< Jeremiah 45 >

1 Judah gam’a, Josiah chapa Jehoiakim lengvaipoh kal kumli lhin in, Jeremiah themgaopan Neria chapa Baruch kom’a thu aseipih in, Baruch in athusei jouse chu lekhabua ajihlut in. Aman hitin aseiye.
The word which he spoke Jeremiah the prophet to Baruch [the] son of Neriah when wrote he the words these on a scroll from [the] mouth of Jeremiah in the year fourth of Jehoiakim [the] son of Josiah [the] king of Judah saying.
2 Baruch ngaiyin, Israel Pathen in hitin aseiye.
Thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel to you O Baruch.
3 Nangin, kathoh gim valtai; Kathoh natnahi keidin avaltai. Ahinla Pakaiyin eipehbe nalaiye. Keima athipai ding kahitai chule kicholdo phat kaneitapoi.
You said woe! please to me for he has added Yahweh sorrow to pain my I am weary with groaning my and rest not I have found.
4 Vo Baruch, Pakaiyin hitin aseiye. Keiman kasah dohsa hiche nam mite hi kaphet lhah ding, chule kaphusa chu kabodoh ding ahi.
Thus - you will say to him thus he says Yahweh here! [that] which I have built I [am] about to tear down and [that] which I have planted I [am] about to pluck up and all the land it.
5 Nang le nang kikhoh sah’a, chan-loupi bou naki hol ham? Hiti chun boldan, keiman mijouse chunga hamsetna kalhun sah ding ahibouve. Amavang, keiman nachena lam lam’a, nahinkho kahoipih ding nahi, tin Pakaiyin aseiye, ati.
And you you are seeking for yourself great [things] may not you seek [them] for here I [am] about to bring calamity on all flesh [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will give to you life your to plunder at all the places where you will go there.

< Jeremiah 45 >