desert—he made water come out of the rock for them. He split the rock open and water poured out.
22 耶和华说: 恶人必不得平安!
The wicked have no peace, says the Lord.

< 以赛亚书 48 >