< 路加福音 13 >

1 就在这时候,有几个人向耶稣讲述了加利利人的事情,这几个人当时正在神庙献祭,但彼拉多却将他们杀死了。
Just at that time some people had come to tell Jesus about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.
2 耶稣问:“这些加利利人为什么遭受如此痛苦?是因为罪孽比其他加利利人更深重吗?
“Do you suppose,” replied Jesus, “that, because these Galileans have suffered in this way, they were worse sinners than any other Galileans?
3 告诉你们,并非如此。除非你们悔改,否则也将如此灭亡。
No, I tell you; but, unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.
4 当年西罗亚的高塔倒塌时压死了十八个人,难道这些人的罪行比所有耶路撒冷的居民更大吗?
Or those eighteen men at Siloam on whom the tower fell, killing them all, do you suppose that they were worse offenders than any other inhabitants of Jerusalem?
5 告诉你们,并非如此。除非你们悔改,否则也将如此灭亡。”
No, I tell you; but, unless you repent, you will all perish in the same manner.”
6 然后耶稣讲了一个故事:“有一个人在葡萄园里种了一棵无花果树。一天他来到无花果树那里找果子,但没有找到。
And Jesus told them this parable – “A man, who had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, came to look for fruit on it, but could not find any.
7 于是他对看园人说:‘这三年来我一直在找这棵无花果树的果子,却总是找不到,把它砍了吧!不要让它白白占了空间。’
So he said to his gardener ‘Three years now I have come to look for fruit on this fig tree, without finding any! Cut it down. Why should it rob the soil?’
8 看园人说:‘主人,再多留它一年吧,我给它周围松松土,施施肥,
‘Leave it this one year more, Sir,’ the man answered, ‘until I have dug around it and manured it.
9 如果它结果了,那就太好了。如果没有结果,再砍它也不迟。’”
Then, if it bears in future, well and good; but if not, you can have it cut down.’”
10 安息日那天,耶稣在会堂向众人传道。
Jesus was teaching on a Sabbath in one of the synagogues,
11 一名恶灵附体的女人已经病了十八年,后背彻底弯曲,完全直不起来。
and he saw before him a woman who for eighteen years had suffered from weakness owing to her having an evil spirit in her. She was bent double, and was wholly unable to raise herself.
12 耶稣看见她,便把她叫过来说:“你可以摆脱这疾病了。”
When Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said, “Woman, you are released from your weakness.”
13 然后耶稣双手按在她身上,她立刻直起腰,开始赞美上帝。
He placed his hands on her, and she was instantly made straight, and began to praise God.
14 但因为今天是安息日,耶稣在这一天治病让会堂的主事很不高兴。他对民众说:“每星期有六天应当工作,你们可以在那六天求医,但安息日不行。”
But the synagogue leader, indignant that Jesus had worked the cure on the Sabbath, intervened and said to the people, “There are six days on which work ought to be done; come to be cured on one of those, and not on the Sabbath.”
15 但主回答:“你这伪君子,这一天你们还是要把牛或者驴子从畜栏里放出来,牵去喝水,不是吗?
“You hypocrites!” the Master answered him. “Does not everyone of you let your ox or your donkey loose from its manger, and take it out to drink, on the Sabbath?
16 那么这女人作为亚伯拉罕的女儿,已经被撒旦困住十八年,难道不应当在安息日解开束缚,获得自由吗?”
But this woman, a daughter of Abraham, who has been kept in bondage by Satan for now eighteen years, ought not she to have been released from her bondage on the Sabbath?”
17 听到这番话,反对耶稣的人都感到很羞愧,民众却因他的伟大之举而欢喜。
As he said this, his opponents all felt ashamed; but all the people rejoiced to see all the wonderful things that he was doing.
18 耶稣说:“上帝之国像什么呢?我要把它比作什么呢?
So Jesus said, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what can I liken it?
19 它就像一粒芥菜种子,一个人把它种在自己的园子里,长成一棵树,天空的飞鸟会在它的枝头栖息。”
It is like a mustard seed which a man took and put in his garden. The seed grew and became a tree, and the wild birds roosted in its branches.”
20 他又问到:“我要把上帝之国比作什么呢?
And again Jesus said, “To what can I liken the kingdom of God?
21 它就像酵母,女人把它与三碗面粉混在一起,等着它发酵。”
It is like some yeast which a woman took and covered in three pecks of flour, until the whole had risen.”
22 耶稣朝着耶路撒冷的方向走去,沿途穿乡过城,教化众人。
Jesus went through towns and villages, teaching as he went, and making his way towards Jerusalem.
23 有一个人问他:“主啊,是不是只有很少的人才会得到救赎?” 他对众人说:
“Master,” someone asked, “are there but few in the path of salvation?” And Jesus answered,
24 “要努力穿过这条窄门,我告诉你们,将来会有许多人想要进去,但却进不去。
“Strive to go in by the narrow door. Many, I tell you, will seek to go in, but they will not be able,
25 等到房子的主人起来关上门,你们就会站在门外敲门说:‘主人啊,请开门吧!’但他的回答是:‘我不认识你们,也不知道你们从哪里来。’
when once the master of the house has got up and shut the door, while you begin to say, as you stand outside and knock, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ His answer will be – ‘I do not know where you come from.’
26 这时候你们会说:‘但我们曾与你一起吃喝,你曾在我们的街道上教导我们。’
Then you will begin to say ‘We have eaten and drunk in your presence, and you have taught in our streets,’ and his reply will be –
27 他会回复:‘告诉你们吧,我不认识你们,也不知道你们从何而来。你们这些作恶之人,从我这里离开!’
‘I do not know where you come from. Leave my presence, all you who are living in wickedness.’
28 当你们看见亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和众先知都已置身上帝之国,你们却被赶了出去,到时候必然有人痛苦不堪。
There, there will be weeping and grinding of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, while you yourselves are being driven outside.
29 人们从四面八方赶来,在上帝之国坐下来用餐。
People will come from East and West, and from North and South, and take their places at the banquet in the kingdom of God.
30 后来者会排在前面,先来者会排在后面。”
There are some who are last now who will then be first, and some who are first now who will then be last!”
31 这时候,有几个法利赛人对耶稣说:“你应该离开这里,因为希律想要杀你。”
Just then some Pharisees came up to Jesus and said, “Go away and leave this place, for Herod wants to kill you.”
32 耶稣回答:“去告诉那个老狐狸,今天和明天我需要驱鬼治病,到了第三天,我就会完成来到这里的使命。
But Jesus answered, “Go and say to that fox ‘Look you, I am driving out demons and will be completing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will have done.’
33 但无论是今天、明天还是后天,我都必须前行,因为先知不能在耶路撒冷以外的地点死去。
But today and tomorrow and the day after I must go on my way, because it cannot be that a prophet should meet his end outside Jerusalem.
34 耶路撒冷啊,耶路撒冷,你杀害先知,用石头把派给你的人砸死。我总是想把你的儿女召在一起,就像母鸡把小鸡聚在翅膀底下,只是你们不愿意。
Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You who slays the prophets and stones the messengers sent to you – Oh, how often have I wished to gather your children around me, as a hen takes her brood under her wings, and you would not come!
35 看吧,你们的家将变成荒芜。告诉你们,从今以后,你们再也不会看到我,除非你们说:‘祝福奉主之名前来之人。’”
Verily your house is left to you desolate! And never, I tell you, will you see me, until you say – ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

< 路加福音 13 >