< 使徒行传 15 >

1 有几个来自犹太的人开始教授信徒。他们对信徒们说:“你们若不按照摩西定下的规矩行受割礼,就无法获得救赎。”
Then some men arrived from Judea who started teaching the believers, “Unless you're circumcised according to the rules set down by Moses, you can't be saved.”
2 保罗和巴拿巴与他们进行了激烈的辩论,于是众人指派他们和其他几个人去耶路撒冷,向信徒和长老们讲述这个问题。
Paul and Barnabas had many arguments and debates with them. So Paul and Barnabas and some others were appointed to go to Jerusalem and talk to the apostles and leaders there about this issue.
3 教会为他们送行后,他们便上路了。途径腓尼基和撒玛利亚,讲述异教徒如何改变信仰,这让所有信徒都很高兴。
The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they explained how foreigners were being converted, which made all the believers very happy.
4 来到耶路撒冷后,教会、信徒和长老们接待了他们,他们也报告了上帝通过他们所行的一切。
When they arrived in Jerusalem they were welcomed by the church members, the apostles, and the elders. They explained everything God had done through them.
5 但有几名法利赛派的信徒却提出了反对意见,他们说:“这些归信上帝的异教徒必须行割礼,教导他们遵守摩西的律法。”
But they were opposed by some of the believers who belonged to the Pharisee faction. They said, “These converts have to be circumcised, and instructed to observe the law of Moses.”
6 使徒和长老聚集在一起商讨此事。
The apostles and elders met together to discuss the issue.
7 在进行了大量辩论后,彼得站起来对他们说:“兄弟们,你们知道过去上帝在你们中间选择了我,就是为了让异教徒可以听到福音之道,相信耶稣。
After much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that some time ago God chose me from among you so that the foreigners could hear the message of good news and trust in Jesus.
8 那洞察我们思想的上帝也表明接受他们,就像对待我们一样向他们赐以圣灵。
God, who knows thewhat we're thinking, has shown that he accepts them, giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.
9 上帝绝不会将我们和他们区别对待。因为他们相信上帝,所以上帝洁净了他们的思想。
He doesn't make any distinction between us and them—he cleansed their thoughts as they trusted in him.
10 现在你们为什么要反对上帝,把我们祖先和我们都无法承受的重负,放在这些信徒的身上?
So why do you want to oppose God and put a burden on the believers that our fathers weren't able to bear, and we can't either?
11 我们确信承蒙主耶稣的恩典获得救赎,与他们有着同样的方式。”
We're convinced that we're saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way they are.”
12 巴拿巴和保罗述说了上帝通过他们在异教徒中所行的神迹奇事,所有人都专心聆听。
Everyone listened attentively to Barnabas and Paul as they explained the miraculous signs that God had performed through them among the foreigners.
13 他们讲述完后,雅各说:“兄弟们,请听我说!
After they had finished speaking, James spoke up, saying, “Brothers, listen to me.
14 刚才西门讲述了上帝如何显示他对异教徒的关心,从他们中间挑选一名鉴定信仰上帝之人。
Simon has described how God first revealed his concern for the foreigners by taking from them a people committed to him.
15 这符合了众先知所写下的问题,正如经上所记:
This is in accordance with the words of the prophets, as it's written,
16 ‘未来我要回归,重建大卫崩塌的宅邸,在废墟上将其重建,让它重新站立起来,
‘In the future I will return, and I will rebuild the fallen house of David; I will rebuild its ruins and set it straight.
17 我这样做,是为了让剩下的人可以追随主,包括所有呼唤我名的异教徒。
I will do this so that those who are left may come to the Lord, including the foreigners who call on my name.
18 这就是主的真言,他很久以前就昭示了这一切。’ (aiōn g165)
This is what the Lord says, who revealed these things long ago.’ (aiōn g165)
19 所以我认为,不应该为难那些归信上帝的异教徒。
So my decision is that we shouldn't make it difficult for foreigners who turn to God.
20 我们应该给他们写信,告诉他们不吃祭祀偶像的食物、不要淫乱、要避开勒死的牲畜和血。
We should write to them and tell them to avoid food sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality, meat of animals that have been strangled, and from consuming blood.
21 因为很久很久以来,各地都在教导摩西所写律法,每逢安息日,都会有人在会堂中诵读。”
For the law of Moses has been taught in every town for a long, long time—it's read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”
22 使徒、长老和教会所有人都认可这个方法,于是他们决定选出几名代表,派他们和保罗、巴拿巴一同到安提阿去。最终选择的人是犹大(巴撒巴)和西拉,他们是信徒中的领袖。
Then the apostles and elders, together with the whole church, decided it would be good to choose some representatives and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas Barsabbas and Silas, leaders among the brothers,
23 他们被派出去送信。信上说: “安提阿、叙利亚和基利家的非犹太异族兄弟们,这里是来自使徒、长老和信徒们的问候。
and sent them with this letter: “Greetings from us, the apostles and elders and brothers, to the non-Jewish brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia:
24 听说我们中有些人在向你们讲道时,让你们感到困扰和不安,其实我们并没有吩咐他们这样做。
We have heard that some from our group have confused you with their teachings, causing you trouble. We certainly didn't tell them to do this!
25 因此,我们一致同意选出几名代表,与我们挚爱的巴拿巴和保罗一起派去见你们,
So we have agreed to choose some representatives and send them to you together with our much-loved brothers Barnabas and Paul,
26 这两个人曾为了主耶稣基督之名,置个人生死于不顾。
who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27 我们派犹大和西拉同行,他们会亲口确认我们所说的一切。
So we are sending to you Judas and Silas who can verbally confirm what we're saying.
28 圣灵和我们都认为,除了以下重要的要求,最好不要让你们承担更多重负。
It seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to us not to place on you any heavier burden than these important requirements.
29 你们应该避免的是:不吃祭祀偶像的食物,要避开勒死的牲畜和血,不要淫乱。只要遵守这些要求就好了。上帝保佑你们!”
You should avoid: anything sacrificed to idols; blood; meat from strangled animals; and sexual immorality. You will do well to observe these requirements. God bless you.”
30 还有人被派到安提阿,在那里召集众人,交上这封书信。
The men were sent on their way to Antioch. When they arrived they called everybody together and delivered the letter.
31 众人读罢,因信上的劝勉之语而感到欣慰。
After they had read it, the people were so happy for the encouraging message.
32 犹大和西拉也是先知,他们说了许多鼓励兄弟们的话,让他们获得了更大的力量。
Judas and Silas, who were also prophets, encouraged the brothers, explaining many things, and strengthening them.
33 住了一段时间后,他们打道回府,带走了众人向耶路撒冷信徒送去的祝福。
After spending some time there they were sent back by the brothers with their blessing to the believers in Jerusalem.
35 但保罗和巴拿巴却住在安提阿,与众人一起进行教导,传播主之道。
But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and proclaiming the word of God along with many others.
36 过了一段时间,保罗对巴拿巴说:“我们回到曾经传道的那些城邦去吧,看看那里的信徒们现在如何了。”
Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let's go back and visit the believers in every town where we shared the word of the Lord, and see how they're doing.”
37 巴拿巴打算带上马可(约翰)一同去,
Barnabas planned to take along John Mark too.
38 但保罗认为带上他不合适,因为他当年在旁非利亚时曾经离开过他们,没有继续与他们一起完成自己的使命。
But Paul didn't think it was a good idea to take him with them, since he'd left them in Pamphylia and hadn't continued working with them.
39 两人为此大吵一架,于是分道扬镳。巴拿巴带上马可,乘船去塞浦路斯。
They had such a strong disagreement that they separated. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed to Cyprus.
40 保罗则选了西拉,当他们离开时,信徒们将他们交托给主的恩典。
Paul chose Silas, and as they left, the believers committed them to the grace of the Lord.
41 保罗走遍了叙利亚和基利家,鼓舞那里的教会。
Paul traveled through Syria and Cilicia, encouraging the churches there.

< 使徒行传 15 >