< Zephaniah 3 >

1 Hesoh gentheina kiboldoh jing, Ohe! ada ahi! Doumah mah bol’a kisuboh soh hel, Vo! Jerusalem khopi, kimatna khopi.
This is the scornful city that dwells securely, that says in her heart, I am, and there is no longer any [to be] after me: how is she become desolate, a habitation of wild beasts! every one that passes through her shall hiss, and shake his hands. Alas the glorious and ransomed city.
2 Hiche khopi hin kisuhdihna him him adoudal in, koima thudih sei ging aum poi. Amahon Pakai chu atahsan pouvin chuleh ama Pathen’u kom jong anaideh pouve.
The dove listened not to the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord, and she drew not near to her God.
3 Khopi sung vaipo’a pangho chu, Sakei bahkai bangin kitumlet lutin, aneh ding bou akihol’un. A Thutan vaihom ho jong, kamkei hon, gilkei keija nilhah ngah’a, jan muthim lah’a nehding kihol’a, jingkah teng neh moh ima khenlouva umho tobang ahiuve.
Her princes within her were as roaring lions, her judges as the wolves of Arabia; they remained not till the morrow.
4 A themgao ho jong, jouleh nal’a ama phatchomna ding kihol ngen ahiuve. Chuleh Thempua pangho jong, Pathen thupeh nitlouvin, Hou-in sung asuboh gam tauvin ahi.
Her prophets are light [and] scornful men: her priests profane the holy things, and sinfully transgress the law.
5 Ahivang in, Pakaiyin khopi sung adalha pon, aumpi jing in, chuleh amaho din ima setna abolpoi. Aniseh in, aman thudih chu aphongdoh jing in, chuleh aman ima bolkhel anei poi. Amavang, thudih louva chonpa chem jum le ja lam ahepoi.
But the just Lord is in the midst of her, and he will never do an unjust thing: morning by morning he will bring out his judgement to the light, and it is not hidden, and he knows not injustice by extortion, nor injustice in strife.
6 “Keiman nampi vaipi katheh ngim in, akisel nau kulpi bang le in ho jon ahomkeuvin kakoi tai, kholai dung ajong koima avahle aumpon, athip gamtai. Ajeh chu ahing doh amoh khat jong umlou ahitauve.
I have brought down the proud with destruction; their corners are destroyed: I will make their ways completely waste, so that none shall go through: their cities are come to an end, by reason of no man living or dwelling [in them].
7 Keiman kagel chu, tunvang hiche te hin eijabol intin, eiging tauvinte, kati. Ka hilchehna ho jong sang tei tauvinte, kati. Chu teng keiman achung'uva jepna pehkit dang’e, chuleh achennau inho jong kisuhmang kit dahen, kati. Ahivangin, amaho jingpitah In athouvun, abolngaiju setna jeng abolun, akhoh cheh cheh jingin ahi.”
I said, But do you fear me, and receive instruction, and you shall not be cut off from the face of the land [for] all the vengeance I have brought upon her: prepare you, rise early: all their produce is spoilt.
8 Pakaiyin aseiye,” Hijeh chun khongai jin, ngahhat in, keiman hiche namtin vaipi gitlou bolte hohi, keima kadin’a, themmo kachan sah ding ahi. Ajeh chu leiset chunga lenggam ho kasuhkhom ding, achung'uva ka lunghanna khosetah meikong tobang chu kabuh khum ding ahiuve. Hiche ka lunghanna meikong chun leiset pumpi ahalvam ding ahi.
Therefore wait upon me, says the Lord, until the day when I rise up for a witness: because my judgement [shall be] on the gatherings of the nations, to draw to me kings, to pour out upon them all [my] fierce anger: for the whole earth shall be consumed with the fire of my jealousy.
9 Chuteng leh keiman namtin vaipi kamcheng ka sutheng’n kakhel peh ding, chute leh mitin in lung kitoh’a Pakai ahou cheh ding ahi.
For then will I turn to the peoples a tongue for her generation, that all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve him under one yoke.
10 Chuteng leh, Ethiopia vadung gal‘a umho, chehsa kamiten jong, thilto ahin choi uva apeh dingu ahi.
From the boundaries of the rivers of Ethiopia will I receive my dispersed ones; they shall offer sacrifices to me.
11 Hiche nikho chuleh, nangman jum le ja nathuh tah lou ding, ajeh chu keima douva napantah lou ding ahi. Keiman nalah uva kon’a mi kiletsah ho chuleh ama kichoisang ho ka paidoh ding ahi. Chuteng kalhang theng’a chu kiletsah hoithona um talou ding ahi.
In that day you shall not be ashamed of all your practices, wherein you have transgressed against me: for then will I take away from you your disdainful pride, and you shall no more magnify yourself upon my holy mountain.
12 Ahingdoh amoh chengse, amaho chu, abon’a mi lungneng leh mi kinem sah ho jeng ahitauve. Ajeh chu amaho chu Pakai min’a taojing ho ahiuve.
And I will leave in you a meek and lowly people;
13 Akidalha Israel amoh chengsen, adihlou abolkit tahlou ding’u, jou leh nal’a jong khat le khat kilhem talou ding ahiuve. Ajeh chu, amaho chu, koiman akichatsah tah lou dingu chuleh lungmong’a, nomsel’a aneh uva chuleh kichol diu ahitai.
and the remnant of Israel shall fear the name of the Lord, and shall do no iniquity, neither shall they speak vanity; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed, and lie down, and there shall be none to terrify them.
14 Vo, Zion chanu, O thongin la sauvin; Vo Israel kholhang sam in! Nalungthim pumpin kipah le thanom in um'in, Vo Jerusalem chanu!
Rejoice, O daughter of Sion; cry aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; rejoice and delight yourself with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
15 Ajeh chu Pakaiyin akhut’a na chungthu atan ding chu alamang tan, chuleh na melma te jouse jong anomang soh tai. Pakai amatah Israel leng ahin, nalah uva aching jing e. Nangman navel’a thilse nagin kit tahlou ding chuleh na gentheina jouse beisoh ding ahitai.
The Lord has taken away your iniquities, he has ransomed you from the hand of your enemies: the Lord, the King of Israel, is in the midst of you: you shall not see evil any more.
16 Hiche nikho chuleh, Jerusalem kiseipeh ding cu, “Vo, Zion, kipah thanom in, kicha hih in, natha jong lhahsam sah hih in!
At that time the Lord shall say to Jerusalem, Be of good courage, Sion; let not your hands be slack.
17 Ajeh chu, na lailung uva Pakai na Pathen chu aching jing in, ama chu thaneitah huhingpu ahi. Aman thanom tah’a nakipapi ding, ami lungsetna chun na lungmon sah ding, nang dinga kipah thanom’a chuleh kipa la asah ding ahi.
The Lord your God is in you; the Mighty One shall save you: he shall bring joy upon you, and shall refresh you with his love; and he shall rejoice over you with delight as in a day of feasting.
18 “Keiman nangho, kut nikho’a lunghem leh lhasa umho jouse, kakhop khom soh ding, chuleh nangho avel’a koiman nabolset kit tahlou dingu ahi.
And I will gather your afflicted ones. Alas! who has taken up a reproach against her?
19 Chuleh keiman nangho bol genthei ja pangho chu nasatah’a ka bolgim ding ahi. Keiman alhasam holeh bel ding neilou ho jouse kahuh doh ding, chuleh muntin’a ana kidel magho, keiman kahin puikhom ding ahi. Keiman amaho chu, loupina leh minthana akpeh ding, amaho dinga ajumnao leh ajachat nau jouse chu kilamang ding ahi.
Behold, I [will] work in you for your sake at that time, says the Lord: and I will save her that was oppressed, and receive her that was rejected; and I will make them a praise, and honoured in all the earth.
20 Hiche nikho chuleh, keiman nangho jouse ka khopkhom ding, inlam’a ka puilut kitding nahiuve. Keiman nangho, leiset chung namtin vaipi lah’a, minphatna leh minthanna kapeh ding, chuleh amitmu cheng uva Hamphatna kapeh ding nahiuve. Hiche hi, keima Pakai Pathen in ka seidoh ahitai.
And [their enemies] shall be ashamed at that time, when I shall deal well with you, and at the time when I shall receive you: for I will make you honoured and a praise amongst all the nations of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before you, says the Lord.

< Zephaniah 3 >