< Jeremiah 10 >

1 Vo Israel Insung, naheng’a Pakai thusei hi ngaiyuvin!
Hear you the word of the Lord, which he has spoken to you, O house of Israel.
2 Pakaiyin hitin aseiye, “Namtin vaipi ho chonna bangin, vanthangjol’a melchihna chom chom ho jeh in, khonung thua nangho lungthoi hih`un. Amaho jeh chun namtin vaipi tija jongleh, nangho vang kicha hih`un.
Thus says the Lord, Learn you not the ways of the heathen, and be not alarmed at the signs of the sky; for they are alarmed at them, [falling] on their faces.
3 Ajeh chu, amaho chonna lamlheh jouse chu, thujou leh ngolna thu jeng ahi: Amahon gamlah’a thingphung ho aphuhlhu uvin, hichea chu thingthem bolpan, semthu pathen lim asemdoh ji ahi.
For the customs of the nations are vain; it is a tree cut out of the forest, the work of the carpenter, or a molten image.
4 Hichu, sana leh dangka in atomjol un, thingkil in akilun, sehcha’n akhendet un, akitoldoh louna diu asemjiuve.
[They are] beautified with silver and gold, they fix them with hammers and nails;
5 Amahon asemthu-u pathen limho chu, paotheilou leh chattheilou ahin, loulaiya vachate kichat dinga kisemthu milim ho bep ahiuvin, doplea choile ding bep ahiuve, Hitobang semthu pathen ho chu kicha hih un, amaho chun, nachung a thilse jong chuleh thilpha jong abolthei pouve” ati
they will set them up that they may not move; it is wrought silver, they will not walk, it is forged silver They must certainly be borne, for they can’t ride [of themselves]. Fear them not; for they can’t do any evil, and there is no good in them.
6 Vo Pakai hatchungnung, nangtoh kibang koima aumpoi. Nangma loupitah leh lentah nahin, namin jong thaneitah ahi.
7 Nangma namtin vaipi chunga leng nahin, nang changing bou ahi. Ajeh chu, leiset chung a miching jouse leh lenggam jouse lah’a, nangtoh kibang aumpoi.
8 Semthu doilim houhohi, angol leh atanang jeng ahiuve. Amahon kichatah’a ajen uva ahouvuchu, thing’a kon’a kisem thu ahibouve.
9 Amahon Tarshish a konin dangka kikhengtohsa chuleh Uphaz a konin sana ahinpodoh uvin; Hichehoa kon chun, khutthem mihon, semthu pathen lim semdoh un, chujouteng, ponkhui themhon hiche ho chu, ponsandup leh pondum in atomjolsel uvin ahi.
10 Ahinlah, Pakai chu amabou Pathen dihtah ahijing e. Ama chu hingjing Pathen ahin, tonsot lengpa ahi. Alunghan in van leh leiset akithinsah in, namtin vaipin alungsat adoujoupoi.
11 Hichehi semthu Pathen lim houho heng a seipehun, “Nanghon nahouvu, van le leiset ‘a kon’a mangthah gamdiu ahi, tipeh’un,’’ ati:
Thus shall you say to them, Let the gods which have not made heaven and earth perish from off the earth, and from under this sky.
12 Pakaiyin athahat in leiset asemdoh in, achihnan leiset atungdet e. Chule athil hetkhen themnan vanthamjol hi, pon bangin aphou jahe.
It is the Lord that made the earth by his strength, who set up the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the sky,
13 Ama thusah in vanthamjol gin akithongin chule go ajujin; Aman leiset chunga konin meibol ho akaithou sahjin ahi. Aman gotwi ajuhlhah sahjin, kolphe avahsahjin, Chule khopi hui jong akholna-a konin aladohjui ahi.
and set abundance of waters in the sky, and brought up clouds from the ends of the earth; he made lightnings for the rain, and brought forth light out of his treasures.
14 Mijouse hi hetna beiyin tanang in aum’uve. Khut themtah’a thil semdoh ho jong, asemthu-u milim ho chun ajumsah gam’u ahitai. Ajeh chu, asemdoh hou chu abon’a alem’a kisemdoh chule haina hu neilou jeng ahiuve.
Every man is deprived of knowledge, every goldsmith is confounded because of his graven images; for he has cast false gods, there is no breath in them.
15 Hiche semthu doilim ho chu, abon’a pannabei leh alem jong ahiuve. Amaho chu, Pakai nikho ahunglhun teng, Kisumang soh hel dingu ahi.
They are vain works, wrought in mockery; in the time of their visitation they shall perish.
16 Ahivangin, Israel Pathen chu, amaho tobang’a semthu ahipoi. Ama chu imajouse semdohpa Pathen dihtah chu ahin; Israel jeng jong, ama goulo dinga akilhendoh ahin, Ama min chu thaneipen Pakai ahi.
Such is not the portion of Jacob; for he that formed all things, he is his inheritance; the Lord is his name.
17 Naponvai kichuntup un, khopi dalha dingin kigosan um un, gal miten naumkimsoh’u ahitai.
He has gathered your substance from without the lodged in choice [vessels].
18 Ijeh inem itileh Pakaiyin hitin aseiye. “Photlot changa, hiche gamsunga chengho nabonuva, kasepdoh ding nahiuve. Keiman nachunguva gim gentheina nasatah kabuh lhah ding, chuleh nanghon kalungsatna natokhah teidiu ahi,”ati.
For thus says the Lord, Behold, I [will] overthrow the inhabitants of this land with affliction, that your plague may be discovered.
19 Kaki suhkhahna maha anase behseh in, kathoh gimna jong ahahsa valtai. Kanatna jong adamthei louding ahitan, hijongle engbolna kato ahijeh'in, kathoh doh ding ahi, kati.
Alas for your ruin! your plague is grievous: and I said, Surely this is your wound, and it has overtaken you.
20 Ka-in jong akisusen, eikithopia eisoldoh pih ding mi koima aumpoi. Kachate jong eilah peh uvin, keiman avel’a amaho chu kamukit louding ahitai.
Your tabernacle is in a ruinous state, it has perished; and all your curtains have been torn asunder: my children and my cattle are no more: there is no more any place for my tabernacle, [nor] place for my curtains.
21 Kamite, kelngoi chinga pangho, alung chavai leh atanang jeng ahiuvin: Ajeh chu, amahon Pakaiya hungkon chihna ahol tapouve. Hitijeh chun, abolna lam jouseuva alosam’un, chuleh achin’u kelngoi hon ho jong avahcheh gamtauvin ahi.
For the shepherds have become foolish, and have not sought the Lord; therefore the whole pasture has failed, and [the sheep] have been scattered.
22 Ngaiyun, gin umtah gal miho ogin kithong jeju pumin, sahlam’a konin ahung kitolsuh uve. Amahon Judate khopi jouse alonkhumuva asuhmangdiu, khogem nung’a ngei-hon te kokhuh asosah diu ahi.
Behold, there comes a sound of a noise, and a great earthquake from the land of the north, to make the cities of Juda a desolation, and a resting-place for ostriches.
23 O Pakai keiman kahet Kahinkhohi keima thua um ahipon, chuleh kakalse nading leh kam'a lamjot nading jong, keima sunga um ahipoi.
I know, O Lord, that man's way is not his own; neither shall a man go, and direct his going.
24 Hijeh chun Vo Pakai, keima neisudih tan, Na lunghan hu-in vang neibol hih in, keiman kadoujou louhel ding ahi.
Chasten us, O Lord, but with judgement; and not in wrath, lest you make us few.
25 Nalungsat chu, nangma hephalou namtin vaipi ho chunga bunglhan. Chule nangma minphah nomlou mite chunga bunglhan. Ajeh chu amahon Israel insung abahgamun, anechai hel tauve. Chuleh agamsungu jong ahomkeovin aumsah tauvin ahi.
Pour out your wrath upon the nations that have not known you, and upon the families that have not called upon your name: for they have devoured Jacob, and consumed him, and have made his pasture desolate.

< Jeremiah 10 >