< Luke 21 >

1 Yeshua houin aumlaiyin, mihao hon sumdolna bom'a athilpeh houchu aven ahi.
[Jesus] looked up [from where he was sitting] and saw rich people putting their gifts into the [offering] boxes [in the Temple courtyard].
2 Chuin meithai mivaicha khat jong ahungin sumsan pehni alehlut in ahi.
He also saw a poor widow putting in two [small] copper coins.
3 Yeshuan aseitai, “Thutah kaseipeh nahiuve, hiche mivaicha meithainu hin adang jouse sangin atam to joi.
He said [to his disciples], “The truth is that these rich people have a lot of money, [but] they gave [only a small part of it]. But this woman, who is very poor, has put in all the money that she had to pay for the things she needs! So [God considers that] [HYP] this poor widow has put more money into the box than all the others.”
4 Ajeh chu amahon aneival hou lah'a themkhat bou atou ahin, amavang amanu hin, avaichat totoh'a, anei chasun apeh ahitai,” ati.
5 Aseijuite lah'a phabep khat chun Hou'in kisah na'a song kikheng ho chule bang'a melchihna kijempah ho chu anatsat dan aseipan tauvin ahi. Ahivangin Yeshuan aseitai,
Some [of Jesus’ disciples] talked about the Temple. [They commented about] the beautiful stones [used in building the Temple] and the other decorations that [people] had given, decorations [that were on the walls]. But he said,
6 “Phat ahunglhung e, hiti ho jouse hi aboncha kisuchim ding ahi. Song khatcha khat chunga kisethom namu lou diu ahi,” ati.
“[I want to tell you something about] these things that you are looking at. [They will be destroyed] {[Foreign invaders will] destroy [these buildings]} [completely]. Every stone [in these buildings] will be thrown down {They will throw down every stone in these buildings}. Not one stone will be left {They will not leave one stone} on top of another.”
7 Amahon adongun, “Houhil, hitiho hi itih le soh ding ham? Melchihna itobang in hitiho chu sohding ahitai ti eivetsah diu ham?” atiuve.
[Later] his disciples asked him, “Teacher, when will that happen? What will happen [to the temple] to indicate that the things [you(sg) just told us] are about to happen?”
8 Aman adonbut in, “Koima kilheplhah sah hih un, ajeh chu mi tamtah kamin'a hung ding, ‘Keima Messiah kahi’ tia aseidiu ‘Phat ahung lhung tai!’ ahin tidiu ahi. Ahivangin tahsan hih un.
He said, “[All that I will say is], be sure that you are not deceived {that they do not deceive [you]} [about these things]! Many [people] will come and say (that I [sent them]/that they have my authority) [MTY]. They will say, ‘I am [the Messiah]!’ They will also [say] ‘It is now the time [when God will begin to rule]!’ Do not follow them [to become their disciples]
9 Chuleh gal kisat le thunoh najah teng uleh tijahih'un. Ahinai, hiti hohi soh masa ding ahi, ahin achaina chu hijeng loulai ding ahi,” ati.
Also, whenever you hear about wars and riots, do not be terrified. Keep in mind that [God has said that] those things must happen. But [when they happen], it will not mean that [the world] will end right away!”
10 Chuin aman aseiben, “Namkhat chu namkhat toh gal kisat a konding, chule lenggam khat jong lenggam dang khattoh kidou ding ahi.
Then he said to them, “[Groups in various] countries will fight each other, and [various] governments [will also fight] against each other.
11 Lingpi nasatah tah kihot ding, kel lhading, chule mun tin'a gamna hise lang ding, tijat um tahtah thilsoh chule van'a melchihna kidang tahtah namu diu ahi.
There will be [big] earthquakes, and in various places there will be famines and plagues. [People will see] things that will terrify them. There will also be unusual things happening in the sky.
12 Ahivanga hiche ho ahung so masanga, suhgenthei na phat nasatah umding ahi. Nangho kikhopna in tinle songkul hoa nakikai diu, chule kanungjui nahijeh uva lengho le gamvaipo ho thutanna angsunga nadin diu ahi.
But before all these things happen, [some of] you will be persecuted and arrested {people will persecute some of you and arrest you} [MTY]. [Some of] you will be put {They will put [some of] you} [on trial] in the places where you gather to worship, and [you will be thrown] into prison. You will be put on trial {[They] will put you on trial} in front of high government authorities because you are my [MTY] [disciples].
13 Ahivanga hiche hi nangho dinga keima neiseiphong nadiu phat kilemchang chu hiding ahi.
That will be a time for you to tell [them about me].
14 Hijeh chun nakihehset nau chu iti kadonbut dem tin lunggim masat dauvin,
So determine within yourselves not to be worrying before that happens what you will say to defend yourselves,
15 ajeh chu keiman nangho thu adihtah chule chihna, nadoudal teuvin nahin donbut theilou nadiu ahiloule nanelkal joulou nadiuva kapeh ding nahiuve.
because I will make you wise [HEN] so that you will [know] what to say. As a result, none of your enemies will be able to oppose what you say or (refute you/show that you are wrong).
16 Nakinaipi pen'u–nanu napa, nasopiho, na inkote, chule naloi le pai ho jengin jong nahin pehdoh nahlai diu ahi. Amahon nangho abangkhat nahin tha nahlai diu ahi.
[And there will also be other evil things that will happen]: Even your parents and brothers and [other] relatives and friends [who do not believe in me] will (betray you/help your enemies to seize you). They will kill some of you.
17 Chule mijousen kanungjui nahi jeh uva nahin muda diu ahi.
[In general], most people will [HYP] hate you because [you believe in] me [MTY].
18 Amavang naluchung'a nasamjang khat jengjong mahthah lou ding ahi!
But your souls will be absolutely safe [IDM].
19 Dettah a nadin uleh, na lhagao naki huhdoh diu ahi.”
By enduring [all these things people will do to you], you will preserve your [eternal] life [SYN].”
20 Chuleh nanghon Jerusalem galmi sepai hon aum kimvel namu teng uleh, nanghon alhuh nading phat hunglhung ahitai ti nahet diu ahi.
“But when you see that Jerusalem has been surrounded by the armies of [your enemies], you will know that it is time for [this city] to be completely destroyed {[them] to completely destroy [this city]}.
21 Chuteng Judea gam'a cheng ho thinglhang langa najam doh diu ahi. Jerusalem'a umho napotdoh diu, chule thinglhang langa umdoh ho khopi langa nakile lou diu ahi.
At that time those [of you] who are in Judea [district] must flee to the [higher] hills. Those who are in this city must leave [quickly]. Those who are in the nearby countryside must not go back into the city [to get any of their possessions before they flee].
22 Ajeh chu hiche ho chu Pathen phulah nikholai hiding, chule Pathen Lekhabua themgao thusei ho guilhung ding ahi.
[You must obey what I tell you] because, in order that all the things that are written [in the Scriptures] will be fulfilled, [God] will very severely punish [the people who stay in this city].
23 Chuche nikholai chu numei naovop hole naosen sin minute dinga iti da umding hitam. Ajeh chu gamsunga hesoh genthei khohtah chule hiche miho chunga lunghanna nasatah chuding ahi.
[I feel] very sorry for women [in this city] who will be pregnant, and women who will be nursing [their babies] in those days, [because it will be very difficult for them to run away! I] feel sorry [because] the people in this [land] will suffer greatly [MTY] [when God punishes them].
24 Amaho chemjam'a kithat diu ahilouleh sohchang'a vannoi nam jouse lah'a solmanga umdiu ahi. Chuleh chidang namdang te phatsung kichai kahsea Jerusalem hi chidang namdang ten achotpha ding ahi.
Many of them will be killed {Their enemies will kill many of them} with swords. [Others will be captured] and taken {They will capture [others] and take them} to [HYP] [other] countries. Non-Jewish people will trample over Jerusalem until the time [that God has determined for them to rule the city] is ended.”
25 “Chule nisa, lha, chule ahsi hoa melchihna kidang tahtah hung umding ahi. Chule leichung'a hi namtin boina'a dim ding, twikhanglen kitum le tuikinong gimnei chun asuh lungjin diu ahi.
“There will also be strange things that will [happen to] the sun, the moon, and the stars. In [many] nations, [people] will be very frightened, and they will be anxious [when they hear] the ocean roaring and [see huge] waves.
26 Miho chu leiset chunga thillhung ho amuuva kona kicha diu ahi, ajeh chu van munhoa thaneina cheng kihot ling gam ding ahitai.
People will faint because they will be afraid as they wait for what will happen. [They will be afraid] because the powerful [objects] in the sky will be shaken {shake}.
27 Chuteng mijousen Mihem Chapa meilom chunga thahat le loupi tah a ahung amudiu ahi.
Then they will see [me], the one who came from heaven, coming in a cloud powerfully and very gloriously.
28 Hijeh a chu hitiho jouse hi ahung kipat teng leh, dingun lang chunglam veuvin, ajehchu nasochat nau nai ahitai!” ati.
So when these things that [I have just now described] begin to happen, stand up [straight and] be brave, because it will be close to the time when [God] will free you [from all suffering].”
29 Chuin aman hiche thutekah hi apen ahi: “Theichang phung khu veuvin, ahiloule thingphung dang hijong leh.
[Then] Jesus told his disciples this parable: “Think about the fig tree, and all the [other] trees.
30 Ado ahung pullhah teng, nanghon seipeh louvin jong naheuve, nipi anaitai.
As soon as you see their leaves beginning to sprout, you know that summer is near.
31 Chutobang chun, hitiho jouse aguilhun namu tenguleh, Pathen Lenggam chu anaitai ti nahet thei diu ahi.
Similarly, when you see these things that [I have just described] happening, you will know that it is almost time for God to [truly] rule as king.
32 Thutah kaseipeh nahiuve, hiche khang hi chemang lou ding ahi, hitiho jouse aguilhun masang sea.
Keep this in mind: All the things that [I have just now described] will happen before all the people who have observed the things that I have done have died.
33 Van le lei mang ding ahi, ahin kathu ho vang manglou beh ding ahi.”
[You can be certain that these things] that I have told [you] about will happen. That they will happen is more [certain] than that the earth and sky will continue to exist.”
34 “Kihong phauvin! Nalungu, nopchon nale juneh motchon na jeh, chule tuhinkhoa lunggim naho jeh'in motsah hih'un. Hiche nikho chu hetlou kah'a thang banga kimatsah bolhih'un.
“But be on guard. Do not be getting drunk with carousing or let yourselves be distracted by worries [concerning] your lives [SYN] {or let worries [concerning] your lives [SYN] distract you}. [If you do wrong things like those, you may be suddenly surprised by my return] [MTY], like a trap [suddenly catches an animal in it].
35 Ajeh chu hiche nikho chu leiset chunga hing mijouse chunga lhung ding ahi.
[You need to know that my return will surprise] everyone all over the earth.
36 Phat jousen kiging jingin um'un. Chuleh hitobang kichat umtah hunglhung ding peldoh nadia nahat jing thei nadiu le Mihem Chapa angsunga nadin jou thei nadiuvin taovun,” ati.
So be ready at all times. Pray that you will be able to endure without being afraid of all these [difficult] things that will happen, so that you will then stand [confidently] before me, the one who came from heaven.”
37 Niseh le Yeshua houin'ah thuhil dingin achejin, chule nilhah seh le Olive mol'a jan phat mang dingin ahung kile jin ahi.
Each day [during that week Jesus] taught the people in the Temple [courtyard in Jerusalem]. But at night he [and his disciples] left [the city] and stayed on Olive [Tree] Hill.
38 Mihonpi chu houin'ah jingkah seh le athuhil ngai dingin akikhom jiuvin ahi.
Early [each] morning many people came to the Temple [courtyard] to listen to him.

< Luke 21 >