< 腓利门书 1 >

1 这封信来自基督耶稣的囚徒保罗以及我们的提摩太兄弟,写给我们的好朋友和工友腓利门
To my beloved friend and coworker Philemon,
2 以及我们姐妹亚腓亚,此外,还写给与我们并肩战斗的亚基布以及在你家中的教会。
to my sister Apphia, to my fellow soldier Archippus, and to the church which meets at Philemon’s house. From Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and brother Timothy.
3 愿你们获得来自天父上帝和主耶稣基督的恩典和平安。
Grace and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 我在祷告的时候始终会记得你们,因为你们而感谢我的上帝,
I am ever mentioning you in my prayers, and giving thanks to God,
5 因为我听说了你们对主耶稣的信以及对众信徒的爱。
because I am hearing of your love and of the faith which you hold, not only toward the Lord Jesus Christ, but toward all the saints.
6 当你们意识到我们从基督那里分享的所有美好事物,我祈祷你们将对上帝的满怀信任付诸行动。
And I pray that your participation may become effectual, as you come to acknowledge every good thing which is in you to Christ.
7 我亲爱的兄弟,你的爱带给我更多的欢喜和安慰。你激励了我们所有这些有信仰的人。
For I have great joy and comfort in your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed.
8 所以,尽管我因信基督而斗胆吩咐你履行职责,
And so, although I might be bold in Christ to dictate to you what is fitting,
9 但我宁愿因爱而请你们提供帮助。我已经老了,现在又成为基督耶稣的囚徒,
yet for love’s sake, I rather beseech you, I, Paul, an old man, and now a prisoner for Christ Jesus!
10 现在为我在囚禁时成为我养子的欧尼西慕求你。
I beseech you for my son, Onesimus, whom I have begotten in these chains.
11 他从前对你并无用处,但现在对你我却都有用处。
Once you found him "unprofitable," but now he is "profitable" to you and to me.
12 我现以我最诚挚的愿望,派他到你那里。
I am sending him back to you, he himself, that is, my very heart!
13 我宁愿把他留在这里和我一起,这样他就可以在我因为讲述这个好消息而被关在枷锁里的时候代表你帮助我。。
I could wish to retain him at my side, so that he might minister to me in your stead, in my bonds for the gospel.
14 但没得到你的同意,我决定什么也不做,不想让你们感觉被迫做好事,并非自愿这样做。
But without your consent I was unwilling to do anything, so that your kindness to me might be of your own free will, and not of compulsion.
15 也许你暂时失去了他,这样你就可以永远拥有他了! (aiōnios g166)
Perhaps for this reason you were separated from him for an hour, in order that you might have him back forever, (aiōnios g166)
16 不再是奴隶,而是高于奴隶。他是被特别爱护的兄弟。对我尤其如此,对你甚至更是如此,不论作为一个人还是相信主的信徒,都是如此。
no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, as a brother beloved; especially dear to me, but how much more to you, both as a man and a fellow Christian.
17 所以,你们要是把我看作与你一起为上帝工作的同伴,就像迎接我一样迎接他。
If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me.
18 如果他做了什么错事或欠了你什么,都算在我头上。
And if he has wronged you at all, or is owing you anything, charge that to me.
19 我保罗亲自在这里写下:我必偿还。当然我不会提到你欠我什么,包括你的生命。
I Paul am writing this in my own handwriting, "I will repay you." But I will not mention that you owe me, over and over, your very soul.
20 是的,兄弟啊!让我在主那里获得你的帮助;请让我以在基督中感到幸福。
Come my brother, let me have joy in the Lord because of you! Refresh my heart in Christ!
21 我深信你会做我求你的事情——事实上,我知道你所做的将会超过我所说的,因此才写信给你。
Because I am thoroughly persuaded of your obedience, I have written you, knowing full well that you will do by me what I am asking.
22 同时,还请你为我准备一个房间,因为我希望能借着你们的祷告,可以获得释放到你们那里去。
Please also prepare for me a lodging, for I am hoping by your prayers to be restored to you again.
23 以基督耶稣的缘故和我一同坐牢的以巴弗,
Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends you greeting;
24 以及我的共有马可、亚里达古、底马、路加都在问候你。
so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.
25 愿我们主耶稣基督的恩典与你们众人同在。
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

< 腓利门书 1 >