< Luk 11 >

1 Hahoi, hnin touh hnin vah, Bawipa teh hmuen buet touh koevah a ratoum teh a baw hnukkhu, a hnukkâbang buet touh ni Bawipa, Jawhan ni a hnukkâbangnaw ratoumnae a pâtu e patetlah kaimouh hai na pâtu awh haw telah atipouh.
It happened he was praying in a certain place, and when he stopped, one of his disciples said to him, "Master, teach us how to pray, just as Johntaught his disciples."
2 Bawipa ni nangmanaw ni na ratoum awh navah na dei awh hane teh, kalvan kho kaawm e kaimae na Pa, na min barinae awm lawiseh, na uknaeram tho lawiseh.
So he said to them. "When you pray, say, "Father, hallowed be thy name; May thy kingdom come,
3 Na ngainae teh kalvan kho akuep e patetlah talai van hai kuep lawiseh, hnintangkuem von kawk khuem rawca pou na poe haw.
"Give us day by day our bread for the coming day;
4 Kaimae tak dawk yonnae kasaknaw, kaimouh ni ka ngaithoum e patetlah kaimae ka yonnae hai na ngaithoum haw, yon tacueknae thung kaimanaw na hrawi hanh. Tamikahawihoehe koehoi na hlout sak haw telah tet awh, atipouh.
"Forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyone who has offended us; "And bring us not into temptation."
5 Hathnukkhu hoi bout a dei e teh, nangmouh thung dawk tami buet touh ni a hui buet touh a tawn teh, karumsaning vah hote a hui im a cei teh, ka hui,
He also said to them. "Suppose you have a friend and you go to him, ‘My friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
6 kahlong lahoi ka hui buet touh a tho. Ka paca hane banghai ka tawn hoeh dawkvah vaiyei kathum touh na cawi sak ei telah atipouh.
"for a friend of mine is come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him.’
7 Imkung ni kai koe hrawang hanh, takhang hai ka khan toe, ka canaw hai koung a i awh toung dawkvah ka thaw vaiteh na poe thai mahoeh telah imthungkhu hoi atipouh han.
"and he from indoors shall answer. ‘Do not pester me. The door is now closed, and my children are with me in bed. I cannot rise and give to you.’
8 Ka deingainae teh, hote tami teh a hui lah ao dawkvah, a lungpout laipalah a hei dawkvah a ngai e pueng a thaw vaiteh a poe han.
"I tell you that, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his importunate persistence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.
9 Bout ka dei ngainae teh het awh, na poe han. Tawng awh na pâphawng han. Tho takhawng awh, na takhawng pawiteh paawng pouh lah ao han.
"So I say to you. "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
10 Ka het e tami teh a poe. Ka tawng e tami teh a pâphawng. Ka takhawng e tami teh a paawng pouh.
"For he that asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks the door shall be opened.
11 Apipatet e na pa ni maw a ca ni tanga moi a hei navah tahrun moi ouk a poe boi.
"What father is there among you who, if his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him instead a serpent?
12 Âdui a hei navah aikam moi ouk poe boi yaw.
"Or if he asks for an egg, will offer him a scorpion?
13 Nangmanaw ni tami kahawihoeh lah na o awh nakunghai, na canaw poehno kahawi ouk na poe pawiteh hot hlakvah nangmae kalvanlae na Pa ni ka hete taminaw hah, Kathoung Muitha hoe poe mahoeh maw telah atipouh.
"If you give good gifts to your children, how much more shall the Father who is in heaven give the Holy spirit to those that ask him!"
14 Hahoi hnin touh navah, a lawk ka a e kahrai a pâlei teh, kahrai a tâco hnukkhu lawka teh lawk a dei. Kamkhueng e taminaw teh a kângairu awh.
Once he was casting out a dumb demon, and when the demon was gone out, the dumb man spoke, and the people wondered.
15 Tami tangawn ni hete tami ni kahraituilinaw e bawi Beelzebub e min lahoi doeh kahraituilinaw a pâlei ati awh.
But some of them said, "It is by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that he cast out demons."
16 A tangawn ni, tanouk hane a ngai awh teh, kalvan lahoi e mitnoutnae a hei awh.
Others, tempting him, kept seeking from him a sign from heaven.
17 Bawipa ni ahnimae lungthin a panue dawkvah, uknaeram hai buet touh hoi buet touh kâtaran pawiteh a kâkapek han. Hot patetlah imthungkhu hai kâpo hoehpawiteh a rawk han.
He knew their intentions and said to them. "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and house falls upon house.
18 Kai ni Beelzebub e min lahoi kahraituilinaw ka pâlei pawiteh, Setan e uknaeram bangtelamaw a kangcoung thai han.
"And if Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?
19 Kai ni Beelzebub e min lahoi kahraituilinaw ka pâlei toung pawiteh nangmae na canaw ni teh apie min lahoi maw a pâlei awh han. Hatdawkvah ahnimanaw ni nangmanaw lawkcengkung lah ao han.
"Do you say that I am casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub? If I then am casting out demons by Beelzebub, by whom are your sons casting them out? They therefore shall be your judges.
20 Kai ni Cathut e kutdawn hoi kahraituilinaw ka pâlei pawiteh, nangmouh koe Cathut uknaeram a kangduenae tueng teh a pha katang toe.
"But if it is by the finger of God that I am casting out demons, then the kingdom of God is come upon you.
21 A thakasai e ni senehmaica a puengcang kakuep lahoi amae toeim dawk ao navah, hnopainaw dawk lungtâsuenae awm hoeh.
"When the strong man fully aroused keeps guard over his homestead, his property is undisturbed;
22 Hatei ahni hlak thakasai e tami a tho teh pet a tâ torei doeh ahni ni kâuepkhai e senehmaica a puengcangnaw a la vaiteh, a tawn e hnopainaw hai ayânaw a rei han.
"but when the stronger man attacks him, he takes away from the strong armor in which he was trusting and divides up the spoil.
23 Kai hoi kaawm hoeh e tami teh kai na taran e doeh. Kai hoi cungtalah kamkhueng hoeh e tami teh kampek e doeh.
"He who is not for me is against me, and he who is not gathering with me is scattering.
24 Kakhine muitha teh a tâco hnukkhu, a kâhat nahane hmuen a tawng. A pâphawng hoeh dawkvah yampa ka onae im dawk ka ban han a titeh,
"Whenever a foul spirit is gone out of a man, it roams through waterless places, in search of rest; but when it can find none, it says, ‘I will go back to the house which I have left.’
25 A tangtho navah, hote im teh a houng teh apicai e a hmu.
When it comes and finds the house completely swept and garnished.
26 Hat torei teh ama hlak ka mathout e muitha a hui sari touh a hrawi teh hote tami thung a kâen awh. Hote tami teh hmaloe e hlak a hnukkhu e hoe a mathoe telah atipouh.
"Then it goes off and fetches seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the last state of that man is worse than the first."
27 Hottelah a dei navah napui buet touh ni taminaw e a rahak hoi a dei e teh, Bawipa nang na ka vawn e napui hoi sanu na ka pânei e napui teh a yawhawi telah atipouh.
It happened while he was saying this, that a certain woman out of the crowd shouted to him, saying, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breast that you have sucked."
28 Jisuh ni Cathut e lawk ka thai ni teh ka tarawi e tami doeh a yawkahawi e tami telah atipouh.
"No, rather," he answered, "blessed are those who listen to the word of God, and keep it."
29 Hahoi tami muen a kamkhueng awh dawkvah, Bawipa ni hete miphun teh miphun kathout doeh. Mitnoutnae a hei navah, profet Jawnah e mitnoutnae hloilah, bangpatet e mitnoutnae hai kamnuek sak mahoeh.
When the crowd were beginning to throng about him he proceeded to say. "This is an evil generation! It seeks a sign, and there shall be no sign be given to it except the sign of Jonah;
30 Jawnah ni Nineveh kho dawk e taminaw hanelah mitnoutnae lah ao e patetlah tami Capa hai hete miphunnaw hanelah ao han.
"for as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of man be to this generation.
31 Lawkceng navah aka lae ram ka uk e siangpahrangnu ni hete miphun koe lah a kangdue vaiteh a sung sak han. Bangkongtetpawiteh hote siangpahrangnu teh Solomon e lungangnae lawk tarawi hanelah, talai pout koe lahoi a tho. Hete hmuen koe Solomon hlak ka talue e tami ao.
"The queen of the South shall rise up in Judgement with the men of this generation, and shall condemn them; because she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and lo, one greater than Solomon is here!
32 Lawkceng navah, Nineveh kho e taminaw teh hete miphunnaw hoi cungtalah a thaw vaiteh, hete miphunnaw a yonnae a kamnue sak han. Bangkongtetpawiteh ahnimanaw teh Jawnah ni a dei e lawk dawk hoi pankângai awh. Hete hmuen koe Jawnah hlak kalen e tami ao.
"The men of the Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with his generation and shall condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and lo! one greater than Jonah is here!
33 Apinihai hmaiim paang navah ouk ramuk bawi hoeh, tangthung hoi hai ouk ramuk bawi hoeh. Ka kâennaw ni angnae a hmu thai nahanelah, hmaiimkhok dawk doeh ouk ta awh.
"When one lights a lamp he does not put it in a cellar nor under the bushel, but on a lamp-stand that those who enter may see the light.
34 Na mit teh na takthai hanelah hmaiim lah ao dawkvah na mit ang pawiteh na tak abuemlah a ang han. Na mitmawm pawiteh na tak abuemlah a hmo han.
"The lamp of the body is your eye; when your eye is single then your whole body is full of light; but when it is evil your whole body is full of darkness.
35 Na tak dawk e angnae hah, hmonae lah na coung sak hoeh nahan kâhruetcuet awh.
"Look carefully! Perhaps that very light of yours is darkness.
36 Puengcang buet touh boehai hmonae cakang lah awm laipalah, na tak abuemlah ang pawiteh, hmaiim teh nangmouh a ang e patetlah na tak abuemlah koung a ang han telah atipouh.
"If, however, your whole body is full of light, without having any part dark, it will be wholly radiant with light, as when the lamp illumines you with its bright rays."
37 Hahoi hettelah a dei navah, Farasi tami buet touh ni bu ca hanelah a kaw teh caboi dawk a tahung.
When he had finished speaking a Pharisee asked him to dine with him; so he went in with him and reclined.
38 Bu a ca hoehnahlan kut kamsin hoeh e Farasi tami ni a hmu navah a kângairu.
And the Pharisee noticed, to his amazement, that he did not wash his hands before eating,
39 Jisuh ni Farasi nangmanaw, avanlah doeh manang, ailo na pâle awh. Athunglah teh hounlounnae, hawihoehnae hoi doeh na kawi awh.
but the Lord said to him. "You Pharisee do cleanse the outside of your cup or plate, but your secret heart is full of extortion and wickedness.
40 Tamipathunaw, avan lae ka sak e Cathut ni athung lae hai sak hoeh maw.
"Foolish men! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?
41 Hot hlak hoe kahawi e teh, na sak thai toteh mathoenaw hah poe awh, telah na sak pawiteh hno puengpa ni na thoungsak awh han.
"Better cleanse what is within, and nothing will be unclean for you.
42 Farasinaw, nangmouh teh na yawthoe awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, songpam, songkeng hoi anhlanaw totouh, pung hra pung touh na poe awh navah, lannae hoi Cathut lungpatawnae teh banglahai na noutna awh hoeh. Apasuek dei e naw hai cettakhai laipalah, a hnukkhu dei e naw hai tarawi awh.
"But woe unto you Pharisee! for you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and disregard justice and the love of God; but these you ought to have done, and not leave the other undone.
43 Farasinaw, nangmanaw teh na yawthoe awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, sinakok dawk ka talue e hmuen koehoi hno yonae koevah ayâ ni bari e hah lung na pataw awh.
"Woe unto you Pharisee! for you delight in the best seats in the synagogue, and in the salutation in the market-places.
44 Cakathutkungnaw hoi Farasinaw, kakâsaknaw teh na yawthoe awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh ka kamnuek hoeh e phuen hoi na kâvan awh. Hote tangkom van kacetnaw ni phuen ao e panuek awh hoeh telah atipouh.
"Woe unto you! for you are like the tombs which are hidden, and men walk over them unsuspecting."
45 Hahoi kâlawk kacangkhaikung buet touh ni Bawipa telah pawiteh kaimouh hai yon na pen awh maw, telah atipouh navah,
Hereupon one of the lawyers exclaimed, "But teacher, in saying such things you are also reproaching us also."
46 Kâlawk kacangkhainaw, nangmouh teh na yawthoe awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, phu thai hoeh e hno ayânaw van na patue awh. Namamouh teh kutdawn hoi boehai na tek awh hoeh.
"Woe unto you lawyers also!" said Jesus, "for you load men with irksome burdens, and you yourselves will not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
47 Nangmouh teh na yawthoe awh. Na mintoenaw ni a thei e profetnaw e phuen na sak awh.
"Woe to you! for you are building the tombs of the prophets whom you ancestors killed.
48 Hatdawkvah nangmouh teh, na mintoenaw e nuencang na tarawi awh. Na mintoenaw ni profetnaw teh a thei awh toe. Nangmouh ni phuen na sak awh.
"So you are witnesses, and you consent to the actions of your ancestors. for they killed them, and you build their tombs.
49 Hatdawkvah Cathut lungangnae ni profetnaw hoi gunceinaw hah ahnimanaw aonae koe patoun han. Ahnimanaw thung dawk tami tangawn teh a pacekpahlek han, tangawn teh a thei awh han.
"For this reason also said the Wisdom of God. ‘I will send them prophets and apostles; some of them they will kill and some they will persecute;
50 Hatdawkvah, Abel e a thi koehoi a kamtawng vaiteh, thuengnae hoi bawkim rahak vah a thei awh e Zekhariah e a thi totouh, talaivan kamtawngnae koehoi palawng tangcoung lah kaawm e profetnaw pueng e a thipaling phu teh hete miphunnaw koe ka suk han.
"so that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required from this generation,
51 Kai ni atangcalah ka dei e teh hete miphunnaw koe hote thipaling phu ka suk han telah kai ni ka dei.
"from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zachariah, who perished between the alter and the sanctuary; yes; I tell you, it shall be required of this generation!
52 Kâlawk kacangkhainaw, nangmouh teh na yawthoe awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh panuenae cabi teh na kuem awh. Namamouh hai na kâen awh hoeh, kâen han kangainaw hai na ngang awh, telah atipouh.
"Woe to you lawyers, for you have taken away the key of knowledge!’ You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who are trying to enter."
53 Hottelah taminaw koe a dei pouh navah, cakathutkungnaw hoi Farasinaw ni Bawipa dawk yon a pen thai nahanelah,
After he had gone away, the Scribes and the Pharisee began to set themselves vehemently against him, and to cross-question him upon many points,
54 a pawp awh teh lawk a dei e man thai nahane a tawng awh teh a konglam a cawngca a pacei awh.
laying in wait for him, in order to catch a word from his lips.

< Luk 11 >