< 撒母耳记上 10 >

1 撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说:“这不是耶和华膏你作他产业的君吗?
Then Samuel took the bottle of oil, and put the oil on his head and gave him a kiss and said, Is not the Lord with the holy oil making you ruler over Israel, his people? and you will have authority over the people of the Lord, and you will make them safe from the hands of their attackers round about them, and this will be the sign for you:
2 你今日与我离别之后,在便雅悯境内的泄撒,靠近拉结的坟墓,要遇见两个人。他们必对你说:‘你去找的那几头驴已经找着了。现在你父亲不为驴挂心,反为你担忧,说:我为儿子怎么才好呢?’
When you have gone away from me today, you will see two men by the resting-place of Rachel's body, in the land of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say to you, The asses which you went in search of have come back, and now your father, caring no longer for the asses, is troubled about you, saying, What am I to do about my son?
3 你从那里往前行,到了他泊的橡树那里,必遇见三个往伯特利去拜 神的人:一个带着三只山羊羔,一个带着三个饼,一个带着一皮袋酒。
Then you are to go on from there, and when you come to the oak-tree of Tabor, you will see three men going up to God to Beth-el, one having with him three young goats and another three cakes of bread and another a skin full of wine:
4 他们必问你安,给你两个饼,你就从他们手中接过来。
They will say, Peace be with you, and will give you two cakes of bread, which you are to take from them.
5 此后你到 神的山,在那里有非利士人的防兵。你到了城的时候,必遇见一班先知从邱坛下来,前面有鼓瑟的、击鼓的、吹笛的、弹琴的,他们都受感说话。
After that you will come to Gibeah, the hill of God, where an armed force of the Philistines is stationed: and when you come to the town, you will see a band of prophets coming down from the high place with instruments of music before them; and they will be acting like prophets:
6 耶和华的灵必大大感动你,你就与他们一同受感说话;你要变为新人。
And the spirit of the Lord will come on you with power, and you will be acting like a prophet with them, and will be changed into another man.
7 这兆头临到你,你就可以趁时而做,因为 神与你同在。
And when these signs come to you, see that you take the chance which is offered you; for God is with you.
8 你当在我以先下到吉甲,我也必下到那里献燔祭和平安祭。你要等候七日,等我到了那里,指示你当行的事。”
Then you are to go down before me to Gilgal, where I will come to you, for the offering of burned offerings and peace-offerings: go on waiting there for seven days till I come to you and make clear to you what you have to do.
9 扫罗转身离别撒母耳, 神就赐他一个新心。当日这一切兆头都应验了。
And it came about, that when he went away from Samuel, God gave him a changed heart: and all those signs took place that day.
10 扫罗到了那山,有一班先知遇见他, 神的灵大大感动他,他就在先知中受感说话。
And when they came to Gibeah, a band of prophets came face to face with him; and the spirit of God came on him with power and he took his place among them as a prophet.
11 素来认识扫罗的,看见他和先知一同受感说话,就彼此说:“基士的儿子遇见什么了?扫罗也列在先知中吗?”
Now when Saul's old friends saw him among the band of prophets, the people said to one another, What has come to Saul, the son of Kish? Is even Saul among the prophets?
12 那地方有一个人说:“这些人的父亲是谁呢?”此后有句俗语说:“扫罗也列在先知中吗?”
And one of the people of that place said in answer, And who is their father? So it became a common saying, Is even Saul among the prophets?
13 扫罗受感说话已毕,就上邱坛去了。
Then going away from the prophets, he came to the house.
14 扫罗的叔叔问扫罗和他仆人说:“你们往哪里去了?”回答说:“找驴去了。我们见没有驴,就到了撒母耳那里。”
And Saul's father's brother said to him and his servant, Where have you been? And he said, Searching for the asses: and when we saw no sign of them, we came to Samuel.
15 扫罗的叔叔说:“请将撒母耳向你们所说的话告诉我。”
Then he said, And what did Samuel say to you?
16 扫罗对他叔叔说:“他明明地告诉我们驴已经找着了。”至于撒母耳所说的国事,扫罗却没有告诉叔叔。
And Saul, answering him, said, He gave us word that the asses had come back. But he said nothing to him of Samuel's words about the kingdom.
17 撒母耳将百姓招聚到米斯巴耶和华那里,
Then Samuel sent for the people to come together before the Lord at Mizpah;
18 对他们说:“耶和华—以色列的 神如此说:‘我领你们以色列人出埃及,救你们脱离埃及人的手,又救你们脱离欺压你们各国之人的手。’
And he said to the children of Israel, The Lord, the God of Israel, has said, I took Israel out of Egypt, and made you free from the hands of the Egyptians and from all the kingdoms which kept you down:
19 你们今日却厌弃了救你们脱离一切灾难的 神,说:‘求你立一个王治理我们。’现在你们应当按着支派、宗族都站在耶和华面前。”
But today you are turned away from your God, who himself has been your saviour from all your troubles and sorrows; and you have said to him, Put a king over us. So now, take your places before the Lord by your tribes and by your thousands.
20 于是,撒母耳使以色列众支派近前来掣签,就掣出便雅悯支派来;
So Samuel made all the tribes of Israel come near, and the tribe of Benjamin was taken.
21 又使便雅悯支派按着宗族近前来,就掣出玛特利族,从其中又掣出基士的儿子扫罗。众人寻找他却寻不着,
Then he made the tribe of Benjamin come near by families, and the family of the Matrites was taken: and from them, Saul, the son of Kish, was taken: but when they went in search of him he was nowhere to be seen.
22 就问耶和华说:“那人到这里来了没有?”耶和华说:“他藏在器具中了。”
So they put another question to the Lord, Is the man present here? And the answer of the Lord was, He is keeping himself from view among the goods.
23 众人就跑去从那里领出他来。他站在百姓中间,身体比众民高过一头。
So they went quickly and made him come out; and when he took his place among the people, he was taller by a head than any of the people.
24 撒母耳对众民说:“你们看耶和华所拣选的人,众民中有可比他的吗?”众民就大声欢呼说:“愿王万岁!”
And Samuel said to all the people, Do you see the man of the Lord's selection, how there is no other like him among all the people? And all the people with loud cries said, Long life to the king!
25 撒母耳将国法对百姓说明,又记在书上,放在耶和华面前,然后遣散众民,各回各家去了。
Then Samuel gave the people the laws of the kingdom, writing them in a book which he put in a safe place before the Lord. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house.
26 扫罗往基比亚回家去,有 神感动的一群人跟随他。
And Saul went to Gibeah, to his house; and with him went the men of war whose hearts had been touched by God.
27 但有些匪徒说:“这人怎能救我们呢?”就藐视他,没有送他礼物;扫罗却不理会。
But certain good-for-nothing persons said, How is this man to be our saviour? And having no respect for him, they gave him no offering.

< 撒母耳记上 10 >