< 路加福音 24 >

1 下一周第一天清晨,女人们带着准备好的香料来到耶稣的坟墓。
The however on [the] first [day] of the week dawn very early to the tomb they came bringing that they had prepared spices (and certain with them. *K*)
2 但发现坟墓口的大石头已经滚到了一边,
They found then the stone rolled away from the tomb.
3 她们走进去,却没有看到主耶稣的身体。
(and *k*) Having entered (however *no*) not they found the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 正为此疑惑之际,眼前忽然出现两个人,身穿闪耀发光的衣服,站在她们旁边。
And it came to pass while (perplexing *N(k)O*) they about this that behold men two stood by them in (garment dazzling. *N(k)O*)
5 女人们很害怕,把脸伏在地上。他们对女人说:“你们为什么要在死者中寻找一个还活着的人?
Terrified then were becoming they and bowing (their faces *N(k)O*) to the ground they said to them; Why seek you the living among the dead?
6 他不在这里,而是已经复活了。你们应当记得他在加利利时说的话,
Not He is here but He is risen! do remember how He spoke to you yet being in Galilee
7 他说:‘人子必将被交到罪人手里,钉在十字架上,在第三日复活。’”
saying The Son of Man that it behooves to be delivered into hands of men sinful and to be crucified and on the third day to arise.
8 她们想起了耶稣说的话,
And they remembered the declarations of Him,
9 于是就离开坟地,回去把这一切告诉了十一名门徒和其他人。
And having returned from the tomb they related these things all to the eleven and to all the rest.
10 那几名女性为:抹大拉的玛利亚,约亚拿和雅各的母亲玛利亚,以及其他跟随耶稣的妇女。她们把这些事告诉了众门徒。
It was now Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the [mother] of James and the other women with them; (who *k*) were telling to the apostles these things,
11 但他们认为这是无稽之谈,根本不相信她们。
And appeared before them like folly the declarations (of them *N(k)O*) and they were not believing in them.
12 但彼得还是跑到坟墓那里查看。他弯腰看进去,只看到了坟墓里的细麻布,于是就回去了,对这一切感到非常惊奇。
But Peter having risen up he ran to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the linen strips (lying *k*) alone and he went away in (himself *NK(o)*) wondering at that having come to pass.
13 同一天,两名门徒去往一个叫以马午斯的村子,距耶路撒冷大约十一公里。
And behold two of them on same the day were going to a village being distant stadia sixty from Jerusalem whose name [is] Emmaus.
14 他们在路上谈论着所发生的一切。
and they themselves were talking with one another about all which having taken place these things.
15 正在交谈和争辩的时候,耶稣走上前,与他们同行。
And it came to pass during the talking by them and reasoning that Himself (*k*) Jesus having drawn near He was walking along with them.
16 但他们却没有认出他。
but the eyes of them were held not to know Him.
17 耶稣问到:“你们边走边聊什么呢?”他们就站住,面带愁容。
He said then to them; What words [are] these that you exchange with one another walking? And (they stood still *N(K)O*) looking sad.
18 一个名叫克利奥帕斯的门徒回答:“你造访耶路撒冷吗?关于那里发生的事情,你可能是唯一不知情的人。”
Answering now (the *k*) one (from of them *O*) (whose *k*) (name *NK(o)*) Cleopas said to Him; You yourself alone visit (in *k*) Jerusalem and not have known the [things] having come to pass in it in days these?
19 耶稣说:“什么事?”他们说:“就是拿撒勒人耶稣的事。他是先知,在上帝和众人面前显示出了伟大的奇迹。
And He said to them; What things? And they said to Him; The [things] concerning Jesus (of Nazareth, *N(k)O*) who was a man a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,
20 我们的祭司长和长官竟把他交了出去,把他判了死罪,钉在十字架上。
that then delivered up him the chief priests and the rulers of us to [the] judgment of death and crucified Him.
21 我们一直盼望他就是救赎以色列的那个人。这些事发生到现在已经是第三天了。
We ourselves however were hoping that He himself it is who is about to redeem Israel. But indeed (also *no*) with all these things [the] third this day brings (today *ko*) away from which these things came to pass.
22 但我们中有几名妇女却有了让我们惊讶的发现。她们凌晨到坟墓那里去,
However also women certain out from us amazed us Having been (at dawn *N(k)O*) to the tomb
23 却找不到他的身体。她们回来说看见天使显现,天使说他已经复活了。
and not having found the body of Him they came declaring also a vision of angels to have seen who say He [is] living.
24 我们又有几个人到坟墓那里去看,与妇女们所说的一样,没有看见他。”
And went some of those with us to the tomb and found [it] so even as also the women said, Him however not they saw.
25 耶稣说:“迟钝的人呐!对于先知所说的一切,你们信得太迟钝了!
And He himself said to them; O foolish and slow of heart to believe in all that spoke the prophets;
26 基督这样受迫害,后来不是迎来了他的荣耀吗?”
Surely these things it was necessary for to suffer the Christ and to enter into the glory of Him?
27 于是他从摩西和众先知说起,把所有关于他的经文解释了一遍。
And having begun from Moses and from all the Prophets (He interpreted *N(k)O*) to them in all the Scriptures the [things] concerning (of Himself. *NK(o)*)
28 他们即将抵达要去的那个村子,耶稣表现得好像是要继续前行,
And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He himself (appeared *N(k)O*) farther to be going.
29 两名门徒特别想把他留住:“天晚了,太阳下山了,就住在这里吧。”于是耶稣就与他们住在一起。
And they constrained Him saying; do abide with us, for toward evening it is and has declined (now *no*) the day. And He entered in to abide with them.
30 吃饭的时候,他拿起饼,在感谢上帝后把饼掰开递给那两位门徒,
And it came to pass during the reclining of Him with them having taken the bread He blessed [it] and having broken [it] He was giving [it] to them.
31 他们的眼睛此刻终于看清了,认出这是耶稣,但耶稣却从他们面前消失不见了。
Of them then were opened the eyes and they knew Him; And He himself vanished being seen from them.
32 他们彼此说:“一路上他和我们说话,给我们解释经文,那时候我们的思想仿佛被火烧灼。”
And they said to one another; Surely the heart of us burning it was within us as He was speaking with us on the road (and *k*) as He was opening to us the Scriptures?
33 他们立刻站起来返回耶路撒冷。在那里遇见十一个门徒和其他聚在一起的人。
And having risen up on [that] same hour they returned to Jerusalem and they found (gathered *N(k)O*) the eleven and those with them
34 这十一位门徒说:“主果然复活了,已经向西门显现。”
saying that Indeed has risen the Lord and He has appeared to Simon.
35 两个人就把在路上的事,以及掰开饼时如何认出耶稣的事情,讲述了一遍。
And they themselves were relating the [things] on the road and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
36 他们正在交谈之际,耶稣现身站在他们当中,说:“愿你们平安。”
These things now when they are telling He Himself (*k*) (Jesus *K*) stood in midst of them and says to them; Peace to you.
37 他们非常惊怕,以为看见了鬼。
Having been terrified however and filled with fear having been they were thinking [themselves] a spirit to see.
38 耶稣问到:“你们为什么惊恐?为什么心有疑惑?
And He said to them; Why troubled are you and through why doubts do come up in (the heart *N(k)O*) of you?
39 你们看我的手脚,就知道我是谁。摸摸我,你们就会更确认,因为鬼没有骨肉,但你们看,我有。”
do see the hands of Me and the feet of Me that I myself am He himself; do touch Me and do see for a spirit flesh and bones not has even as Me myself you see having.
40 说了这话,耶稣就把手脚给众人看。
And this having said (He showed *N(k)O*) to them the hands and the feet.
41 众人感到如此狂喜和惊讶,以至于仍然不敢相信这一切。耶稣说:“你们这里有什么食物吗?”
Still now while are disbelieving they for the joy and amazement He said to them; Have you anything to eat here?
42 他们就给了他一片做好的鱼。
And they gave to Him of a fish broiled part (and from honeycomb tablet. *KO*)
43 他接过来,在他们面前吃了。
And having taken [it] before them He ate [it].
44 然后耶稣对他们说:“我还和你们在一起时,就是这样对你们解释的:摩西律法、先知书籍和《诗篇》中记载了关于我的一切,都会成真。”
He said now (unto *no*) (to them; *N(k)O*) These [are] the words (of mine *NO*) which I spoke to you still being with you that it behooves to be fulfilled all things which written in the law of Moses and (in the *no*) Prophets and in [the] Psalms concerning Me.
45 于是他打开他们的思想,让他们能够理解经书。
Then He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures
46 他告诉他们:“经上记着‘基督将会受害,第三天死而复生。人们要奉他的名,
And He said to them that Thus it has been written (and thus it was necessary for *K*) Was to suffer the Christ and to rise out from [the] dead on the third day
47 宣讲悔改与赦罪之道,从耶路撒冷开始,传遍世界各地。’
and to be proclaimed in the name of Him repentance (to *N(K)O*) forgiveness of sins to all nations (having begun *N(k)O*) from Jerusalem.
48 你们就是这一切的见证。
You yourselves (now *k*) (are *ko*) witnesses of these things,
49 现在我要将天父所承诺的赋予你们。但你们需要在城里等候,直到获得来自天堂的力量。”
And behold (I myself am sending *NK(o)*) the promise of the Father of Mine upon you. you yourselves however do remain in the city (Jerusalem *k*) until that you may be clothed with from on high power.
50 然后他带他们走出去,走到伯大尼附近时,抬手祝福众人。
He led now them out until (to *N(k)O*) Bethany, and having lifted up the hands of Him He blessed them.
51 在祝福的同时离开了他们,被送上天堂。
And it came to pass during the blessing by Him them He was separated from them and was carried up into heaven.
52 众人开始膜拜他,然后充满喜悦地回到耶路撒冷,
And they themselves having worshiped Him returned to Jerusalem with joy great
53 此后,他们便始终都在神庙中称颂上帝。
and were (through *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) in the temple (praising and *KO*) blessing God. (Amen *K*)

< 路加福音 24 >