< Thempu Dan 4 >

1 Chuin Pakaiyin Mose henga hitin aseiye,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Israelte henga anoiya hilchahna chengse hi seipeh tan. Koitobang hetlouva chonset bola Pakai danthuho lah a khat pen pen palkeh aum khah a ahileh hitia hi nabol dingu ahi
Speak to the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin unwillingly before the Lord, in any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which he ought not to do, and shall do some of them;
3 Thempu chungnung chun chonset abola ahile, mipi jouse chunga chonset ahin pohlut ahin, hijeh a chu aman hitobang chonset jeh a chu chonset thilto atoding ahi. Hichea chu aman Pakaiya dinga nolnabei bongchalgol khat atoding ahi.
if the anointed priest sin so as to cause the people to sin, then shall he bring for his sin, which he has sinned, an unblemished calf of the herd to the Lord for his sin.
4 Aman Houbuh maiya Pakai koma chu bonchalgol chu ahin kailutna, aluchunga akhut angapma, chule Pakai angsunga chu atha ding ahi.
And he shall bring the calf to the door of the tabernacle of witness before the Lord, and he shall put his hand on the head of the calf before the Lord, and shall kill the calf in the presence of the Lord.
5 Chutengle thempu chungnung chun bongchalgol thisan chu themkhat alah a, Houbuh sunga chu lutding,
And the anointed priest who has been consecrated having received of the blood of the calf, shall then bring it into the tabernacle of witness.
6 Akhutjung chu thisan lah a adelutna, chule muntheng chungnung kidaltan na pondal mai Pakai angsunga chu sagi vei athinkhum ding ahi.
And the priest shall dip his finger into the blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times before the Lord, over against the holy veil.
7 Chutengle thempupa chun Houbuh sunga Pakai angsunga kitung gimnamtui halna maicham chunga saki hoa chu thisan phabep cheh asunlut ding ahi. Bongchalgol thisan adangse vang chu Houbuh maiya pumgo thilto kitona maicham bula chu asunlhah ding ahi.
And the priest shall put of the blood of the calf on the horns of the altar of the compound incense which is before the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of witness; and all the blood of the calf shall he pour out by the foot of the altar of whole burnt offerings, which is by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
8 Chujongle thempupa chun bongchalgol chu athao jouse chonset thilto a todinga alahdoh soh keiding ahi. Hiche sathao lah a chu agila beh athao jouse,
and all the fat of the calf of the sin-offering shall he take off from it; the fat that covers the inwards, and all the fat that is on the inwards,
9 akongbuh toh kinaiya um akal teni le akimvela beh athao chengse, chule athina beh athao jouse jaoding ahi. Hiche ho jouse hi akal teni toh alahdoh tha ding,
and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is on the thighs, and the caul that is on the liver with the kidneys, them shall he take away,
10 chamna thilto a kitoh kelngoi chunga abol banga abola, chule pumgo thilto maicham chunga ahalvam soh keiding ahi.
as he takes it away from the calf of the sacrifice of peace-offering, so shall the priest offer it on the altar of burnt offering.
11 Ahin bongchalgol vun, asa, alu, akengho, asung, chule a-eh amoh jouse chu alah a
And [they shall take] the skin of the calf, and all his flesh with the head and the extremities and the belly and the dung,
12 chule ngahmun polama vutvam ho kisunlhah na a kimang ngai jing muntheng lai khat na apohdoh ding ahi. Hiche vutbou chunga chu thing ati-a agovam ding ahi.
and they shall carry out the whole calf out of the camp into a clean place, where they pour out the ashes, and they shall consume it there on wood with fire: it shall be burnt on the ashes poured out.
13 Israel nampi chun Pakai dan thupeh holah a khat apelkeh a achonset uva, ahivanga amahon achonsetlam akihetdoh hih'u jong le, amaho chu chose hithou thou dingu ahi.
And if the whole congregation of Israel trespass ignorantly, and a thing should escape the notice of the congregation, and they should do one thing forbidden of any of the commands of the Lord, which ought not to be done, and should transgress:
14 Itih hijongle achonset nau ahin kihetdoh tengule, amahon bongchalgol khat chonset thilto dinga ahin to uva chule Houbuh maiya chu ahin kailut dingu ahi.
and the sin wherein they have sinned should become known to them, then shall the congregation bring an unblemished calf of the herd for a sin-offering, and they shall bring it to the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
15 A-upa houchun bongchalgol luchunga chu akhut angap uva Pakai angsunga chu atha dingu ahi.
And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the calf before the Lord, and they shall kill the calf before the Lord.
16 Chutengle Thempu Chungnung chun bongchalgol thisan chu phabep khat alah a Houbuh sunga chu achoilut ding,
And the anointed priest shall bring in of the blood of the calf into the tabernacle of witness.
17 akhut jung chu thisan lah a chu aphum lut a, chule muntheng chungnung kidaltan na pondal mai Pakai angsunga chu sagi vei athinkhum ding ahi.
And the priest shall dip his finger into some of the blood of the calf, and shall sprinkle it seven times before the Lord, in front of the veil of the sanctuary.
18 Chutengle thempupa chun Houbuh sunga Pakai angsunga kitung gimnamtui halna maicham chunga saki ho a chu thisan phabep cheh asunlut ding ahi. Bongchalgol thisan adangse vang chu Houbuh maiya pumgo thilto kitona maicham bula chu asunlhah ding ahi.
And the priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of the incense of composition, which is before the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of witness; and he shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of whole burnt offerings, which is by the door of the tabernacle of witness.
19 Chutengle Thempupa chun sathao jouse chu alahdoh soh kei ding, chule maicham chunga chu ahal vam ding,
And he shall take away all the fat from it, and shall offer it up on the altar.
20 Thempu chung nunga dinga kitoh chonset thilto bongchal kibolna bang banga abol ding ahi. Hitobanga hi, thempupa chun mipi chu asuh thenga, Pakai toh asuhcham ding, chutengle achonset nau ngaidama umding ahi.
And he shall do to the calf as he did to the calf of the sin-offering, so shall it be done; and the priest shall make atonement for them, and the trespass shall be forgiven them.
21 Chutengle thempu pan bongchal amoh chengse chu ngahmun polama achoidoh a ahalvam ding, thempu chungnunga dinga chonset thilto tobanga chu abol ding ahi. Hiche hi Israel mipi jousea dinga chonset thilto ahi.
And they shall carry forth the calf whole without the camp, and they shall burn the calf as they burnt the former calf: it is the sin-offering of the congregation.
22 Koi hijongle Isarel mite lah’a alamkai khat pen chun Pakai a Pathen thupeh apelkeh a achonset khah a ahivanga achonsetna kigeldoh lou aumkhah ahile, amapa chu chonse hithou thou ding ahi.
And if a ruler sin, and break one of all the commands of the Lord his God, [doing the thing] which ought not to be done, unwillingly, and shall sin and trespass,
23 Amapa chun achonsetna ahin kigel doh ni nileh, chonset thilto a dinga nolnabei kelchal khat ahin kailut ding ahi.
and his trespass wherein he has sinned, be known to him, then shall he offer for his gift a kid of the goats, a male without blemish.
24 Chutengle akhut chu kelchal luchanga angap a chule pumgo thilto a kitoh gancha ho kithana Pakai angsunga chu atha ding ahi. Hichu chonset thilto ahi.
And he shall lay his hand on the head of the kid, and they shall kill it in the place where they kill the [victims for] whole burnt offerings before the Lord; it is a sin-offering.
25 Chutengle thempu pan chonset thilto ganthisan lah achu akhut jung aphumlut ding, chule pumgo thlto dinga maicham chunga saki ho a chu asunlut ding ahi. Adangse vang chu maicham bula chu asunlhah ding ahi.
And the priest shall put some of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger on the horns of the altar of whole burnt offering; and he shall pour out all its blood by the bottom of the altar of whole burnt offerings.
26 Chutengle kelchal thao jouse chu maicham chunga ahal vam ding, chamna thilto tobanga abol ding ahi. Hitobanga hi, thempupan lamkaipa chu achonset na a kona asuh thenga, Pakai toh asuhdih ding, chutengle achonsetna kingaidam ding ahi.
And he shall offer up all his fat on the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace-offering; and the priest shall make atonement for him concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him.
27 Koitobang milhamho lah a Pakai thupeh pelkeh a chonset bola, ahivanga abollam helou ho jong chu chonse hithou thou dingu ahi.
And if a soul of the people of the land should sin unwillingly, in doing a thing [contrary to] any of the commandments of the Lord, which ought not to be done, and shall transgress,
28 Achonsetnau ahin geldoh ni niuleh, achonsetnau thilto dinga nolnabei kelpi khat ahin kai dingu ahi.
and his sin should be known to him, wherein he has sinned, then shall he bring a kid of the goats, a female without blemish shall he bring for his sin, which he has sinned.
29 Chonset thilto luchunga chu khut angap uva, pumgo thilto a kitoh gancha ho kithana muna chu atha dingu ahi.
And he shall lay his hand on the head of his sin-offering, and they shall kill the kid of the sin-offering in the place where they kill the [victims for] whole burnt offerings.
30 Chutengle thempu pan akhutjung gan thisen lah achu aphumlut a pumgo thilto dinga maicham chunga saki ho a chu asunlut ding ahi. Thisan amoh chengse vang chu maicham bula asun lhah ding ahi.
And the priest shall take of its blood with his finger, and shall put it on the horns of the altar of whole burnt offerings; and all its blood he shall pour forth by the foot of the altar.
31 Chutengle kelpi thao jouse chu alah doh ding, chamna thilto a kitoh sathao kibolna banga abol ding ahi. Sathao chu maicham chunga ahal vam ding, chule hichu Pakaiya dinga lunglhai um namtui tah hiding ahi. Hitobanga hi, thempupa chun mipi chu asuh thenga Pakai toh asuhdih ding, Chutengle achonsetnau ngaidama um dingu ahi.
And he shall take away all the fat, as the fat is taken away from the sacrifice of peace-offering, and the priest shall offer it on the altar for a smell of sweet savour to the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and [his sin] shall be forgiven him.
32 Mipi chun chonset thilto dinga kelngoi ahin kai uva ahile, hichu nolnabei anu hiding ahi.
And if he should offer a lamb for his sin-offering, he shall offer it a female without blemish.
33 Chonset thilto chunga chu akhut angap uva chule pumgo thilto a kitoh gancha ho kithana muna chu atha dingu ahi.
And he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin-offerings, and they shall kill it in the place where they kill the [victims for] whole burnt offerings.
34 Chutengle thempupan akhutjung chu chonset thilto gan thisan lah a chu aphumlut a pumgo thilto dinga maicham chunga saki ho a chu asunlut ding ahi. Thisan amoh chengse vang chu maicham bula asun lhah ding ahi.
And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and shall put it on the horns of the altar of whole burnt offerings, and he shall pour out all its blood by the bottom of the altar of whole burnt offering.
35 Chutengle kelngoi thao jouse chu alah doh ding, chamna thilto a kitoh kelngoi thao kibolna bang banga abol ding ahi. Pakaiya dinga thilpeh lutah kipehna chunga sathao chu maicham chunga ahal vam ding ahi. Hitobanga hi, thempupan mipi chonsetna a kona asuh thenga, Pakai toh asuhdih ding, chutengle amaho chu ngaidama um dingu ahi.
And he shall take away all his fat, as the fat of the lamb of the sacrifice of peace-offering is taken away, and the priest shall put it on the altar for a whole burnt offering to the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him for the sin which he sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.

< Thempu Dan 4 >