< 路加福音 21 >

1 耶稣环顾四周,看见有钱人把捐赠投入奉献箱。
Having looked up now He saw the ones casting into the treasury the gifts of them rich.
2 他又看见一个穷寡妇,在里面投入两个小钱。
He saw then (and *k) a certain widow poor casting in lepta two.
3 于是耶稣说:“实话告诉你们,穷寡妇所投入的要比其他所有人加一起还要多。
And He said; Truly I say to you that widow this poor more than all has cast in;
4 因为其他人只是自己财富的一部分投进去,这寡妇虽然很穷,却献出了赖以为生的所有金钱。”
(all *N+kO) for these out of that which was abounding to them they cast in the gifts (of God *KO) she however out of the poverty of her (all *N+kO) the livelihood that she had did cast.
5 那里有人在讨论神庙以及它精美的石艺和供物装饰。但耶稣说:
And as some were speaking about the temple that with stones goodly and with consecrated gifts it has been adorned He said;
6 “你们看见的这些......在那一刻到来之时,所有垒砌的石头都会倒塌,一切都会被摧毁。”
[As to] these things which you are beholding, will come [the] days in which not will be left stone upon stone (here *O) which not will be thrown down.
7 他们问他:“老师,这会在什么时候发生?发生的时候会有什么预兆?”
They asked then Him saying; Teacher, when then these things will be and what [will be] the sign when may soon be these things to take place?
8 耶稣提醒他们说:“你们要小心,不要被人迷惑。因为会有很多人来假冒我的名,说‘我就是基督!’,还会说‘时候到了!’但不要跟随这些人。
And He said; do take heed lest you may be led astray; many for will come in the name of Me saying (that: *ko) I myself am [He], and The time has drawn near. Not (therefore *K) may go after them.
9 当你们听到战乱和暴动,不要惊慌,因为这样的事情一定会先出现,但不会马上看到结局。”
When then you may hear of wars and commotions, not may be terrified; it behooves for these things to take place first but not immediately [is] the end.
10 耶稣对他们说:“民族之间要有战争,国家之间要有战争。
Then He was saying to them; Will rise up nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom,
11 到时候会有剧烈的大地震,处处是饥荒和瘟疫,天空显现可怕的恐怖预兆。
Earthquakes both great and in different places famines and pestilences there will be, fearful sights also and from heaven signs great will there be.
12 但在这一切发生之前,他们会抓住你们,迫害你们,把你们拖到会堂前,扔进监狱里,甚至会押到国王和总督面前。
Before however these things (all *N+kO) they will lay upon you the hands of them and will persecute [you] delivering [you] to (the *no) synagogues and prisons, (leading [you] *N+kO) before kings and governors on account of the name of Me.
13 但这会为你们提供一个机会,在他们面前代表我发言。
It will result (now *ko) to you for a testimony.
14 所以,你们要提前坚定决心,不必提前思量如何进行自我辩护。
(do implant *N+kO) therefore (in the hearts *N+kO) of you not to premeditate to present a defense;
15 因为我会让你们说出睿智之语,让所有的敌人都不能辩论或反驳。
I myself for will give you a mouth and wisdom which not will be able to resist (nor *N+kO) to reply to (all *N+kO) those opposing you.
16 你们将会被父母、兄弟、亲戚和朋友出卖,你们中有的人会被他们害死。
You will be betrayed then even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends and they will put to death [some] from among you.
17 因为我,你们会被众人恨恶,
And you will be hated by all because of the name of Me.
18 但你们却可以毫发无伤。
But a hair of the head of you certainly not may perish.
19 只要坚定自己的立场,就会获得自己的生命。
By the patient endurance of you [all] (do you gain yourselves *NK+o) the souls of you [all].
20 但是,当你们看见耶路撒冷被军队团团围住,就知道它距离摧毁的日子已经不远了。
When then you may see being encircled by encampments Jerusalem, then do know that has drawn near the desolation of her.
21 住在犹太的必须逃到山上;住在城里的必须离开;住在乡下的不要进城。
Then those in Judea they should flee to the mountains, and those in midst of her they should depart out, and those in the countries not they should enter into her.
22 因为这是惩罚的日子,经书上所写的一切都会变成现实。
for [the] days of avenging these are (to fill *N+kO) all things which written.
23 到那时,怀孕和哺乳婴儿的女人将会很艰难!因为可怕的灾难将降临这片土地,众人都将被惩罚。
But woe (now *k) to those in womb [pregnancy] having and to the [ones] nursing in those the days; there will be for distress great upon the land and wrath (in *k) to the people this,
24 他们将被刀屠杀,俘虏到各国并被投入监狱,耶路撒冷必被异教徒践踏,直到异教徒占领的时间结束。
And they will fall by [the] edge of [the] sword and will be led captive into the nations all and Jerusalem will be trodden down by [the] Gentiles until (that *no) may be fulfilled (and will be *O) [the] times of [the] Gentiles.
25 日月星辰都会有预兆,世界的国家会因海洋的波涛汹涌而陷入苦难。
And (there will be *N+kO) signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity ([the] sound *N+kO) of [the] sea and rolling surge
26 天上的力量震撼世界,这个世界即将发生的事情让人们陷入恐惧,这恐惧会让人虚弱。
when are fainting men from fear and expectation of that which is coming on the earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 到那时,他们会看见人子携力量和伟大荣耀,驾云降临。
And then will they behold the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and glory great.
28 在发生这一切的时候,你们应当昂首挺立向上看,因为你们很快就会被救赎。”
Beginning then of these things to come to pass do look up and do lift up the heads of you because draws near the redemption of you.
29 然后耶稣举例讲了一个故事:“看看这无花果树或其他的树木。
And He spoke a parable to them: Behold the fig tree and all the trees.
30 看到它们发芽,你就知道夏天将至。
When they may sprout already, looking [on them] for yourselves you know that already near the summer is.
31 同样,当你们看到这些事情发生,无需别人告诉你,就知道上帝之国已近。
So also you yourselves when you may see these things coming to pass, do know that near is the kingdom of God.
32 我告诉你们真相,这一代人在有生之年定会看到这一切。
Amen I say to you that certainly not may have passed away generation this until when all [these things] may happen.
33 天地都将走向终结,但我的教诲不会消失。
The heaven and the earth (will pass away, *NK+o) but the words of Mine certainly not (will pass away. *N+kO)
34 小心,不要因各种派对、贪图美酒和生活困苦分散了你的注意力,因为那一天会突然降临,
do take heed now to yourselves otherwise otherwise (may be burdened *N+kO) of you the hearts with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of life — and may come upon you suddenly day that [very]
35 那一天会波及地球上的所有人。
as a snare; (It will enter *N+kO) for upon all those sitting upon [the] face of all the earth.
36 你们要时刻警醒和祈祷,这样才有可能逃离这将要发生的事情,才可以站在人子面前。”
do watch (also *N+KO) at every season praying that (you may have strength *N+KO) to escape these things all that are soon to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.
37 耶稣每天都在白天到殿里教导,晚上到橄榄山中过夜。
He was now during the day in the temple teaching. and the evening going out He was lodging on the mount which is being called Olivet.
38 群众清早起来上神庙,到他那里听他讲道。
And all the group of people was coming early to Him in the temple to hear Him.

< 路加福音 21 >